Module: Forum for Korean South Korea

Module Information

Module Name: Forum
Description: Discussion tool useful for long running collaborations and situations where learners are not all on line at the same time.
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 04/01/06 01:30 AM
% translated: 73.87% (181 out of 245)

Translated Labels

English Korean Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Yes 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
No 아니오 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
On 켜짐 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Notebook Entries 노트북 입력 항목 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. 교수자가 이 활동 내용을 완성할때까지 기다려 주기 바랍니다. 07/16/06 02:55 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Try again 재시도 07/16/06 02:56 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Off 꺼짐 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Forum 포럼 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Online threaded discussion tool (asynchronous). 온라인 토론 도구(비동기) 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Discussion tool useful for long running collaborations and situations where learners are not all on line at the same time. 학습자가 동시에 온라인 상태가 아닐 경우 및 장시간 협력활동에 유용한 토론 도구 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Forum Tool 포럼 도구 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: A medium where ideas and views on a particular issue/topic can be exchanged. 포럼 도구, 메세지 게시판 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Forum 포럼 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Create topic 새 토픽 만들기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Title 제목 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Save 저장 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Cancel 취소 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Subject 제목 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Body 본문 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Last post 마지막 게시 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Author 작성자 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Replies 답변 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Mark 점수 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
By 에 의해 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
# of Msg 메세지 수 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Aver mark 평균 점수 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View mark 사용자 점수 보기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit mark 사용자 점수 편집 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Edit Activity 활동 편집 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View instructions 지시사항 보기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
View topic 토픽보기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Statistic 통계 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Cancel 취소 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Edit 편집 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Average message mark 평균 메세지 점수 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
# of total message 전체 메세지 수 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Value Required 값이 필요합니다. 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Mark must be a number 점수는 정수 값이어야 합니다. 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Mark is invalid number format 점수가 수 형식이 아닙니다. 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Title can not be blank 제목은 공백으로 둘 수 없습니다. 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Add Message 메세지 추가 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
View Message 메세지 보기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Reply Message 응답 메세지 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Edit Message 메세지 편집 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Instructions 지시사항 11/02/06 11:58 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Subject 제목 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Body 본문 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Attachment 첨부 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Posted on: 에게시됨 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Thread replies 쓰레드 답변 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Reply 답변 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Open 열기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Delete 삭제 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
View 보기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Edit 편집 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Reply 답변 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Done 완료 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Next Activity 종료 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
New Topic 새 주제 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Refresh 새로고침 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Characters left 문자들을 왼쪽으로 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Basic 기본 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Advanced 고급 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Instructions 지시사항 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Upload 올리기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Done 완료 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Submit 제출 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
On 켜짐 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Off 꺼짐 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Add 추가 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Cancel 취소 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The input is invalid number format 입력이 잘못된 숫자 형식입니다. 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The input must be greater than 0 입력된 수는 0보다 커야합니다. 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The following error(s) occurred: 다음과 같은 오류가 발생하였습니다. 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Summary 요약 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Edit Activity 활동 편집 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
