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Browsing LAMS sequences for: ΜΑΡΙΑ ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ (3)

(See profile)
3 sequences
Member since: January 31, 2013
Sequence info License
Keywords:biodiversity,global warming,climate change,animal extinction

Subject:surfing the internet

Audience:A and B Lyceum students

Run time:10 hours

Delivery Mode:in and out of class

Resources:computer,internet,microsoft word.

Outline of Activities:team work

Downloaded: 7 times
Updated on: March 25, 2013
Keywords:biodiversity,global warming,climate change,animal extinction

Subject:surfing the internet

Audience:A and B Lyceum students

Run time:10 hours

Delivery Mode:in and out of class

Resources:computer,internet,microsoft word.

Outline of Activities:team work

Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: March 25, 2013
In this sequence  we teach students how to find info about jobs that are in crisis and the jobs that are not in crisis.

Keywords:epaggelmata se krisi,epilogi epaggelmatos

Subject:έρευνα στο διαδίκτυο

Audience:Μαθητές Α και Β Λυκείου

Run time:15 ώρες(2 ώρες στην τάξη και τις υπόλοιπες εκτός τάξης)

Delivery Mode:in and out of class

Resources:computer,internet,microsoft word...

Downloaded: 7 times
Updated on: March 25, 2013