Module: Multiple Choice Questions for Korean South Korea

Module Information

Module Name: Multiple Choice Questions
Description: Creates automated assessment questions. e.g. Multiple choice and true/false questions. Can provide feedback and scores.
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 04/01/06 01:35 AM
% translated: 61.78% (152 out of 246)

Translated Labels

English Korean Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
*** UPDATED: Attempt count: 시도 횟수 12/04/06 01:06 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at the end of MCQ 선다형질문 끝에 노트북 추가 09/05/08 01:15 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Final attempt: 마지막 시도 12/04/06 01:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
No notebook available 사용가능한 노트북이 없습니다. 12/02/06 02:43 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Title: 제목 08/18/06 06:35 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Learner 학습자 06/21/06 08:52 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Passing mark 통과 점수 06/21/06 08:54 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
MCQ Summary 선다질문 요약 06/21/06 08:54 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Responses are no more allowed. Please finish. 응답이 더 이상 허용되지 않습니다. 종료하십시요. 06/21/06 08:53 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Correct 맞음 06/21/06 08:53 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Total 전체 08/18/06 06:32 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learner marks 학습자 점수 08/18/06 06:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Instructions: 지시사항 08/18/06 06:31 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Candidate answer 후보 답안 08/18/06 06:31 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Show top and average mark 그룹의 최고 및 평균 점수 보여주기 11/23/06 03:04 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Present answers in randomized order 무작위로 답 주기 11/23/06 03:05 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Try again 재시도 07/16/06 02:57 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The candidate answer can not be removed since there must be at least 2 candidate answers. 최소 2개의 후보 답안이 있어야 하므로 후보 답안을 제거할 수 없습니다. 11/14/06 06:15 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please be informed that the first candidate answer has been selected for you. 첫번 후보 답안은 선택되었음을 알려드립니다. 11/14/06 06:17 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please fix this: There must be 1 correct candidate answer out of at least 2 candidate answers. 수정요함. 최소 2개의 후보 답안 중 한개의 정답이 있습니다. 11/14/06 06:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please fix this: Candidate answer text can not be blank. 수정 요함: 후보 답안 문장은 공백일 수 없습니다. 11/14/06 06:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Multiple Choice 선다형 질문 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Creates automated assessment questions. e.g. Multiple choice and true/false questions. Can provide feedback and scores. 선다형 혹은 OX 질문등의 자동채점 질문 생성하기. 피드백과 점수를 줄 수 있음 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Learner answers a series of automated assessment questions. e.g. Multiple choice and true/false questions. Optional features include feedback on each question and scoring. Questions are weighted for scoring. 학습자는 자동 채점 질문에 답을 해야 합니다. 선택사항으로 각 질문에 대해 피드백을 포함할 수 있습니다. 질문들은 가중치가 주어집니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Multiple Choice Tool 선다형 질문 도구 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Tool for learners to answer a series of automated assessment questions. 자동화된 질문들에 대해 학습자가 답을 하기 위한 도구 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
MCQ 선다형 질문 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Basic 기본 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Advanced 고급 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Summary 요약 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Stats 통계 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Edit Activity 활동 편집 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
MCQ Authoring 선다형 질문 작성 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
MCQ Learning 선다형 질문 학습 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
MCQ Monitoring 선다형 질문 모니터링 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Title 제목 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Instructions 지시사항 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Questions 질문들 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add new question 새 질문 추가 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Down 아래로 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Add New 새 질문 추가 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Add New 새 질문 추가 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Candidate answers: 가능한 답: 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You can only proceed to the activity after you have reached the passing mark 통과 점수에 도달할때까지 질문에 답하시오. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Summary of responses 이전 답 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Top mark: 최고 점수: 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Average mark: 평균 점수: 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Lowest mark: 최저 점수: 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Total users count: 총 사용자 수: 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Mark: 점수: 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Redo questions 질문 다시 풀기 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
View 보기 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Next Activity 완료 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Submit 제출 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Continue 계속 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Correct? 맞습니까? 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Question 질문 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Question 질문 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Pass mark 통과 점수 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Allow retries 재시도 허용 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Correct 맞음 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
out of 중에서 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Save 저장 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Cancel 취소 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please address the following issues before submit.
