Sequence Information

Subject:ENGLISH-especially designed to Stage 2 students in learning English subject and how to use the proper and correct verb either in writing or dailylife.

Audience:STAGE 2

Run time:1 HOUR

Delivery Mode:LAMS

Resources:computers with internet access to all students, access to YouTube and online game

Outline of Activities:

1. Introduction – Noticeboard.
Develops students' interest in learning English by showing them a video. By doing this, students will be more interested in learning.

2. Gives the definition of the "Verb" and types of "Verb" – Mindmap
Students do not need to read too much. Besides, mind maps are more visual and much easier to recall than linear notes.

3. Explains more about the four types of verb - Optional Sequences
This activity is divided into four sessions by using the Optional Sequences. The reason is to ensure that it will be easier for the students to read since it is divided into smaller parts. They do not have to read too much. Besides, the words are written in different colors, so that the students will not get bored easily.

4. Gives better understanding about the types of verb by showing an interesting music video – Noticeboard
From this video, students can listen to the nice song which is about “Verb”. According to Davidson and Powell (19xx), “the use of easy-listening background music is effective in increasing on-task-performance of children in classroom”.

5. Provides multiple choice of activities – Branching
Students are able to involve in the activity. According to Constructivist theory of learning, students will learn more if they engage actively in the learning process or experience it

6. First Activity: Watching Video – Noticeboard
Funny video is shown and students are required to identify “verbs” contained in the video. Again, this is an interesting activity which helps the teachers to keep their students stay focus on the learning process.

7. Asks students to discuss their findings with their friends – Chat Tool
Students can impress their friends and teachers by coming out with the most verbs. Any rewards or praise given by their teachers and friends will motivate the students to involve more in the classroom activity. B.F. Skinner, in his research about Behaviorist theory of learning, suggests that, pleasant experiences are positive reinforces.

8. Second Activity: Coloring - Pixlr
Color the circle according to its type of verb as to know their understanding on "Verb". In line with a NSW Board of Studies syllabus item (English K-6 syllabus), this activity allows students to explore the way in which grammatical patterns build up the meaning in different types of texts (e.g. the use of saying and thinking verbs in narratives and the
use of relating verbs in information reports).

9. Third Activity: Identifying – Q & A
Students have to identify the verbs in each sentence given. They need to submit the answer and the feedback will be given later. Here, we let the students find the answers by themselves. After that, teachers will help them and explain to them what are they doing. Lev Vygotsky, in 1934, suggested that teachers should guide the students and not just giving the answers. Teachers have to know students' capability and let them rise to their potential by their own.

10. Closing- Noticeboard
Again, the video is shown. Just to give a good impression to the students before they end the lesson and makes them more interested in learning “Verb”.

Followup Activities
Have students do lot of reading and interesting online activities about verb stucture: for example, and

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Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.3.4.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 15 times
Number of previews: 55 times
Authored By:   farhad daud
Date: 01 April 2010 01:57 AM
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