Sequence: Verb!!Verb!!Verb!!

Sequence Information
Sequence: Verb!!Verb!!Verb!!

Subject:especially designed to Stage 4 students in learning English subject and how to use the proper and correct verb either in writing or real life.

Audience:Stage 4- Year 7 and 8

Run time:1 hour

Delivery Mode:Online,LAMS 2.2.0

Resources:Computer with internet access to all students, access to youtube and online game

Outline of Activities:

1. introduction to the topic which is "Verb" by giving them the definition - Noticeboard

2. discussion on the definition of the "Verb" by using the chat box - Chat Tool

3. show the students a video on how to use the correct and proper verb - Noticeboard

4. ask the students 3 multiple questions in knowing what they've got from the discussion and video - Multiple Choice Tool

5. provide the writing task as to test their prior knowledge on "Verb".The students will write about "My Hobby" - Question and Answer Tool

6. online Games - Noticeboard

7. ask the students 3 multiple choice questions as to know their understanding on "Verb" - Multiple Choice Tool

8. Writing task-write a new paragraph on the same topic which is "My Hobby" and edit their essay - Queation and Answer Tool

9. discussion on the changes they have made in the second writing and compare it with the first one-peer editing - Chat Tool

11. Evaluation and feedback on what they have learnt by using 2 questions in order to know their understanding in using " Verb"- Quaestion and Answer Tool

12. Closing- Noticeboard

Author view:

Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.2.0.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 13 times
Number of previews: 57 times
Authored By:   izzaidah md atan
Date: 06 April 2009 07:01 AM
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