You can only rate up to {0} students.
You can only rate up to {0} students.
05/22/18 12:56 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
There are no students available for rating. Press Refresh to update.
There are no students available for rating. Press Refresh to update.
05/22/18 12:57 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Notify students of results
Notify students of results
05/22/18 12:58 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
This student cannot be rated as it attracted the maximum number of rates already.
This student cannot be rated as it attracted the maximum number of rates already.
05/22/18 12:58 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Manage students
Manage students
05/22/18 12:33 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Remove student from rating
Remove student from rating
05/22/18 12:33 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
You have not rated this student
You have not rated this student
05/22/18 12:33 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to stop rating this student? It will lead to removal of all ratings and comments left by him/her.
Are you sure you want to stop rating this student? It will lead to removal of all ratings and comments left by him/her.
05/22/18 12:33 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Note: After you click on {0}, if you come back to this Peer Review, you will not be able to rate new students.
Note: After you click on {0}, if you come back to this Peer Review, you will not be able to rate new students.
05/22/18 12:33 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Rate all students
Rate all students
05/22/18 12:33 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Rate a minimum of {0} and a maximum of {1} students.
Rate a minimum of {0} and a maximum of {1} students.
05/22/18 12:33 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
The instructor has set this activity not to allow you to view or rate any more students after you have finished it.
The instructor has set this activity not to allow you to view or rate any more students after you have finished it.
05/22/18 12:33 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Feedback from group members for {0}:
Feedback from group members for {0}:
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Self rating
Self rating
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
You have rated {0} students already.
You have rated {0} students already.
05/22/18 12:33 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
You must rate at least {0} students.
You must rate at least {0} students.
05/22/18 12:33 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Max number of reviews (applies only to Star Ratings)
Max number of reviews (applies only to Star Ratings)
05/22/18 01:00 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome?
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome?
03/27/19 08:24 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
12/28/18 09:34 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code
Search and select by outcome name or code
12/28/18 09:34 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Added outcomes
Added outcomes
12/28/18 09:34 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
12/28/18 09:34 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Spreadsheet downloaded
Spreadsheet downloaded
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
SPA Factor
SPA Factor
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
SAPA Factor
SAPA Factor
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Self rating
Self rating
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Peer Review
Peer Review
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Individual peer review.
Individual peer review.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Individual peer review.
Individual peer review.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Peer Review Tool
Peer Review Tool
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Tool for individual peer review.
Tool for individual peer review.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Error page
Error page
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Some error(s) occurred when handling your request
Some error(s) occurred when handling your request
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Peer Review Authoring
Peer Review Authoring
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Peer Review
Peer Review
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Lock when finished
Lock when finished
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Title can not be blank.
Title can not be blank.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving?
Do you want to close this window without saving?
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Peer Review Learning
Peer Review Learning
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Edit Activity
Edit Activity
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Number of learners
Number of learners
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Next Activity
Next Activity
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
No session available
No session available
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity.
Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Try again
Try again
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Add a notebook at end of Peer Review with the following instructions:
Add a notebook at end of Peer Review with the following instructions:
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Notebook Entry
Notebook Entry
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
No notebook available
No notebook available
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Warning: One of more learners have accessed this activity. Changing this content will result in learners getting different information.
Warning: One of more learners have accessed this activity. Changing this content will result in learners getting different information.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Advanced settings
Advanced settings
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Add a notebook at end of Peer Review
Add a notebook at end of Peer Review
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions
Notebook instructions
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Peer Review Monitoring
Peer Review Monitoring
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Average rating {0}/{1} votes
Average rating {0}/{1} votes
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Redo ratings
Redo ratings
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Rating criteria
Rating criteria
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Add criterion
Add criterion
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your rating is {0}
Your rating is {0}
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
You gave a rating of {0}
You gave a rating of {0}
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Avg rating {0} out of {1} votes
Avg rating {0} out of {1} votes
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum set for ratings. Please check and try again.
There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum set for ratings. Please check and try again.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Minimum number of ratings:
Minimum number of ratings:
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Maximum number of ratings:
Maximum number of ratings:
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
No minimum
No minimum
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
No maximum
No maximum
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Minimum number of words in a comment {0}
Minimum number of words in a comment {0}
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
There is a minimum required number of words in a comment is {0}. You have entered {1} word(s).
There is a minimum required number of words in a comment is {0}. You have entered {1} word(s).
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Type your comment here then click on the green tick.
Type your comment here then click on the green tick.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Allow learners to comment on other learners
Allow learners to comment on other learners
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Sort by user name
Sort by user name
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
User name
User name
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
After completion, show feedback left for the current student
After completion, show feedback left for the current student
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Minimum number of words in a comment{0}
Minimum number of words in a comment{0}
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
No ratings left
No ratings left
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Comment text is missing.
Comment text is missing.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Please wait while the learners\' details are set up ready for you to review their responses.
Please wait while the learners\' details are set up ready for you to review their responses.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Unable to save the review - the maximum number of ratings may have been reached. The page will now be refreshed.
