Module: LAMS Central for Portuguese Brazil

Module Information

Module Name: LAMS Central
Description: Java backend pages covering: * authoring * workspaces * shared stuff
Output: java
Type: core
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 06/24/06 06:50 AM
% translated: 34.18% (362 out of 1059)

Translated Labels

English Portuguese Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
This lesson has not been started so you cannot access it. Essa lição ainda não foi iniciada, portanto você não pode acessá-la. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
This lesson is disabled so you cannot access it. Essa lição está desabilitada, portanto você não pode acessá-la. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Export tool content Exportar ferramenta de conteúdo 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Current Portrait Retrato atual 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Upload Fazer upload de novo retrato 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
No portrait uploaded Não houve nenhum upload do retrato 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: LAMS :: Change portrait LAMS :: Trocar o Meu Retrato 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Choose export content format Escolha o formato de exportação do conteúdo 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Please choose format which you want to export Por favor, escolha o formato que você deseja exportar 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
This lesson has been finished or archived. Essa lição foi terminada e arquivada. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
This lesson has been removed. Essa lição foi removida. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
The page you requested was not found. A página que você deseja acessar não foi encontrada. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Password changed for: {0} Senha modificada para: {0} 03/06/07 11:35 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
The resource {0} already exists in the repository: {1}. O recurso {0} já existe no repositório: {1}. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
No such content with versionID of {0} found in repository {1}. Nenhum conteúdo com o versionID {0} foi encontrado no repositório {1}. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Content successfully deleted. Conteúdo apagado com sucesso. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
LAMS does not support renaming a file via the workspace interface. O LAMS não permite renomear um arquivo atráves da interface local de trabalho. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Loading Add Lesson Wizard. Carregando o passo-a-passo para Adicionar Lição. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Please choose LAMS sequence to import. Favor selecionar uma sequência LAMS para importar. 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learning design import file Importar um Learning Design 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Learning design download will start automatically in seconds, please wait... O download do learning design irá iniciar automaticamente em alguns segundos, favor aguardar... 11/20/06 03:54 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Your design is not saved, any changes you have made since you last saved will be lost. Seu design não foi salvo, quaisquer mudanças depois da última vez que o design foi salvo serão perdidas. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
First name is required. O primeiro nome é obrigatório. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
There is a problem processing this request. Close the browser window and try again. Houve um problema ao processar seu pedido. Feche a janela do navegador e tente novamente. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Sorry, that username or password is not known. Please try again. Desculpe, mas o nome do usuário ou a senha está incorreto. Favor tentar novamente. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
No Learning Design with learning_design_id of:{0} exists. Não existe nenhum Learning Design com o learning_design_id de: {0}. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
No such User with a user_id of: {0} exists. Não existe nenhum Usuário com o user_id de: {0}. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Cannot delete the resource: {0} Não foi possível apagar o recurso: {0} 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Folder deleted:{0} Pasta apagada: {0} 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Cannot copy the resource:{0} Não foi possível copiar o recurso: {0} 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learning design deleted:{0} Learning Design apagado: {0} 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Cannot move the resource:{0} Não foi possível mover o recurso: {0} 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Cannot rename the resource: {0} Não foi possível renomear o recurso: {0} 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
A folder with given name '{0}' already exists. Uma pasta com o nome '{0}' já existe. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Import tool content result Importar resultado da ferramenta de conteúdo 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Import tool content Importar ferramenta de conteúdo 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learning design and activities imported successfully. Learning design e atividades importados com sucesso. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Learning design imported successfully. Learning design importado com sucesso. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Learning design import failed Falha ao importar o learning design 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learning design and activities export successfully. Learning design e atividades exportados com sucesso. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Learning design export successfully. Learning design exportado com sucesso. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Learning design export failed Falha ao exportar o learning design 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
The reason is O motivo é 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Last name is required. Último nome é obrigatório. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Email address is required. O endereço de email é obrigatório. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Valid email address is required. Um email válido é obrigatório. 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Postcode Código postal 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: LAMS format Formato LAMS 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Export Exportar 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Courses Meus Grupos 11/20/06 03:46 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
First name contains invalid characters Nome contém caracteres inválidos LDEV-3208 04/16/14 06:40 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Last name contains invalid characters sobrenome contém caracteres inválidos LDEV-3208 04/16/14 06:40 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Username can only contain alphanumeric characters and no spaces. Nome de usuário só pode conter caracteres alfanuméricos e sem espaços. LDEV-3208 04/16/14 06:40 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Lesson name contains invalid characters *** Tradução em falta *** LDEV-3208 04/16/14 06:40 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
To Para 04/13/12 01:07 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Subject Assunto 04/13/12 01:07 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Send Enviar 04/13/12 01:07 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Compose email Escrever email 04/13/12 01:07 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Time limitations Limitações de tempo LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Sign up Inscrever-se 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Display learning design image? Mostrar imagem de aprendizagem? LDEV-2873 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Remove Remover LDEV-2964 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Permanently remove this lesson Permanentemente remover esta lição LDEV-2964 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Edit Editar LDEV-2873 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson name Nome da Lição LDEV-2873 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson instructions Instruções de aula LDEV-2873 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancelar LDEV-2873 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
You are about to remove this lesson. Are you sure? Você está prestes a remover esta lição. Você tem certeza? LDEV-2964 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Once you remove this lesson you CANNOT bring it back. Are you positive that you want to remove this lesson? Depois de remover esta lição você não pode trazê-la de volta. Tem certeza que deseja remover esta lição? LDEV-2964 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Multiple Choice Múltipla escolha LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
True-False Verdadeiro-Falso LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Matching Correspondente LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Multiple response Múltipla escolha LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Fill-in-Blank Preencha os espaços vazios LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Essay Ensaio LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Unknown Desconhecido LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Sorry, this lesson is now disabled/archived. Contact your instructor for further details. Desculpe, esta lição agora está desativada / arquivada. Contacte o seu instrutor para mais detalhes. LDEV-3052 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Add now Adicionar agora LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson Lição LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Class Classe LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Advanced Avançado LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Conditions Condições LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Select the sequence to add a lesson, and click on Add now Selecione a seqüência para adicionar uma lição, e clique em "Adicionar agora" LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Use drag n' drop to select or unselect monitors and learners Utilize copiar / colar para selecionar ou não os monitores e alunos LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Learners always start from the first activity Os alunos começam sempre a partir da primeira atividade LDEV-3170 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson name: Nome da Lição: LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
(show full size) (Mostra o tamanho completo) LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
(fit to window) (Caber na janela) LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Run sequences Toca seqüências LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
A valid sequence must be selected Uma seqüência válida deve ser selecionada LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Monitors unselected Monitores não selecionados LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Monitors selected Monitores selecionados LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Learners unselected Alunos não selecionados LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Learners selected Alunos selecionados LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
There must be at least 1 learner selected Deve haver pelo menos um aluno selecionado LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
