Sequence: Yr 10 Catholic Studies- Eucharist

Sequence Information
Sequence: Yr 10 Catholic Studies- Eucharist



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Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.3.2.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 5.0 stars (5). Based on 1 reviews.
Number of downloads: 19 times
Number of previews: 32 times
Authored By:   Fadi Hajjar
Date: 27 October 2009 09:33 PM
User Comments on Yr 10 Catholic Studies- Eucharist sequence

    Found the preview of your Eucharist LAMS

    Hello Fadi Hajjar,

    I emailed you a few moments ago about finding information of activating the LAMS for Moodle. I would like to ask your permission to use your Eucharist Learning Activity as part of my thesis. I intend to introduce Moodle as a CMS for a Confirmation Program.

    Your allowance will assist in my rapid prototyping process of design. I would be honored if you allow this, as I have searched for LOs dedicated to catechesis for high school students. I found some in Australia, but the target audience is younger and the content does not fit the context of my project, which happens to be helping the catechumens understand better the meaning of the Holy Mass for a deeper participation throughout their initiatory catechesis.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    May the Good Lord continue to bless your important work!

    Raul Lozada

    Raul Lozada on February 01, 2010 06:16 AM (view details)