Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: adding lams_openid to workspace, building and running LAMS

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1: adding lams_openid to workspace, building and running LAMS
08/04/11 08:03 PM
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Hello all,

I am attempting to add lams_openid to my existing workspace and subsequently build and run LAMS.

The other projects in my workspace are from the lams2_3_release branch. jBoss version is v4.0.2. MySQL Server is v5.1.

I followed the instructions that are outlined in this readme file:,r=1.1/lams/lams_openid/readme.txt

I’ve included screen shots of what I did below. As you will see in the last step, there was an error during the deployment of the lams_openid component. Does anyone have any thoughts what could be the cause of this issue?

Many thanks,


I imported the lams_openid project into the existing workspace
• File --> New Project --> CV --> Projects from CVS
• Use Existing Repository Location --> pserver:anonymous
• Use an existing module --> lams_openid --> Next --> Next --> Next --> Finish

I've attached screen shots to illustrate (in the following order):
#1 How I imported the lams_openid project into the existing workspace
#2 Lams_openid: Config.jsp settings
#3 Maintain integrated servers settings
#4 Error that I get after building lams_openid and running jBoss again. At this point I can’t run the LAMS application

Posted by Praveen P

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