제출하기 전에 다음 문제점들을 파악하기 바랍니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please correct this: Pass mark can not be empty. 수정 요함: 통과 점수는 비어 있을 수 없습니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please correct this: There must be at least one candidate answer. 수정 요함: 최소한 한개의 가능한 답이 있어야 합니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please correct this: Pass mark can only be an integer. 수정 요함: 통과 점수는 정수만 가능합니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
An error occurred: The file is not viewable yet. Please save all the content first and check back. 오류 발생! 파일을 아직 볼 수 없습니다. 모든 컨텐츠를 저장한 후 다시 체크하기 바랍니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please correct this: Under "Instructions", the file(name) to upload can not be empty. 수정 요함: "지시사항" 아래에 업로드할 파일명이 비어 있어서는 안됩니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please note: The questions with no candidate answers have been automatically removed for you. Please check total question weight. 가능한 답이 없는 질문은 자동적으로 제거됩니다. 질문의 총 가중치를 점검하기 바랍니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please correct this: Candidate answers can not be empty. 수정 요함: 가능한 답은 비어 있을 수 없습니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please correct this: The passmark can not be greater than 100% 수정 요함: 통과 점수는 100%보다 클 수 없습니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The question text can not be modified in this screen since it has options attached . Please use the "Options" button to edit the question text. 옵션이 있기때문에 질문을 수정할 수 없습니다. 질문을 수정하기 위해서는 "옵션' 버튼을 사용하십시요. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The question can not be removed since one or more of the question texts has been modified. Please try again without any text modifications. 한개 이상의 질문 텍스트가 수정 되었으므로 질문이 제거될 수 없습니다. 문장을 수정하지 말고 시도해 보십시요. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Can not continue. Please select the correct answer and click "Done". 계속할 수 없음. 올바른 답을 선택한 후 "완료"를 클릭하시오. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The content has been locked since it is being used by one mor more learners.
The modification of the content is not allowed.
컨텐츠가 학습자에 의해 사용되고 있으므로 잠겨있습니다. 컨텐츠 수정이 불가합니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: modification of the content is not allowed since one or more learners has attempted the activity. 학생들이 활동을 사용하고 있기때문에 컨텐츠의 수정이 허용되지 않습니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Summary report is not available since no learners attempted the activity yet. 아무도 활동을 시도해 보지 않았기 때문에 요약 보고서가 없습니다. 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Answers: 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Next Activity 종료 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Attempt date 시도 일시 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Response 응답 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
User 사용자 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Attempt date 시도 일시 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Response 응답 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please fix this: There must be at least 2 candidate answers. 수정요함:최소 2개 후보 답안이 있을 수 있습니다. 11/14/06 06:14 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please fix this: There must be one and only one correct candidate answer. 수정요함: 오직 한개의 정답만 있습니다. 11/14/06 06:14 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Group 그룹 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Summary 요약 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Edit Activity 활동 편집 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Stats 통계 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Edit 편집 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Update 새로 고침 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Select group: 그룹 선택 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
All Groups: 모든 그룹 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Total count of all learners: 모든 학습자 수 05/07/06 02:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? 저장하지 않고 윈도우를 닫기 원하십니까? 05/18/06 07:06 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Group's top and average marks 그룹에서 최고와 평균 점수 11/06/06 04:37 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Question feedback 질문피드백 07/24/06 08:33 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: As you have not achieved the passing mark, you have to try the questions again. 마치기위한 충분한 점수가 되지 않습니다. 다시하십시요. 07/24/06 08:34 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Export marks 채점표시 다운로드 09/05/08 01:15 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Question {0} (mark: {1}) 질문 {0} (채점표시: {1}) 09/05/08 01:15 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Username 사용자이름 09/05/08 01:15 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learner's answers: 학습자의 답들 11/02/06 04:25 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. 교수자가 이 활동의 컨텐츠를 완성 할 때 까지 기다십시요. 11/02/06 04:27 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add 추가 11/02/06 04:29 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of MCQ with the following instructions: 다음 지시사항으로 객관식문제 다음에 노트북추가 11/02/06 12:06 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: This activity is not being done on the computer. Please see your instructor for details. 오프라인으로 수행해야할 설정입니다. 세부사항에 대해 교수자에게 문의하시오. 11/02/06 04:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add question 질문 생성 11/02/06 04:28 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