Unable to save the review - the maximum number of ratings may have been reached. The page will now be refreshed.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
End of activity
End of activity
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Star rating
Star rating
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Ask for hedging justification?
Ask for hedging justification?
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Assign marks to answers. Max possible mark: 10
Assign marks to answers. Max possible mark: 10
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Please, justify your mark allocation.
Please, justify your mark allocation.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Total hedge mark
Total hedge mark
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Marks for criteria {0} must add up to {1}
Marks for criteria {0} must add up to {1}
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
You must rank all the learners for criteria {0}
You must rank all the learners for criteria {0}
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Justify your mark allocation.
Justify your mark allocation.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Assign up to {0} marks altogether, sharing marks across learners. Current total: {1}.
Assign up to {0} marks altogether, sharing marks across learners. Current total: {1}.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
The marks must add up to {0}.
The marks must add up to {0}.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Fill the boxes with the top {0} entries, by dragging the learners' name onto the box.
Fill the boxes with the top {0} entries, by dragging the learners' name onto the box.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
The marks must add up to {0}.
The marks must add up to {0}.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Order the learners in ranking order, from first to last, by dragging learners from the right hand column to the left column. Dragging a name on top of another will put the new name first. All learners must be ranked.
Order the learners in ranking order, from first to last, by dragging learners from the right hand column to the left column. Dragging a name on top of another will put the new name first. All learners must be ranked.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
All learners must be ranked.
All learners must be ranked.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Add learner here....
Add learner here....
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
All learners added
All learners added
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Step {0} of {1}
Step {0} of {1}
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Allow self review
Allow self review
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
{0} Comments
{0} Comments
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Learners needed to rank ALL the learners.
Learners needed to rank ALL the learners.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Learners needed to rank {0} learners.
Learners needed to rank {0} learners.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Learners needed to assign {0} marks altogether.
Learners needed to assign {0} marks altogether.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
(Your rankings shown in brackets after name)
(Your rankings shown in brackets after name)
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
(Your marks shown in brackets after name)
(Your marks shown in brackets after name)
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Average rankings:
Average rankings:
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Average marks:
Average marks:
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your justification:
Your justification:
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Number of learners
Number of learners
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Number of learners finished
Number of learners finished
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
View {0}
View {0}
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Review options
Review options
10/08/17 01:09 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
LAMS: {0} results were released
LAMS: {0} results were released
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
No results
No results
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
{0} Email(s) Sent
{0} Email(s) Sent
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Email Results
Email Results
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
No of team members
No of team members
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
For {0}
For {0}
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
SPA factor
SPA factor
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Total team mark
Total team mark
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Individual mark
Individual mark
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
You may edit but you may not remove a saved comment.
You may edit but you may not remove a saved comment.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Unable to save comments
Unable to save comments
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
After completion, show feedback left for other students
After completion, show feedback left for other students
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Ratings left for you
Ratings left for you
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
{0} rating(s) out of {1} possible ratings.
{0} rating(s) out of {1} possible ratings.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Uncheck all learners that should not be rated by others
Uncheck all learners that should not be rated by others
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
The teacher has limited your ability to rate and be rated in this activity.
The teacher has limited your ability to rate and be rated in this activity.
10/08/17 01:06 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Peers\' rating
Peers\' rating
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
SPA < 1.0
SPA < 1.0
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
SPA = 1.0
SPA = 1.0
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
SPA > 1.0
SPA > 1.0
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
SAPA < 1.0
SAPA < 1.0
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
SAPA = 1.0
SAPA = 1.0
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
SAPA > 1.0
SAPA > 1.0
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your performance is below expectation and your self-assessment is too low.
Your performance is below expectation and your self-assessment is too low.
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your performance met expectation but your self-assessment is too low.
Your performance met expectation but your self-assessment is too low.
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your performance exceeds expectation but your self-assessment is too low.
Your performance exceeds expectation but your self-assessment is too low.
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your performance is below expectation and your self-assessment is about right.
Your performance is below expectation and your self-assessment is about right.
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your performance met expectation and your self-assessment is about right.
Your performance met expectation and your self-assessment is about right.
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your performance exceeds expectation and your self-assessment is about right.
Your performance exceeds expectation and your self-assessment is about right.
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your performance is below expectation and your self-assessment is too high.
Your performance is below expectation and your self-assessment is too high.
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your performance met expectation but your self-assessment is too high.
Your performance met expectation but your self-assessment is too high.
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Your performance exceeds expectation but your self-assessment is too high.
Your performance exceeds expectation but your self-assessment is too high.
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
This message was sent automatically, please do not reply to it.
This message was sent automatically, please do not reply to it.
02/22/18 05:44 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Email preview
Email preview
03/28/18 05:35 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
View / email results
View / email results
03/28/18 05:35 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
03/28/18 05:35 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
Sending failed - preview cannot be sent. Please create a new preview.
Sending failed - preview cannot be sent. Please create a new preview.
03/28/18 05:35 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
SAPA factor
SAPA factor
03/04/20 02:52 PM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!
[create new]
[create new]
12/07/19 12:01 AM
Ernie Ghiglione
Become a Translator!