There must be at least 1 monitor selected Deve haver pelo menos um monitor selecionado LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Details Detalhes LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable lesson intro Ativar aula de introdução LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Description: Descrição: LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Display design image Exibir imagem design LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced options Opções Avançadas LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Start in Monitor Comece no Monitor LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable Live Edit Ativar editar ao vivo LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Enable lesson notifications Habilitar notificações de lição LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Allow learners to see who is online Permitir aos alunos para ver quem está on-line LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable Instant Messaging Ativar mensagem instantânea LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Split learners into separate copies of this lesson Alunos divididos em cópias separadas desta lição LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
No. learners per lesson Número de alunos por aula LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable scheduling Ativar agendamento LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
[0] instances of this lesson will be created and approximately [1] will be allocated to each lesson [0] instâncias desta lição serão criadas e aproximadamente [1] será alocada para cada aula LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Dependencies Dependências LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Course key Chave do curso 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Select a lesson that learners will need to complete before they can see the lesson you are about to create. Selecione uma lição que os alunos terão de completar antes que eles possam ver a lição que você está prestes a criar. LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Profile editing is disabled. Edição de perfil está desativada. LDEV-1616 02/08/14 01:09 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
New password cannot be empty. Nova senha não pode estar em branco. LDEV-1617 02/08/14 01:09 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Subcourse Gradebook Grade de notas de sub curso LDEV-2699 02/08/14 01:09 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
The time allocated for this lesson has expired. You cannot access it anymore. Contact the instructor for assistance. O tempo previsto para esta lição expirou. Você não pode acessá-la mais. Contacte ajuda ao instrutor. 02/08/14 01:09 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Is this good? Isso é bom? LDEV-2665 02/08/14 01:09 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Set as portrait Definir como retrato LDEV-2665 02/08/14 01:09 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Profile has only been partially updated due to server configuration. Perfil só foi parcialmente atualizado devido a configuração do servidor. LDEV-1616 02/08/14 01:09 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Only contact fields are editable due to server configuration. Somente campos de contato são editáveis, devido à configuração do servidor. LDEV-1616 02/08/14 01:09 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Select an image to upload or use your computer's webcam to create your portrait. Selecione uma imagem para carregar ou usar a webcam do seu computador para criar o seu retrato. LDEV-2665 02/08/14 01:09 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Conditions to participate in this lesson Condições para participar nesta lição LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Preceding lessons have not been finished. You cannot participate in the lesson until this condition is met. Lições anteriores não foram finalizados. Você não pode participar na aula até que essa condição seja atendida. LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Participation in the lesson is conditional Participação na lição é condicional LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson "{0}" will only be available after these lesson(s) are completed: Lição "{0}" só estará disponível após estes aula (s) estão concluídas: LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
There are no dependencies for this lesson. Não há nenhuma dependência para esta lição. LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Select lesson that will need to be completed first: Selecione lição que terá de ser concluída em primeiro lugar: LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Remove lesson dependency Remover dependência de lição LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson finishes for everyone after {0} days from its start {1} Lição termina para todos após {0} dias de seu início {1} LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson finishes after {0} days after user started participating Lição termina depois de {0} dias depois que o usuário começou a participar LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson does not have a fixed number days to finish Lição não tem um número de dias fixos para terminar LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Set Definir LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Error while setting lesson finish date: {0} Erro ao definir a data de término lição: {0} LDEV-2782 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enter number days Digite o número de dias LDEV-2801 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Individual and not for the entire group Individual e não para todo o grupo LDEV-2801 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
You have successfully registered an account with LAMS. Você registrou uma conta no LAMS. 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Login now Entrar agora 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Had trouble sending email. Error was Tive problemas para enviar e-mail. Erro foi: 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Username Nome de Usuário 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Password Senha 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Submit Submeter 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Username Nome de Usuário 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Password Senha 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Confirm password Confirme a senha 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
First name Primeiro nome 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Last name Sobrenome 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Email Email 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Confirm email Confirmar e-mail 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Course key Chave do Curso 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Submit Submeter 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
LAMS Signup Cadastramento no LAMS 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Username cannot be blank Usuário não pode estar em branco 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Username is taken Nome de usuário já em uso 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
First name cannot be blank Nome não pode estar em branco 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Last name cannot be blank Sobrenome não pode estar em branco 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Password cannot be blank A senha não pode estar em branco 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Passwords did not match Senhas não conferem 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Email cannot be blank E-mail não pode ficar em branco 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Email addresses did not match Os endereços de email não correspondem 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Email format is invalid Formato e-mail é inválido 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
This course key is incorrect. Please try again or contact your course administrator for the correct key Esta chave de curso é incorreta. Por favor, tente novamente ou contate o administrador do curso para a chave correta 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Course group view Exibição do grupo de Curso LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:34 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Group Grupo LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:34 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Grouping name can not be blank. Nome do agrupamento não pode ficar em branco. LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:34 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Remove Remover LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:34 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Groupings Agrupamentos LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:34 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable Permitir LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to use grouping "[0]"? Groups will be created for this lesson and learners assigned to them. Você tem certeza que quer usar o agrupamento "[0]"? Grupos serão criados para esta lição e alunos atribuídos a eles. LDEV-3120 02/08/14 01:34 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Set the number of days the lesson will be available to learners. After this period the lesson will no longer be shown. If the time should count from the moment the learner starts the lesson, select the option for individual time limit. If you are scheduling the lesson end on the Advanced tab then you can only set an individual time limit. Defina o número de dias que a aula estará disponível para os alunos. Após este período, a lição não será mais mostrada. Se o tempo deve contar a partir do momento em que o aluno começa a lição, selecione a opção para limite de tempo individual. LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Number days: Número de dias: LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Is this time limit for each individual? É este limite de tempo para cada indivíduo? LDEV-2991 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Choose IMS QTI file Escolher arquivo QTI IMS LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Please select a ZIP or XML file with questions in IMS QTIformat. Por favor seleccione um arquivo ZIP ou XML com perguntas em formato IMS QTI LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Choose questions Escolha perguntas LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Select all Selecionar tudo LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Please check at least one question. Por favor, verifique pelo menos uma pergunta. LDEV-3000 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Add single activity lesson Adicionar lição de atividade única LDEV-3070 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
or one-click activity: ou uma atividade de 1 clique: LDEV-3070 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Disable lesson sorting Desativar classificação de lição LDEV-3070 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Gradebook Course Monitor Monitor de grade de curso LDEV-3070 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Gradebook Lesson Monitor Monitor de grade de lição LDEV-3070 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Course Gradebook Learner Monitor de grade de aluno LDEV-3070 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Conditions to participate in this lesson Condições para participar nesta lição LDEV-3070 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Search learners across lessons Pesquisar alunos em todas as lições LDEV-3070 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Course groupings Agrupamentos do curso LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Course groupings Agrupamentos do curso LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Groupings Agrupamentos LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Create new Criar novo LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to delete this grouping? Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este grupo? LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Grouping name: Nome do agrupamento: LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Please use drag n' drop to move learners between groups. Utilize copiar/colar para mover os alunos entre os grupos. LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to delete this group? Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este grupo? LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Some groups are new and empty. They will not be saved. Click OK to continue. Alguns grupos são novos e estão vazios. Eles não serão salvos. Clique em OK para continuar. LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Add a new group Adicionar um novo grupo LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Unassigned learners Alunos não atribuídos LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Sort learners Ordenação de alunos LDEV-3119 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Number of groups in this grouping Número de grupos neste agrupamento LDEV-3120 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Some users in this group already used the grouping. The group is now locked: you can not remove it or move users to another group. Alguns usuários neste grupo já usaram o agrupamento. O grupo agora está fechado: você não pode removê-lo ou mover os usuários para outro grupo. LDEV-3120 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to move these users to a locked group? You will not be allowed to move them to another group later. Tem certeza de que deseja mover esses usuários a um grupo bloqueado? Você não terá permissão para movê-los para um outro grupo mais tarde. LDEV-3120 02/08/14 01:33 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Login or password is incorrect. If you have not previously signed up for LAMS, please sign up {0}here{1}. Login ou senha está incorreta. Se você ainda não se inscreveu no LAMS, inscreva-se {0} aqui {1}. 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