provides following posts: 다음 글들을 게시함 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Comment 코멘트 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Not Available 메세지 접근 불가 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Update mark 점수 갱신 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please assign a mark and a comment for the report by 보고서에 대해 점수를 주고 코멘트를 해 주십시요 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Session Name 세션 이름 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No data 사용자 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
View all marks 모든 점수 보기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Download marks 점수 내려 받기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
View forum 포럼보기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No session available 사용가능한 세션 없음 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Message subject hidden 감춰진 메세지 제목 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Message body hidden 감춰진 메세지 본문 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Show 보기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Hide 감추기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Forum Monitoring 포럼 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Statistics 통계 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Save 저장 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Cancel 취소 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Basic 기본 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Advanced 고급 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Forum Authoring 포럼 만들기 05/06/06 11:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings 고급설정 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? 저장하지 않고 윈도우를 닫기 원하십니까? 05/18/06 07:07 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at the end of Forum 포럼의 긑에 노트북 추가 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions 노트북 지시사항 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Posting for this thread: Minimum {0} and Maximum {1}. You have posted {2} message(s). 이 글에 대한 게시물: 최소 {0} 최대 {1}. 현재 {2} 개 메세지를 게시하였습니다. 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Posting limitations for this forum: Minimum {0} and Maximum {1} per thread. 이 포럼에서 게시물 제한: 글타래당 최소 {0} 최대 {1} 09/05/08 01:10 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Note: After you click on "Next Activity" and you come back to this Forum, you won't be able to continue posting. "다음 활동"을 클릭한다음 이 포럼으로 다시오면 게시를 할 수 없습니다. 09/05/08 01:10 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Date 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Marks 채점표시 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Comments 09/05/08 12:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of forum with the following instructions: 다음 지시사항과 함께 포럼의 마지막에 노트북 추가 11/02/06 12:03 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The instructor has set this activity not to allow postings after you have finished it. As you are returning to this Forum again, you are able to see all threads but not allow to post anymore. 활동을 완료한 후에는 더 이상 게시를 할 수 없도록 교수자가 설정하였습니다. 이 포럼에 다시오면 모든 글타래들을 볼 수 있지만 더 이상 게시할 수 없습니다. 09/05/08 01:10 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Marked? 채점표시? 09/05/08 01:10 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Allow learners to use rich text editor 학습자들에게 고급편집기 허용 11/02/06 12:00 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Maximum number of characters per posting 게시물당 최대 입력문자수 11/02/06 12:00 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Allow learners to add attachments 학습자에게 파일 첨부 허용 11/02/06 12:02 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Lock when finished 완료되면 잠김 11/02/06 11:59 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Allow learners to change their own postings 학습자들에게 자신들의 게시물 변경 허용 11/02/06 11:59 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Started by 시작한 사람 11/02/06 12:01 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Back to topics 포럼으로 되돌아가기 11/02/06 12:01 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Subject can not be blank. 제목을 빈칸으로 남겨둘 수 없습니다. 10/17/06 11:59 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Instructor 교수자 10/17/06 11:59 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Body can not be blank. 본문은 공백이 될 수 없습니다. 10/17/06 11:58 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Close 닫기 08/04/06 05:48 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook Entry 고찰 09/25/06 03:19 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Continue 계속 09/25/06 03:19 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Name 이름 09/25/06 03:19 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Login 로그인 이름 09/25/06 03:20 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry 고찰 09/25/06 03:20 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View Notebook entries 고찰 보기 09/25/06 03:20 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Maximum: 최대 08/09/06 08:08 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Marks in {0} have been released. {0} 의 점수가 발표되었습니다. 08/09/06 08:09 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Release marks 점수 발표 08/09/06 08:09 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Allow learners to create new topics 학습자가 새로운 주제 만드는 것 허용 08/09/06 08:10 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Number of posts per learner per thread. 학습자당 토픽당 게시물 수 08/09/06 08:11 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Minimum: 최소 08/09/06 08:11 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
