Sequence: alycerogers lams sequence

Sequence Information
Sequence: alycerogers lams sequence
Keywords: drugs, health, alcohol, effects

Subject: PDHPE Drug Use

Audience: Years 7-10

Run time: 1 hr

Delivery Mode:

Resources:videos, case study, images.

Outline of Activities: students work through a series of activities including chat and scribe, case studies, multiple choice, Q&A and votes in order to meet the NSW BOS syllabus outcomes where studnets "learn about the classification of drugs, short-term and long term effects on health and wellbeing and explore the effects of peoples drug use"

Author view:

Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.2.0.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 6 times
Number of previews: 13 times
Authored By:   alyce rogers
Date: 06 April 2009 08:34 PM
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