If you want to sign up to LAMS as a new user, please select "Sign up" tab. If you already have an account, please select "Login" one. Se você quiser se inscrever no LAMS como um novo usuário, por favor, selecione "Sign up" tab. Se você já tiver uma conta, por favor, selecione "Login" um. 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Both fields are required. Please try again. Ambos os campos são obrigatórios. Por favor, tente novamente. 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Server failed to send email to recipient. Please contact your system administrator. Server falhou ao enviar e-mail para destinatário. Entre em contato com o administrador do sistema. 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Please enter an email address. Por favor insira um endereço de e-mail. 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Please enter a username. Por favor insira um nome de usuário. 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Select another file to import Selecione Outro arquivo a importar 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
The request key is incorrect or has already been used. Please click the "Forgot your Password" link again to make a new request. A chave solicitada está incorreta ou já foi utilizada. Por favor, clique no link "Esqueceu sua senha" novamente para fazer um novo pedido. 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Search learners in lesson Pesquisar alunos em aula 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please enter the login, first or last name of the learner. Por favor insira o login, nome ou sobrenome do aluno. Conforme você digita o nome dos alunos correspondentes aparecerá. 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lessons in which ''{0}'' has been found Aulas em que'' {0}'' foi encontrado 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Learner Search Pesquisa de aluno 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Search learners across lessons Pesquisar alunos em todas as lições 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: There are multiple users in LAMS with the given email. Email could not be sent. Please try again using your username, or contact your system administrator. Existem vários usuários em LAMS com o e-mail fornecido. E-mail não pôde ser enviado. Por favor, tente novamente usando seu nome de usuário ou contate o administrador do sistema. 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Course Gradebook Grade do Curso 02/08/14 12:49 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Open course-wide Gradebook monitoring page Abra a página grande de monitoramento do Boletim de curso 02/08/14 12:49 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Time zone Fuso horário 02/08/14 12:49 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
LAMS server - Forgot password response Servidor LAMS - resposta para Esqueci a senha 02/08/14 12:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Click the link below and it will take you to a page where you can change your password. Clique no link abaixo e vai levá-lo para uma página onde você pode alterar sua senha. 02/08/14 12:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Email could not be sent. The LAMS server has not been configured to handle emails. Please contact your system administrator. E-mail não pôde ser enviado. O servidor LAMS não foi configurado para lidar com e-mails. Entre em contato com o administrador do sistema. 02/08/14 12:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
This request for a new password has expired. Please click the "Forgot your Password" link again to make a new request. Este pedido de uma nova senha expirou. Por favor, clique no link "Esqueceu sua senha" novamente para fazer um novo pedido. 02/08/14 12:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Please enter your user name or email below. An email will be sent to you shortly with a link that will allow you to change your password. You only need to enter one value. Digite seu nome de usuário ou e-mail abaixo. Um e-mail será enviado para você em breve com um link que lhe permitirá mudar a sua senha. Você só precisa digitar um valor. 02/08/14 12:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: If you do not know your email address in LAMS, please contact your system administrator. Se você não sabe o seu endereço de e-mail no LAMS, por favor, entre em contato com o administrador do sistema. 02/08/14 12:44 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Username Nome do usuário 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit profile Editar Meu Perfil 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Name Nome 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Title Título 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Address 3 Endereço Linha 3 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
City Cidade 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
State Estado 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Change password Trocar Minha Senha 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: First name Primeiro Nome 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Last name Sobrenome 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Address 1 Endereço Linha 1 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Address 2 Endereço Linha 2 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Country País 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Mobile Telefone Celular 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Fax Fax 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Email Email 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Language Idioma 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
No groups Sem grupos 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Password Senha 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
You are not authorised to do this. Você não está autorizado a fazer isso. 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Error Erro 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Sorry, there has been an error. Desculpe, ocorreu um erro. 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Your old password is not correct. Sua senha antiga não está correta. 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Change password Trocar a Senha 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Old password Senha Antiga 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: New password Senha Nova 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Confirm new password Confirmar Nova Senha 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Password changed Senha Trocada 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Your password has been changed. Sua senha foi trocada. 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Login Login 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
[HELP] [AJUDA] 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Loading... Carregando... 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Version Versão 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Save Salvar 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancelar 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Courses Organizações 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Folders Pastas 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
LAMS LAMS 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Login - LAMS :: Learning Activity Management System Login - LAMS:: Learning Activity Management System 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
System Admin:: LAMS Sistema Admin:: LAMS 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Loading Carregando o Ambiente do Sistema de Administração 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Admin:: LAMS Admin :: LAMS 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Loading Administration Environment. Carregando o Ambiente de Administração 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Monitor Lesson:: LAMS Monitorar Lição:: LAMS 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Loading Lesson Monitoring Environment. Carregando o Ambiente de Monitoramento da Lição 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Learner:: LAMS Estudante:: LAMS 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Loading Learner Environment. Carregando o Ambiente do Estudante 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
LAMS :: Error LAMS :: Erro 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Congratulations, your content saved successfully! Parabéns, seu conteúdo foi salvo com sucesso! 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Close Fechar 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Re-edit Re-editar 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Welcome Bem vindo 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Logout Sair 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Refresh Atualizar 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Profile Meu Perfil 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Sys Admin Administração do Sistema 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Course Mgt Gerenciamento do Grupo 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Author Autor 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Manage Subcourses Gerenciar Subgrupos 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Add Lesson Adicionar Lição 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Monitor Monitorar 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Close Fechar 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Import Importar 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Portrait Trocar Meu Retrato 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Hide detail Esconder detalhes 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Show detail Mostrar detalhes 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
No more detail Sem detalhes 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Page not found Página não encontrada 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
No error message available. Nenhuma mensagem de erro disponível 09/01/06 10:15 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Enable lesson sorting Habilitar ordenação por lição 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
lesson sorting enabled Ordenação por lição habilitada 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Login Login 02/08/14 01:23 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Archived Arquivado 01/15/07 07:44 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
