Sequence: Collaborative Writing: Climate Change and the Need for Action

Sequence Information
Sequence: Collaborative Writing: Climate Change and the Need for Action
Lesson Title: Collaborative Writing: Climate Change and the Need for Action.


Students will be able to collaborate effectively in small groups to write a persuasive essay on a Climate Change and the Need for Action.


    - Laptops or computers with internet access
    - Rubric for the persuasive essay


    Introduction (5 minutes)

     - Start the lesson by introducing the concept of collaborative writing and explaining its benefits.
     - Explain that students will be working in small groups to write a persuasive essay on a given topic.
     - Review the rubric for the persuasive essay and explain the expectations for each component.

    Group Formation (5 minutes)

     - Divide the students into groups of three to four members.
     - Assign each group a topic for their persuasive essay.

    Brainstorming & Outlining (10 minutes)

     - Instruct each group to brainstorm ideas for their essay, based on the topic.
     - Encourage them to think critically and come up with compelling arguments and evidence to support their position.
     - Instruct each group to create an outline for their essay, based on the ideas generated during brainstorming.
     - Emphasise the importance of organisation and structure in persuasive writing.

    Collaborative Writing (40 minutes)

     - Instruct each group to begin writing their essay, using a collaborative writing (doKu).
     - Encourage students to divide up the writing tasks and work collaboratively to ensure that each member contributes to the final product.
     - Use doKu to monitor the students progress and offer feedback and guidance as needed.

    Gallery Walk (20 minutes)

     - Have each group exchange their essays with another group for peer review.
     - Encourage students to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
     - Give each group time to revise their essays based on the feedback received.

    Presentation (10 minutes)

     - Have each group present their essay to the class.
     - Encourage students to explain their arguments and evidence, and to respond to questions from the audience.


     - Assess each group's essay based on the rubric provided (see below).
     - Evaluate each student's contribution to the collaborative writing process, based on their participation in brainstorming, outlining, and gallery walk.
     - Provide feedback on areas for improvement and celebrate successes and accomplishments.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

     - Develop important skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, and persuasive writing.
     - By working collaboratively, students will be able to learn from one another and create a more cohesive and compelling final essay.

Evaluation Rubric

Criteria for Evaluation:

    Thesis Statement and Introduction (10 points)

     - The essay has a clear and strong thesis statement that presents a clear position on the need for immediate action to address climate change.
     - The introduction engages the reader and provides context for the essay.

    Argument and Evidence (30 points)

     - The essay presents a well-reasoned and compelling argument that supports the thesis statement.
     - The essay provides convincing evidence to support the argument, using examples from credible sources such as scientific studies, economic reports, and government policies.

    Counterarguments and Refutations (20 points)

     - The essay anticipates and addresses potential counterarguments to the writer's position, showing a nuanced understanding of the issue.
     - The essay provides strong and effective refutations to these counterarguments.

    Organisation and Structure (15 points)

     - The essay has a logical and coherent structure, with clear topic sentences and well-organised paragraphs.
     - Transitions between ideas are smooth and effective.

    Writing Style and Mechanics (15 points)

     - The essay is well-written, with a strong and engaging writing style.
     - The essay is free of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors.

    Conclusion and Call to Action (10 points)

     - The essay concludes with a strong and effective call to action, encouraging the reader to take action or consider the writer's position.
     - The conclusion summarises the main arguments of the essay and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Total Points: 100

Author view:

Audience: High school College - University
Subjects: Environmental studies
Language: English
LAMS Version: 4.6
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 5.0 stars (5). Based on 1 reviews.
Number of downloads: 2 times
Number of previews: 14 times
Authored By:   Chelsea Bullock
Date: 04 May 2023 03:25 AM
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