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Language and Locale | Translators | Wanna translate? |
Arabic (Jordan) | (4) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) | (1) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Catalan (Spain) | (1) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Chinese (China) | (8) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Chinese (Taiwan) | (5) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Czech (Czech Republic) | (1) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Danish (Denmark) | (1) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Dutch (Belgium) | (3) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
English (Australia) | (5) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Estonian (Estonia) | (1) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
French (France) | (7) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
German (Germany) | (3) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Greek (Greece) | (5) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Hungarian (Hungary) | (3) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Indonesian (formerly in) (Indonesia) | (1) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Italian (Italy) | (15) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Japanese (Japan) | (2) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Korean (South Korea) | (2) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Lithuanian (Lithuania) | (2) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Malay (Malaysia) | (1) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Maori (New Zealand) | (2) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Norwegian (Norway) | (2) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Polish (Poland) | (4) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Portuguese (Brazil) | (10) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Russian (Russia) | (4) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Slovenian (Slovenia) | (6) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Spanish (Mexico) | (7) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Spanish (Spain) | (8) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Swedish (Sweden) | (2) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Thai (Thailand) | (3) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Turkish (Turkey) | (4) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Vietnamese (Viet Nam) | (5) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |
Welsh (United Kingdom) | (1) Meet the Translators! | Become Translator |