No such user with a userID of {0} exists. Não mias existe usuário com user_id {0}. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Your browser does not support features required by LAMS. Please upgrade your browser. Seu browser pode não ser compatível com o LAMS. Recomendamos Mozilla Firefox 2 ou posterior. 04/18/09 07:34 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Disabled Desabilitado 01/15/07 10:15 PM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Your new passwords do not match each other. Sua nova senha não confere. 01/15/07 10:15 PM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Status: {0} Status: {0} 01/15/07 10:15 PM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: My workspace Meu espaço de trabalho 01/15/07 10:15 PM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Work phone Fone Comercial 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Home phone fone residencial 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: If the problem persists please contact your system administrator. Se o problema persistir contate seu administrador ou os fóruns técnicos em . 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
No such WorkspaceFolder with workspace_folder_id of:{0} exists. Não existe pasta de área de trabalho workspace_folder_id de: {0} . 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
LAMS does not support deleting a lesson via the workspace interface. LAMS não oferece suporte para remoção de lição via interface da área de trabalho 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Cannot delete this folder as it is the Root folder. Não é possível remover esta pasta pois ela é a pasta raiz. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Unable to copy learning design due to an error{0}. Não posso copiar o design de aprendizado devido a um erro {0} 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Cannot delete design with learning_design_id of : {0} as it is READ ONLY. não posso remover o design learning_design_id pois ele {0} está marcado como SOMENTE LEITURA. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
copyResource(Long resourceID,Integer targetFolderID, String resourceType, Integer userID) requires a value for resourceID, targetFolderID, resourceType and userID copyResource(Long resourceID,Integer targetFolderID, String resourceType, Integer userID) requer valores para resourceID, targetFolderID, resourceType e para userID 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
LAMS does not support copying a file via the workspace interface. LAMS não oferece suporte para cópia de arquivo via interface da área de trabalho. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
No such workspaceFolder with a workspace_folder_id of {0} exists. Não mais existe pasta de área de trabalho com workspace_folder_id {0} 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Cannot delete design with learning_design_id of:{0} as it is READ ONLY. Não posso remover o design learning_design_id : {0} pois ele é SOMENTE LEITURA. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
LAMS does not support moving a file via the workspace interface. LAMS não suporta mover arquivos via interface da área de trabalho. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Exception occured while creating workspaceFolderContent:{0}. Ocorreu exceção na criação do workspaceFolderContent: {0}. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Export tool content loading Carregando conteúdo de ferramenta de exportação 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
But there are some tool(s) imports that failed Mas algumas ferramentas de importação falharam. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
But there are some tool(s) exported failed máas algumas ferramentas exportadas falharam. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Open Lesson Abrir lição 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
LAMS is a trademark of LAMS Foundation ( LAMS é marca registrada da fundação LAMS ( 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Este programa é software livre; você pode redistribuí-lo e/ou modificálo sob os termos da licença GNU General Public License version 2 como publicado pela Free Software Foundation. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
This lesson has not been started. You cannot participate in the lesson until it is started. Esta lição não foi iniciada. Você não pode participar nela até que ela seja iniciada. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
An error has occurred. Please start again. Reason for error: {0} Ocorreu um erro. Por favor reinicie. razão do erro: {0} 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
The file is not an image (PNG, GIF, JPG, WBMP and BMP formats allowed). O arquivo não é de imagem válido. Use formatos PNG, GIF, JPG, WBMP e BMP. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The image formats allowed are: PNG, GIF, JPG, WBMP and BMP. Nota: a imagem não pode ser redimensionada para caber em 120x120 pixels. Formatos válidos são PNG, GIF, JPG, WBMP e BMP. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Your current role does not allow you to view this page. Please contact your system administrator if you believe you should have access to this page. Seus direitos atuais não permitem visualizar esta página. Contate seu administrador do sistema caso você acredite que deva receber este acesso. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Selected file has not been uploaded by your browser. Please try again. O arquivo selecionado não foi carregado pelo seu browser. tente novamente. 01/24/07 09:23 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Dummy Monitor Monitor fantasma 01/24/07 09:25 AM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Show Groups Mostrar Grupos 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Gradebook Minhas Notas 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Mark Nota 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
More Options Mais Opções 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Required Requerido 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Notifications Notificações 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Email notifications Notificações por email 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Please wait Por favor aguarde LDEV-2665 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Webcam Tirar uma foto usando a Webcam LDEV-2665 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Configure Configurar LDEV-2665 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Take pic Tirar foto LDEV-2665 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Take another one Tirar outra LDEV-2665 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Conditions Condições LDEV-2782 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Time limits Limites de Tempo LDEV-2801 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Start lesson Iniciar lição LDEV-2829 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Forgot your password? Esqueceu sua senha? 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Select file to import Selecione um Arquivo 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
LAMS :: Author Autor 05/05/10 10:34 AM Marco Ramos Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: 2002 onwards LAMS Foundation. 2002-2015 LAMS Foundation. 01/02/15 09:09 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: LAMS™ © 2002 onwards LAMS Foundation LAMS™ © 2002-2015 LAMS Foundation. 01/02/15 09:09 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Public Folder Diretório Público LDEV-2107 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
Yes Sim 05/05/10 10:32 AM Marco Ramos Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: All lessons Todas as minhas lições 05/05/10 10:34 AM Marco Ramos Become a Translator!
No lessons Sem Lições 05/05/10 10:34 AM Marco Ramos Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Return to profile Voltar ao meu perfil 05/05/10 10:34 AM Marco Ramos Become a Translator!
Help? Ajuda? 05/05/10 10:34 AM Marco Ramos Become a Translator!
Completed! Completo! 05/05/10 10:34 AM Marco Ramos Become a Translator!
No Não 05/05/10 10:34 AM Marco Ramos Become a Translator!
OK OK 05/05/10 10:34 AM Marco Ramos Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: LAMS :: Forgot password LAMS :: Esqueci minha senha 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: By email Verificar Email 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: By username Verificar Usuário 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!
No Lessons found Nenhuma lição encontrada 04/13/12 05:03 PM Rogerio Girodo Marques Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
Live Edit of Learning Design "{0}" ({1}) for Lesson ({2}) started by {3} ({4}) Become a Translator!
Live Edit of Learning Design "{0}" ({1}) for Lesson ({2}) completed by {3} ({4}) Become a Translator!
must be at least {0} characters long label.password.min.length Become a Translator!
Old password must be entered label.password.old.must.entered Become a Translator!
Only these symbols are allowed label.password.symbols.allowed Become a Translator!
Password must follow the restrictions shown above label.password.restrictions Become a Translator!
Password must contain label.password.must.contain Become a Translator!
at least 1 upper case letter label.password.must.ucase Become a Translator!
at least 1 number label.password.must.number Become a Translator!
at least 1 symbol label.password.must.symbol Become a Translator!
Create new lesson label.create.lesson Become a Translator!
Select course with the lessons that needs to be export label.organisations Become a Translator!
Lesson ID Become a Translator!
Display sequence image? Become a Translator!
You must select a sequence before proceeding Become a Translator!
Choose sequence label.choose.sequence Become a Translator!
Author new LAMS sequence Become a Translator!
Open Monitor Become a Translator!
Your lesson progress label.your.progress Become a Translator!
You have completed this lesson. Become a Translator!
Total activities depend on your learning path. Become a Translator!
Lesson is not yet completed. label.lesson.not.completed Become a Translator!
You have completed {0} activities Become a Translator!
Unable to load sequence thumbnail. error.cannot.load.thumbnail Become a Translator!
Introduction updated label.lesson.introduction.updated Become a Translator!
No such signup page exists Become a Translator!
Symbols ckeditor.math.symbols Become a Translator!
Uploaded file exceeded maximum size: {0} errors.maxfilesize Become a Translator!
Two-factor authentication required label.2FA.login.panel Become a Translator!
Remove course from favourite list Become a Translator!
Mark course as favourite Become a Translator!
You cannot save in this folder Become a Translator!
Arrows ckeditor.math.arrows Become a Translator!
Accents ckeditor.math.accents Become a Translator!
Error while saving sequence thumbnail Authoring fla svg save error Become a Translator!
Send me a copy Become a Translator!
must be less than 25 characters label.password.max.length Become a Translator!
Your design is not saved.\\nAny changes you made since you last saved will be lost. Authoring fla navigate away confirm Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to delete this Authoring fla delete node confirm Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing sequence? Authoring fla sequence overwrite confirm Become a Translator!
Please enter the name for a new folder Authoring fla new folder title prompt Become a Translator!
Please enter the new name for Authoring fla rename title prompt Become a Translator!
Please enter a title for the sequence Authoring fla save sequence title prompt Become a Translator!
Click on activities to choose them for import Authoring fla import part choose prompt Become a Translator!
Please choose a folder Authoring fla folder not selected error Become a Translator!
A folder with this name already exists. Authoring fla folder exists error Become a Translator!
Formatting ckeditor.math.formatting Become a Translator!
Cut authoring.fla.cut.button Become a Translator!
You cannot modify this resource authoring.fla.modify.error Become a Translator!
Cannot move a folder into its child Become a Translator!
Math ckeditor.math.math Become a Translator!
Functions ckeditor.math.functions Become a Translator!