An error occurred while preparing the marks spreadsheet for download. 다운로드용 채점표시 스프레드시트를 준비하는 동안 오류가 발생하였습니다. 09/05/08 01:15 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook instructions 노트북 지시사항 09/05/08 01:15 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
On 켜짐 09/05/08 01:15 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Off 꺼짐 09/05/08 01:15 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings 고급설정 09/05/08 01:15 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Feedback: 피드백 10/31/06 04:54 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
One question per page 페이지당 한 질문 11/02/06 04:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: There are duplicate question entries. 다음을 고치십시요. 중복된 질문 항목이 있습니다. 10/08/06 05:34 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit question 질문 편집 10/11/06 05:58 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Questions 질문들 10/08/06 05:28 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
This question is worth 이 질문은 다음과 같은 가치가 있습니다. 10/08/06 05:29 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add answer 후보 답 추가 10/08/06 05:30 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Deletes question 질문 삭제 10/08/06 05:31 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Finished Session Count: 종료된 세션 수 10/08/06 05:31 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Enables editing of candidate answers 후보 답 편집 활성화 10/08/06 05:33 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
No questions submitted. Please add at least one question. 아무 질문이 제출되지 않았습니다. 최소 한개의 질문을 추가해야 합니다. 10/08/06 05:34 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Enables editing of question 질문 편집 활성화 10/06/06 02:49 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
mark(s) 점수(들) 10/08/06 05:31 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Moves candidate answer up 후보 답안을 위로 이동 10/08/06 05:32 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Moves candidate answer down 후보 답안을 아래로 이동 10/08/06 05:32 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Question text can not be blank. 다음을 고치십시요. 질문 문장은 공백일 수 없습니다. 10/08/06 05:33 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Marks 점수 10/04/06 05:35 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Down 질문을 아래로 이동 08/09/06 08:35 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Up 질문을 위로 이동 08/09/06 08:35 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Enables editing of candidate answers 후보 답안 편집 활성화 08/09/06 08:36 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Removes question 질문 삭제 08/09/06 08:37 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Removes candidate answer 후보 답안 삭제 08/09/06 08:37 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Continue 계속 08/31/06 01:42 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entries 복습항목 09/06/06 11:06 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Close 닫기 09/06/06 11:52 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View notebook entries 검토보기 09/06/06 11:52 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry 검토 09/06/06 11:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: All answers correct 학습자가 모든 질문에 올바르게 답하였습니다. 01/03/08 12:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Total marks 학습자의 총 점수 01/02/08 11:23 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Yes 01/02/08 11:23 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Do you want to allow learners to see the answers now? 학습자들이 답을 지금 볼수있도록 하시겠습니까? 01/03/08 12:51 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learners are not able to see answers, scores or feedback for the questions 학습자들은 질문에 대한 답을 볼 수 없습니다. 01/03/08 12:52 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learners are able to see the answers for the questions. 학습자들은 모든 질문에 대한 답을 볼 수 있습니다. 01/03/08 12:52 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Display correct answers, score and feedback after last question 마지막 질문 후에 답을 표시 01/03/08 12:53 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: All correct 모두 맞음 02/01/08 10:01 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Not all correct 모두 맞은 것이 아님 02/01/08 10:01 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
In question {0} correct answer cannot be blank. 질문 {0}에서 정답은 비어 있을 수 없습니다. 09/30/09 08:22 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
Tool output label.tool.output Become a Translator!
Tool output has changed label.tool.output.has.been.changed Become a Translator!
Operation failed label.operation.failed Become a Translator!
Select at least one answer for each of the questions. answers.submitted.none Become a Translator!
End of activity label.activity.completion Become a Translator!
Marks file downloaded. label.summary.downloaded Become a Translator!
Please correct this: Correct answer cannot be blank. error.correct.answer.blank Become a Translator!
Finish label.submit Become a Translator!
Deadline Become a Translator!
Learners will not be able to answer questions after the set date and time. Become a Translator!
Date/time: Become a Translator!
Set restriction monitor.summary.set.restriction Become a Translator!
Remove restriction monitor.summary.unset.restriction Become a Translator!
The instructor has set a restriction to this activity from {0} onwards. Become a Translator!
Notification monitor.summary.notification Become a Translator!
Deadline has been set Become a Translator!
Deadline has been removed Become a Translator!
Please, wait while somebody will become a group leader. label.waiting.for.leader Become a Translator!