No minimum 최소 없음 08/09/06 08:12 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Message attachment hidden 메세지 첨부가 숨겨짐 09/25/06 03:17 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
No maximum 최대 없음 08/09/06 08:12 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The maximum number of posts must be greater than or equal to the minimum number of posts. 최대 게시물의 수는 최소 게시물의 수보다 같거나 커야합니다. 08/09/06 08:31 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Limitation of input characters must be greater zero. 입력문자수에 대한 제한은 0보다 커야 합니다. 08/09/06 08:32 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You must contribute at least {0} posts in each topic before finish. 마치기 전에 최소 {0} 개의 게시물을 게시하여야 합니다. 08/09/06 08:32 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please add at least 1 topic when "allow learners to create new topics" option is off. "학습자가 새로운 토픽을 만드는 것을 허용"하는 옵션이 꺼져 있을 때는 최소 1개 이상의 토픽을 추가하십시요. 08/09/06 08:34 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Posting limits 게시 한계 09/25/06 03:18 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please input notebook entry 고찰을 입력해 주십시요. 09/25/06 03:18 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Original message 원본 메세지 01/02/08 11:12 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Number of postings 학습자의 포럼 게시물 수 01/02/08 11:13 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Notify learners when marks are released. 채점이 공개되면 학습자에게 통지 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Conditions 조건들 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please enter conditions for Forum 포럼에 대한 조건들을 입력하세요. 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Conditions 조건들 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Add condition 조건 추가 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Conditions 조건 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Order 순서 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
There are no conditions 조건이 없습니다. 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Name 이름 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Up 위로 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Down 아래로 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Condition name can not be blank. 조건 이름들은 빈칸으로 둘 수 없습니다. 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Search in these topics: 이 토픽들 중에서 검색 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
New 새로운 09/30/09 08:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
For the message titled "{0}" posted on {1} the mark is {2}. \n {1}에 게시된 제목 {0} 인 게시물에 대한 점수는 {2} 입니다. 09/30/09 08:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Duplicated name. Please choose unique one. 중복된 이름. 유일한 이름을 선택하세요. 09/30/09 08:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
There are no questions selected. Please select at least one. 선택된 질문이 없습니다. 적어도 한개를 선택하십시요. 09/30/09 08:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Error creating condition. 조건들을 만드는데 오류 09/30/09 08:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Posts contain certain words 특정 단어를 포함하고 있는 게시물 09/30/09 08:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Posts that... 다음을 포함하는 게시물: 09/30/09 08:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
have all these words: 모든 단어 09/30/09 08:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
have this exact wording or phrase: 정확한 단어 혹은 문구 09/30/09 08:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
have one or more of these words: 다음 단어 중 한개 이상 09/30/09 08:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
have none of these unwanted words: 원하지 않는 단어가 없는 09/30/09 08:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: An instructor released marks in a Forum activity in LAMS.\nYour marks are:\n\n{0}\nThis message was sent automatically, please do not reply to it. 선생님이 포럼 활동에서 점수를 공개 했습니다. \n 당신의 점수는 \n {0} \n 입니다. \n 이 메세지는 자동으로 보내지므로 답장을 보내지 마십시요. 10/07/09 02:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
LAMS: Marks were released 램스:채점이 공개되었음 10/07/09 02:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Posts to the first topic contain word "LAMS" 첫번째 토픽에 게시된 게시물은 "램스"를 포함하고 있습니다. 10/07/09 02:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Maximum posting limitations for this forum is {0} per thread. 이 포럼에서 최대 게시물의 수는 글타래당 당 {0}입니다. 10/28/10 10:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Minimum posting limitations for this forum is {0} per thread. 이 포럼에서 최소 게시물의 수는 글타래당 당 {0}입니다. 10/28/10 10:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Maximum posting for this thread is {0}. You have posted {1} message(s). 이 글타래에서 최대 게시는 {0}입니다. 당신은 {1}개의 메세지를 게시하였습니다. 10/28/10 10:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Minimum posting for this thread is {0}. You have posted {1} message(s). 이 글타래에서 최소 게시는 {0}입니다. 당신은 {1}개의 메세지를 게시하였습니다. 10/28/10 10:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
On new postings send email to: 새로운 게시가 있으면 다음 사람에게 이메일을 보냅니다: 10/28/10 10:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
learners 학습자 10/28/10 10:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: instructors 선생님 10/28/10 10:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Forum: {0} 포럼:{0} 10/28/10 10:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
{0}:\n{1}\n\n-- email sent automatically by LAMS \n{1}\n\n-- 램스에 의해 이메일이 자동으로 보내어졌습니다. 10/28/10 10:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!

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