Other policy label.policy.type.other Become a Translator!
Greek ckeditor.math.greek Become a Translator!
Matrix ckeditor.math.matrix Become a Translator!
The activity can not be moved outside its parent. It is read-only. Authoring fla liveedit readonly move parent error Become a Translator!
The activity can not be removed. It is read-only. Authoring fla liveedit readonly remove activity error Become a Translator!
Due to consecutive failed attempts, the account has been locked out temporarily. error.lockedout Become a Translator!
The activity can not be removed. Its parent activity is read-only. Authoring fla liveedit readonly remove parent error Become a Translator!
Summary label.summary Become a Translator!
Size: Become a Translator!
Description: Authoring fla page prop description Become a Translator!
The activity can not be removed. It has read-only child activities. Authoring fla liveedit readonly remove child error Become a Translator!
Post anonymously Become a Translator!
Anonymous label.anonymous Become a Translator!
Turn on "Post anonymously" to hide your name from other learners. Teachers will still be able to see your name. label.anonymous.tooltip Become a Translator!
The transition can not be removed. It is read-only. Authoring fla liveedit readonly remove transition error Become a Translator!
Or learners per group: Authoring fla page prop groups learners Become a Translator!
Equal group sizes? Authoring fla page prop groups equal Become a Translator!
View learners before selection? Authoring fla page prop groups view learners Become a Translator!
Name Groups Authoring fla page prop groups name Become a Translator!
Gradebook output: Authoring fla page prop gradebook Become a Translator!
Type: Authoring fla page prop gate type Become a Translator!
Condition Authoring fla page prop gate type condition Become a Translator!
Synchronise Authoring fla page prop gate type sync Become a Translator!
Schedule Authoring fla page prop gate type schedule Become a Translator!
Permission Authoring fla page prop gate type permission Become a Translator!
Input (Tool): Authoring fla page prop input Become a Translator!
Delay: Authoring fla page prop gate delay Become a Translator!
days Authoring fla page prop days Become a Translator!
hours Authoring fla page prop hours Become a Translator!
minutes Authoring fla page prop minutes Become a Translator!
Since learner finished previous activity? Authoring fla page prop gate activity finish based Become a Translator!
Add Authoring fla page dialog cond add Become a Translator!
Create conditions Authoring fla page prop conditions create Become a Translator!
Map gate conditions Authoring fla page prop gate conditions map Become a Translator!
Branching type: Authoring fla page prop branching type Become a Translator!
Instructor's choice Authoring fla page prop branching type chose Become a Translator!
Lessons lessons Become a Translator!
Group-based Authoring fla page prop branching type group Become a Translator!
To: Authoring fla page dialog cond range to Become a Translator!
Learner's output Authoring fla page prop branching type tool Become a Translator!
Learner's choice Authoring fla page prop branching type optional Become a Translator!
Grouping: Authoring fla page prop grouping Become a Translator!
File label.file Become a Translator!
Match conditions to branches Authoring fla page prop branching conditions match Become a Translator!
Match Groups to Branches Authoring fla page prop branching groups match Become a Translator!
A sequence with this name already exists. Authoring fla sequence exists error Become a Translator!
Min sequences: Authoring fla page prop branching sequences min Become a Translator!
Max sequences: Authoring fla page prop branching sequences max Become a Translator!
Min activities: Authoring fla page prop optional activities min Become a Translator!
Max activities: Authoring fla page prop optional activities max Become a Translator!
Color: Authoring fla page prop color Become a Translator!
[ Choose Output ] Authoring fla page dialog cond output choose Become a Translator!
[ Options ] Authoring fla page dialog cond options choose Become a Translator!
Greater than or equal to Authoring fla page dialog cond greater Become a Translator!
Less than or equal to Authoring fla page dialog cond less Become a Translator!
Range Authoring fla page dialog cond range Become a Translator!
From: Authoring fla page dialog cond range from Become a Translator!
View label.view Become a Translator!
Error while saving sequence Authoring fla sequence save error Become a Translator!
Name: Authoring fla page dialog cond name Become a Translator!
Name Authoring fla page dialog cond list name Become a Translator!
Condition Authoring fla page dialog cond list condition Become a Translator!
Click here to download the image. Authoring fla page download image Become a Translator!
Apply changes Become a Translator!
Please wait for the download. Authoring fla page download wait Become a Translator!
Close the dialog when the download is finished. Authoring fla page download close Become a Translator!
SVG Generator Authoring fla page svg generator title Become a Translator!
All Authoring fla tool groups all Become a Translator!
Tour label.tour Become a Translator!
Do you want to cancel changes made in Live Edit? Authoring fla liveedit cancel confirm Become a Translator!
The activity can not be modified. It is read-only. Authoring fla liveedit readonly activity error Become a Translator!
Less than or eq Authoring fla less condition description Become a Translator!
Greater than or eq Authoring fla greater condition description Become a Translator!
Untitled Authoring fla default range condition title prefix Become a Translator!
There are conditions linked to an existing branch.\\nDo you wish to remove them? Authoring fla clear all confirm Become a Translator!
Full policy label.full.policy Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? Become a Translator!
Number of teams must be 1 to 99. authoring.error.numgroups Become a Translator!
This condition is linked to an existing branch.\\nDo you wish to remove it? Authoring fla remove condition confirm Become a Translator!
You are about to update your conditions for the selected output definition.\\n\ This will clear all links to existing branches.\\nDo you wish to continue? Authoring fla refresh conditions confirm Become a Translator!
All remaining conditions will be mapped to the selected gate\\'s closed state Authoring fla conditions to default gate state confirm Become a Translator!
All remaining conditions will be mapped to the default branch Authoring fla conditions to default branch confirm Become a Translator!
All remaining groups will be mapped to the default branch Authoring fla groups to default branch confirm Become a Translator!
The start value can not be within the range of an existing condition Authoring fla range condition add start error Become a Translator!
The end value can not be within the range of an existing condition Authoring fla range condition add end error Become a Translator!
Group name must not be blank and must not contain any of these characters < > ^ * @ % $ Authoring fla group title validation erorr Become a Translator!
Authoring Authoring fla page title Become a Translator!
New Authoring fla page menu new Become a Translator!
Open Authoring fla page menu open Become a Translator!
Import Authoring fla page menu import Become a Translator!
The title must not be blank and must not contain any of these characters < > ^ * @ % $ Authoring fla title validation error Become a Translator!
Import part Authoring fla page menu import part Become a Translator!
Save Authoring fla page menu save Become a Translator!
Save as Authoring fla page menu saveas Become a Translator!
Export Authoring fla page menu export lams Become a Translator!
The design is valid and has been saved. Authoring fla save successful Become a Translator!
Copy Authoring fla page menu copy Become a Translator!
Paste Authoring fla page menu paste Become a Translator!
Uploaded file is executable error.attachment.executable Become a Translator!
Uploaded file must not be executable and not exceed size of {0} Become a Translator!
This short tour will show you the features of the main LAMS screen. You can stop the tour at any time by clicking End Tour, and restart it again by clicking on the Tour button. tour.intro.content Become a Translator!
Click here to reveal or hide your courses. tour.course.reveal.content Become a Translator!
Click on a course to make it the current course. Become a Translator!
Your favourite courses will appear at the top of the list. tour.favorites.content Become a Translator!
Lessons will appear here for the current course. tour.lessons.content Become a Translator!
Review the notifications that you have received about your lessons. tour.notification.content Become a Translator!
Create or modify the learning designs used for lessons. tour.authoring.content Become a Translator!
Update your personal settings. tour.user.profile.content Become a Translator!