Other learners participating in current group: Become a Translator!
Use leaders from Select Leader tool Become a Translator!
Group leader: {0} Become a Translator!
Refresh label.refresh Become a Translator!
Prefix sequential letters for each answer label.prefix.sequential.letters.for.each.answer Become a Translator!
Report by question Become a Translator!
Report by learner Become a Translator!
Import IMS QTI label.authoring.import.qti Become a Translator!
N/A label.not.available Become a Translator!
Legend label.legend Become a Translator!
*- Denotes the correct answer label.denotes.correct.answer Become a Translator!
Correct answer label.correct.answer Become a Translator!
Average label.ave Become a Translator!
Class mean label.class.mean Become a Translator!
Median label.median Become a Translator!
Draft autosaved label.learning.draft.autosaved Become a Translator!
Name Become a Translator!
Total Become a Translator!
Learner summary label.monitoring.summary.learner.summary Become a Translator!
Response label.monitoring.user.summary.response Become a Translator!
Grade label.monitoring.user.summary.grade Become a Translator!
Group leader's option is enabled Become a Translator!
Group leader Become a Translator!
Export IMS QTI label.authoring.export.qti Become a Translator!
Select leader Become a Translator!
Question options label.question.options Become a Translator!
Error label.error Become a Translator!
There was an error loading the grid. If this problem persists, please contact your system administrator. error.loaderror Become a Translator!
OK label.ok Become a Translator!
Learners label.number.learners Become a Translator!
Number of groups finished label.number.groups.finished Become a Translator!
In the graph(s) below, click on a bar in the graph and then use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the graph. Once you zoom in, the grey selection in the bottom graph can be dragged left or right to show a different set of marks. Become a Translator!
Lowest mark label.lowest.mark Become a Translator!
Highest mark label.highest.mark Become a Translator!
Number of learners in mark range Become a Translator!
Number of groups in mark range Become a Translator!
Average mark label.average.mark Become a Translator!
Learners are not able to see the feedback for the questions label.monitoring.noDisplayFeedbackOnly1 Become a Translator!
Do you want to allow learners to see the feedback now? label.monitoring.noDisplayFeedbackOnly2 Become a Translator!
Warning: if you edit and modify a question or change an answer that when a student has already answer, the marks will be recalculated based on the changes. message.monitoring.edit.activity.warning Become a Translator!
Enable confidence level label.enable.confidence.levels Become a Translator!
How confident are you of your answer? label.confidence Become a Translator!
Confidence Become a Translator!
iRA Questions & Marks label.ira.questions.marks Become a Translator!
Attendance label.attendance Become a Translator!
Show students' choices Become a Translator!
Hide students' choices label.hide.students.choices Become a Translator!
Print label.print Become a Translator!
Excel export label.excel.export Become a Translator!
Display only the feedback and not the answers or score label.displayFeedbackOnly Become a Translator!
Do not display answers, score or feedback label.displayNoAnswersOrFeedback Become a Translator!
Learners are able to see the feedback but no answers or scores for the questions. label.monitoring.yesDisplayFeedbackOnly Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
Added outcomes outcome.authoring.existing Become a Translator!
none outcome.authoring.existing.none Become a Translator!
This will delete all existing marks for this activity. Are you sure? warn.tool.output.change.none Become a Translator!
No score output.desc.none Become a Translator!
Attention: while you edit this activity, students don't have access to it. You must save your changes, so students can re-attempt this activity again. Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? outcome.authoring.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
[create new] Become a Translator!
The question in Question Bank will be updated message.qb.modified.update Become a Translator!
A new version of the question will be created in Question Bank message.qb.modified.version Become a Translator!
A new question will be created in Question Bank Become a Translator!
Question indexes label.qb.stats Become a Translator!
Test participant count label.qb.participant.count Become a Translator!
Difficulty index label.qb.difficulty.index Become a Translator!
Discrimination index label.qb.discrimination.index Become a Translator!
Point biserial label.qb.point.biserial Become a Translator!
Multiple Choice Settings Become a Translator!
Configuration successfully saved. admin.success Become a Translator!
Return to maintain LAMS admin.return Become a Translator!
Save Become a Translator!
Hide question titles for learners admin.hide.titles Become a Translator!
Question bank Become a Translator!
Question title label.title Become a Translator!