Sequence: Love (English)

Sequence Information
Sequence: Love (English)
Keywords: Writing

Subject: English

Audience: Year 7 Stage 4 students

Run time: 60 minutes

Delivery Mode: Expository and Activities


Outline of Activities:

1) Provide learning outcomes to be achieved

2) Questioning - Activate prior knowledge

3) Provide new knowledge - To assimilate and adapt with prior knowledge

4) Optional activities - Fulfil students' needs and learning styles. Provide four different materials: songs, videos, pictures and poems.

5) Chat - discuss about phrase given and share thoughts and opinions.

6) Notebook - list down all important and significant points acquired from the optional activities and chat.

7) Provide writing tasks - students choose whether to do guided writing or creative writing.

8) Drafting - Give students opportunity to draft their writing

9) Writing

8) Wiki - share their writing with others.

Author view:

Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.2.0.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
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Name Size (bytes) Date Uploaded
Introduction.docx 58958 04/07/09 01:17 AM
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Number of previews: 17 times
Authored By:   mohd khairudin hussain
Date: 07 April 2009 12:50 AM
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