Course Name Become a Translator!
Current course name. Click on the star to add this course to your favourites in the course list. Become a Translator!
Create a new lesson for this course using this button, or a lesson to a course subgroup using the Add Lesson button next to the subgroup name. tour.add.lesson.content Become a Translator!
Use the down arrow to select an activity and then create a lesson with just this single activity. tour.add.single.activity.lesson.content Become a Translator!
View your marks for this course. tour.course.gradebook.content Become a Translator!
General options for managing this course such as notifications, subgroups, gradebook. The contents of this menu will vary depending on your responsibilities. tour.more.actions.content Become a Translator!
Lesson Monitoring tour.lesson.monitoring.title Become a Translator!
The Monitoring screen shows you where the learners are in the lesson their contributions. tour.lesson.monitoring.content Become a Translator!
Lesson Notifications tour.lesson.notifications.title Become a Translator!
Send email notifications to learners. tour.lesson.notifications.content Become a Translator!
Lesson Gradebook tour.lesson.gradebook.title Become a Translator!
Review learners\' marks and the length of time taken in the lesson. tour.lesson.gradebook.content Become a Translator!
Lesson Conditions tour.lesson.conditions.title Become a Translator!
Set up conditions for starting or ending the lesson. tour.lesson.conditions.content Become a Translator!
Remove Lesson tour.lesson.remove.title Become a Translator!
Remove the lesson completely. This is permanent - it cannot be undone. tour.lesson.remove.content Become a Translator!
End tour.end.title Become a Translator!
Transition Authoring fla page menu transition Become a Translator!
Optional Authoring fla page menu optional Become a Translator!
Activity Authoring fla page menu optional activity Become a Translator!
Thank you for taking the tour. To restart the tour, click the Tour button again. tour.end.content Become a Translator!
Support Authoring fla page menu optional support Become a Translator!
Flow Authoring fla page menu flow Become a Translator!
Gate Authoring fla page menu flow gate Become a Translator!
Branch Authoring fla page menu flow branch Become a Translator!
Group Authoring fla page menu group Become a Translator!
Annotate Authoring fla page menu annotate Become a Translator!
Label Authoring fla page menu annotate label Become a Translator!
Cancel Authoring fla cancel button Become a Translator!
LAMS Tour tour.intro.title Become a Translator!
Region Authoring fla page menu annotate region Become a Translator!
Arrange Authoring fla page menu arrange Become a Translator!
Preview Authoring fla page menu preview Become a Translator!
Untitled Authoring fla page ld title Become a Translator!
Description: Authoring fla page ld description Become a Translator!
License: Authoring fla page ld license Become a Translator!
No license currently selected. Please select one. Authoring fla page ld license none Become a Translator!
You can save the groups as "Course groupings" so it can be used in other lessons as well. If the groups are just specifically for this lesson, you might not want to do this. Otherwise, click the button to give them a name and reuse them later. Become a Translator!
Advanced settings label.advanced.settings Become a Translator!
Additional license information: Authoring fla page ld license info Become a Translator!
Recently used sequences Authoring fla page dialog access Become a Translator!
Title: Authoring fla page dialog ld title Become a Translator!
Mappings Authoring fla page dialog mappings Become a Translator!
Title: Authoring fla page prop title Become a Translator!
Default? Authoring fla page prop default Become a Translator!
Grouping type: Authoring fla page prop grouping type Become a Translator!
Random Authoring fla page prop grouping type random Become a Translator!
Choose in Monitor Authoring fla page prop grouping type monitor Become a Translator!
Learner's choice Authoring fla page prop grouping type learner Become a Translator!
The timezone set in your profile does not match timezone on your computer. The times shown will be for the timezone set in your profile. label.timezone.warning Become a Translator!
Number of groups: Authoring fla page prop groups number Become a Translator!
at least 1 lower case letter label.password.must.lcase Become a Translator!
Please choose a sequence Authoring fla sequence not selected error Become a Translator!
Error while loading the sequence Authoring fla sequence load error Become a Translator!
Consent label.consent Become a Translator!
If you ever forget your password, you can reset it via this URL Become a Translator!
read-only authoring.fla.readonly.checkbox Become a Translator!
This sequence is read-only. If you want to modify it, you can create its copy. authoring.fla.readonly.forbidden Become a Translator!
Regards, Become a Translator!
LAMS Signup System Become a Translator!
A confirmation email will be sent before you are able to log in. Become a Translator!
A confirmation email has been sent to {0}<br />Check your email and follow the instructions. Become a Translator!
Transition from this activity already exists Authoring fla transition from exists error Become a Translator!
Changes were successfully applied. Authoring fla liveedit save successful Become a Translator!
Sequence export Authoring fla export sequence dialog title Become a Translator!
Copy [0]of Authoring fla activity copy title prefix Become a Translator!
Preview Authoring fla preview lesson default title Become a Translator!
Save sequence Authoring fla save dialog title Become a Translator!
Open sequence Authoring fla open dialog title Become a Translator!
Import Learning Design Authoring fla import dialog title Become a Translator!
Import activities Authoring fla import part dialog title Become a Translator!
Run sequences Authoring fla run sequences folder Become a Translator!
There are annotations on the canvas.\\n\ They will be not arranged automatically, you will have to adjust them manually later.\\n\ Do you want to continue? Authoring fla arrange confirm Become a Translator!
You have got unsaved changes. They will be lost. Do you want to continue? Authoring fla clear canvas confirm Become a Translator!
Place the branching point Authoring fla branching start place prompt Become a Translator!
Place the converge point Authoring fla branching end place prompt Become a Translator!
Click and hold to start drawing an annotation region Authoring fla annotation region place prompt Become a Translator!
Click to add an annotation label Authoring fla annotation label place prompt Become a Translator!
Click to add an optional activity container. Authoring fla optional activity place prompt Become a Translator!
Click to add a support activity container. Authoring fla support activity place prompt Become a Translator!
Click on an activity Authoring fla transition place prompt Become a Translator!
Sorry, you can not paste this type of activity Authoring fla paste error Become a Translator!
Error while initialising lesson for preview Authoring fla preview error Become a Translator!
Cross-branching transitions are not allowed Authoring fla cross branching error Become a Translator!
Support activities can not be connected to any other activity Authoring fla support transition error Become a Translator!
: a branch that ends in this branching does not start in it Authoring fla end match error Become a Translator!
OK Authoring fla ok button Become a Translator!
Clear all Authoring fla clear all button Become a Translator!
Refresh Authoring fla refresh button Become a Translator!
The sequence is not valid.<br />It needs to be corrected before it can be used in lessons. Authoring fla sequence not valid Become a Translator!
While saving the sequence there were following validation issues: Authoring fla sequence validation issues Become a Translator!
Remove Authoring fla remove condition button Become a Translator!
Properties Authoring fla properties dialog title Become a Translator!
Group Naming Authoring fla group naming dialog title Become a Translator!
Match Groups to Branches Authoring fla groups to branches match dialog_title Become a Translator!
Groups Authoring fla branch mapping groups header Become a Translator!
Group Authoring fla branch mapping group header Become a Translator!
Select Output Conditions for Input Authoring fla conditions dialog title Become a Translator!
Conditions Authoring fla branch mapping conditions header Become a Translator!
Condition Authoring fla branch mapping condition header Become a Translator!
Gate Authoring fla branch mapping gate header Become a Translator!
Branches Authoring fla branch mapping branches header Become a Translator!
Branch Authoring fla branch mapping branch header Become a Translator!
Map gate conditions Authoring fla gate state mapping dialog title Become a Translator!
