Sequence: Stage 3 Active Lifestyles - EDUC261 - FINAL

Sequence Information
Sequence: Stage 3 Active Lifestyles - EDUC261 - FINAL
Keywords: Stage 3, PDHPE, Active Lifestyles, Personal, Goals, Barriers, Sport, Physical Activity, Fitness, Health

Subject: What contributes to a Healthy Lifestyle, barriers to achieving a healthy lifestyle, and creation of personal goals and strategies to achieve a healthy lifestyle

Audience: Years 4-5 Primary School

Run time: Approx. 40 mins

Delivery Mode: Online


Outline of Activities: Students taken through why people exercise, what makes up a healthy lifestyle, barriers to achieving a healthy lifestyle, interactive scenarios and finally brainstorm their own goals and strategies to achieve these goals.

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Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.4.1.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Private. No one but me
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 3 times
Number of previews: 60 times
Authored By:   Tamika Baliva
Date: 09 April 2013 03:20 AM
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