Match conditions to branches Authoring fla branch mapping dialog title Become a Translator!
open Authoring fla gate state open Become a Translator!
closed Authoring fla gate state closed Become a Translator!
Learners always start from the first activity Become a Translator!
Sysadmin {0} has logged in as {1} audit.admin.loginas Become a Translator!
Monitoring index.monitoring.title Become a Translator!
Comments heading.comments Become a Translator!
Comment hidden label.hidden Become a Translator!
Reply label.reply Become a Translator!
Hide label.hide Become a Translator!
Show Become a Translator!
Post Become a Translator!
Refresh comments label.refresh Become a Translator!
Your changes have been saved but cannot be redisplayed. Please select refresh to reload the comments. error.cannot.redisplay.please.refresh Become a Translator!
An error has occurred. Your post may not have been saved. Please select refresh to start again error.please.refresh Become a Translator!
Show/Hide replies label.showhide.prompt Become a Translator!
Please complete or cancel the current reply before starting a new reply. message.complete.or.cancel.reply Become a Translator!
Please complete or cancel the current edit before starting a new reply. message.complete.or.cancel.edit Become a Translator!
More comments Become a Translator!
Likes label.likes Become a Translator!
The comment must be between 1 and 5000 character label.comment.body.validation Become a Translator!
Edited label.edited Become a Translator!
Like Become a Translator!
Dislike label.dislike Become a Translator!
No comments Become a Translator!
Newest first label.newest.first Become a Translator!
Top comments Become a Translator!
Stick to top label.add.sticky Become a Translator!
Remove sticky label.remove.sticky Become a Translator!
Notifications label.private.notifications.title Become a Translator!
Messages label.private.notifications.messages Become a Translator!
Read Become a Translator!
Mark notification as read Become a Translator!
Mark all notifications as read Become a Translator!
Select groups Become a Translator!
Match Course Groups to Branching Groups Become a Translator!
Course groups authoring.fla.branch.mapping.course.groups.header Become a Translator!
Branching groups authoring.fla.branch.mapping.branching.groups.header Become a Translator!
An internal error occured. Try again using your username or contact your system administrator. More information is provided in application logs. Become a Translator!
Theme label.theme Become a Translator!
Grouping Authoring fla default group title Become a Translator!
(default) Authoring fla branch mapping default branch suffix Become a Translator!
(user defined) Authoring fla complex output suffix Become a Translator!
(range) Authoring fla range output suffix Become a Translator!
Range [0] to [1] Authoring fla range condition description Become a Translator!
Exact value of Authoring fla exact condition description Become a Translator!
Group Authoring fla default group prefix Become a Translator!
Branching Authoring fla default branching title Become a Translator!
Branch Authoring fla default branch prefix Become a Translator!
Optional Activity Authoring fla default optional activity title Become a Translator!
Support Activity Authoring fla support activity title Become a Translator!
STOP Authoring fla gate activity label Become a Translator!
start Authoring fla branching start suffix Become a Translator!
end Authoring fla branching end suffix Become a Translator!
Authoring Authoring fla activity dialog title suffix Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove the whole branching activity? Authoring fla remove activity confirm Become a Translator!
Transition from this activity already exists.\\nDo you want to create branching here? Authoring fla branching create confirm Become a Translator!
Transition to this activity already exists. Authoring fla transition to exists error Become a Translator!
You are not allowed to have a circular sequence. Authoring fla circular sequence error Become a Translator!
You can not add this type of activity to an optional/support activity. Authoring fla activity in container error Become a Translator!
Label Authoring fla default annotation label title Become a Translator!
Fit Authoring fla region fit button tooltip Become a Translator!
New Authoring fla new folder button Become a Translator!
Copy Authoring fla copy button Become a Translator!
Paste Authoring fla paste button Become a Translator!
Delete Authoring fla delete button Become a Translator!
Rename Authoring fla rename button Become a Translator!
Open Authoring fla open button Become a Translator!
Save Authoring fla save button Become a Translator!
Import Authoring fla import button Become a Translator!
folder Authoring fla folder Become a Translator!
sequence Authoring fla sequence Become a Translator!
Learners can restart the lesson Become a Translator!
Verification code label.verification.code Become a Translator!
Sorry, entered verification code is incorrect. Please try again. error.verification.code Become a Translator!
Your new shared secret: {0} Become a Translator!
Two-factor authentication shared secret label.2FA.shared.secret Become a Translator!
Conditions in the activity were changed. Please review following activities as they referred the modified conditions: authoring.fla.conditions.mapping.broken Become a Translator!
unnamed authoring.fla.activity.unnamed.description Become a Translator!
gate authoring.fla.activity.gate.description Become a Translator!
branching authoring.fla.activity.branching.description Become a Translator!
Prev tour.prev Become a Translator!
Next Become a Translator!
End tour.end.tour Become a Translator!
(boolean: 1 or 0) authoring.fla.boolean.output.suffix Become a Translator!
Search for courses Become a Translator!
Save as a Course Grouping Become a Translator!
Please enter name for the new course grouping Become a Translator!
Course grouping with such name already exists. Please enter another one. Become a Translator!
Portrait for user {0} {1}({2}) deleted. Portrait Id was {3}. udit.delete.portrait Become a Translator!
Weights Become a Translator!
Click to display sequence details Become a Translator!
Weights on activity outputs authoring.fla.weights.title Become a Translator!
Activity authoring.fla.weights.activity Become a Translator!
Output authoring.fla.weights.output Become a Translator!
Weight authoring.fla.weights.weight Become a Translator!
Sum authoring.fla.weights.sum Become a Translator!
Output weights do not sum up to 100%. Adjust them in Weights dialog. authoring.fla.weights.sum.error Become a Translator!
Display activity scores on completion Become a Translator!
Kumalive index.kumalive Become a Translator!
Enter a live lesson index.kumalive.tooltip Become a Translator!
Enter as a learner index.kumalive.enter.learner Become a Translator!
Reports Become a Translator!
Rubrics management index.kumalive.rubric Become a Translator!
Import groups from template label.import.groups.from.template Become a Translator!
Download the template spreadsheet to create your groups using all the present learners in this lesson/course. Once you upload the file, the groups will be automatically created according to the spreadsheet. label.import.groups.from.template.description Become a Translator!
Download Template Become a Translator!
Upload Finished Spreadsheet Become a Translator!
Grouped Spreadsheet Required error.file.required Become a Translator!
Grouped Spreadsheet in the wrong format. Please upload a file based on the given template. error.file.wrong.format Become a Translator!
Group Import successful. {0} learners allocated to groups, {1} learners skipped. label.import.successful Become a Translator!
Importing this file will replace the existing groups. Do you want to import this file? label.import.warning.replace.groups Become a Translator!
create-grouping-template filename.create.grouping.template Become a Translator!
Login spreadsheet.column.login Become a Translator!
First Name spreadsheet.column.firstname Become a Translator!
Last Name spreadsheet.column.lastname Become a Translator!
Group Name spreadsheet.column.groupname Become a Translator!
Cannot update groups as the groups are now in use. error.groups.upload.locked Become a Translator!
Cannot update branching. Must use the existing names: {0}. error.branching.upload.must.use.existing.groups Become a Translator!
Print label.print Become a Translator!
These are the criteria for which the learners will rate each other using a 5 star rating. These fields are optional and no Peer Review will be created if they are left blank. Become a Translator!
Peer Review authoring.section.peerreview Become a Translator!
Rating Criteria {0} authoring.label.peerrevice.criteria.num Become a Translator!
Allow learners to comment on other learners authoring.label.peerrevice.allow.comments Become a Translator!
Minimum number of words in a comment Become a Translator!
Create Criteria authoring.create.criteria Become a Translator!
Learning design "{0}" ({1}) created by {2} ({3}) Become a Translator!
Your design is valid and has been saved.\\nIf this is a TBL sequence, you may want to make following activities grouped: Become a Translator!
No activities with weightable gradebook output authoring.fla.weights.none Become a Translator!
Start: label.start Become a Translator!
End: label.end Become a Translator!
Lessons with a scheduled end date can only have individual time limits, not a lesson time limit. error.lesson.with.scheduled.end.only.have.individual.limits Become a Translator!
Scheduled end date must be after the start date. Become a Translator!
Policies and consents label.policies.consents Become a Translator!
Version label.version Become a Translator!
Consented? label.consented Become a Translator!
Consented on label.consented.on Become a Translator!
Policy details label.policy.details Become a Translator!
No score Become a Translator!
Policies label.policies.title Become a Translator!
Please agree to all the policies before proceeding Become a Translator!
Consent is required label.consent.required Become a Translator!
I agree to the policy Become a Translator!
Policy name Become a Translator!
Policy type label.policy.type Become a Translator!
Site policy Become a Translator!
Privacy policy label.policy.type.privacy Become a Translator!
Third party policy Become a Translator!
Hi there, Become a Translator!
Please confirm your email address by clicking on the link below Become a Translator!
Regards, Become a Translator!
Select a country Become a Translator!
Country is required Become a Translator!
You cannot login as this user as they are an Integration Learner and 'Allow direct access to main LAMS page for Integration Learners' is turned off in the system configuration. Become a Translator!
LAMS Signup System Become a Translator!
Hi there, Become a Translator!
You've successfully registered an account with username {0} on the LAMS server at {1}. Become a Translator!
If the email/username that you have provided exists, an email would be sent to the registered email address. forgot.password.request.processed Become a Translator!
Enable confidence levels authoring.enable.confidence.levels Become a Translator!
Do you want to return to the template list without saving? Become a Translator!
Use Template Become a Translator!
Select a template from the list to see more details about the design that will be created. You can the proceed to create the design or return back to this list. authoring.template.list.introduction Become a Translator!
Learning Design Templates Become a Translator!
Outcomes index.outcome.manage Become a Translator!
Manage learning outcomes and scales index.outcome.manage.tooltip Become a Translator!
Course outcomes outcome.manage.title Become a Translator!
Remove outcome outcome.manage.remove Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this outcome? outcome.manage.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
Add outcome outcome.manage.add Become a Translator!
Edit outcome outcome.manage.edit Become a Translator!
View outcome outcome.manage.view Become a Translator!
Name Become a Translator!
Code outcome.manage.add.code Become a Translator!
Description outcome.manage.add.description Become a Translator!
Global Become a Translator!
Scale outcome.manage.add.scale Become a Translator!
Save Become a Translator!
Scope outcome.manage.scope Become a Translator!
global Become a Translator!
course outcome.manage.scope.course Become a Translator!
Error while saving an outcome outcome.manage.add.error Become a Translator!
Name can not be blank Become a Translator!
Code can not be blank outcome.manage.add.error.code.blank Become a Translator!
You have to choose a scale outcome.manage.add.error.scale.choose Become a Translator!
Scales scale.title Become a Translator!
Manage scales scale.manage Become a Translator!
Add scale scale.manage.add Become a Translator!
Edit scale scale.manage.edit Become a Translator!
View scale scale.manage.view Become a Translator!
Course scales scale.manage.title Become a Translator!
Remove scale scale.manage.remove Become a Translator!
Error while removing a scale. scale.manage.remove.scale Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this scale? scale.manage.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
Values scale.manage.add.value Become a Translator!
Enter comma separated values in increasing order of value. For example, an A,B,C,D scale must be entered as D,C,B,A. Become a Translator!
A value must not be blank scale.manage.add.value.error.blank Become a Translator!
Error while saving an outcome scale scale.manage.add.error Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
Added outcomes outcome.authoring.existing Become a Translator!
none outcome.authoring.existing.none Become a Translator!
Exported on: Become a Translator!
Export outcome.export Become a Translator!
Import outcome.import Become a Translator!
Error while importing outcomes or scales. Check logs. outcome.import.error Become a Translator!
Your design has been saved as {0}. authoring.template.successful Become a Translator!
Name authoring.label.sequence.title Become a Translator!
RAT Questions: Question {0} may not be blank authoring.error.question.num Become a Translator!
RAT Questions: One of the answers for Question {0} needs to be correct. authoring.error.question.correct.num Become a Translator!
Application Exercise (These question(s) will be shown during the analysis phase in the sequence.) authoring.description.application.exercise Become a Translator!
Teams authoring.label.grouping Become a Translator!
Learner's Choice authoring.label.grouping.learners.choice Become a Translator!
Teacher's Choice authoring.label.grouping.teachers.choice Become a Translator!
Random Allocation authoring.label.grouping.random.allocation Become a Translator!
Number of teams: authoring.label.numgroups Become a Translator!
Number of learners: authoring.label.numlearners Become a Translator!
Number of learners must be 1 to 99. authoring.error.numlearners Become a Translator!
Team settings are not correct. Become a Translator!
Lesson Details authoring.section.lessondetails Become a Translator!
RAT Questions authoring.section.questions Become a Translator!
Application Exercises authoring.section.applicationexercise Become a Translator!
Introduction authoring.section.introduction Become a Translator!
Add Question authoring.create.question Become a Translator!
Add Essay Question authoring.create.essay.question Become a Translator!
Add Multiple Choice Question Become a Translator!
Application Exercise {0} authoring.label.application.exercise.num Become a Translator!
Application Exercises: Application Exercise {0} may not be blank. authoring.error.application.exercise.num Become a Translator!
Question {0} authoring.label.question.num Become a Translator!
Option {0} authoring.label.option.num Become a Translator!
Option may not be blank authoring.error.option Become a Translator!
Correct? authoring.label.correct.question Become a Translator!
Add Option authoring.create.option Become a Translator!
Next Become a Translator!
Previous button.previous Become a Translator!
Back to Templates Become a Translator!
Content ID is missing Become a Translator!
RAT Questions: Question {0} must have at least one answer. authoring.error.question.must.have.answer.num Become a Translator!
Application Exercises: {0} Question {1} must have at least one answer. authoring.error.application.exercise.must.have.answer.num Become a Translator!
Application Exercises: {0} Question {1} must have at least one answer worth 100%. authoring.error.application.exercise.must.have.100.percent Become a Translator!
Application Exercises: {0} Question {1} may not be blank and must have a grade. authoring.error.application.exercise.not.blank.and.grade Become a Translator!
The outcome is mapped to some items. It can not be removed. Become a Translator!
The scale is used in some outcomes. It can not be removed. Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? outcome.authoring.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
Grade authoring.label.grade Become a Translator!
None authoring.label.none Become a Translator!
Team Based Learning authoring.tbl.template.title Become a Translator!
Individual and Team Readiness Assurance Tests followed by Application Exercises. authoring.tbl.template.description Become a Translator!
Adding RAT questions. authoring.tbl.desc.question Become a Translator!
Adding Application Exercises (AEs). You can create multiple AEs if needed. Become a Translator!
Application Exercise {0} Question {1} may not be blank. Become a Translator!
LAMS: account details Become a Translator!
Application Exercises: {0} is missing the text for the noticeboard. authoring.error.application.exercise.needs.noticeboard.text Become a Translator!
RAT Questions: There must be at least one question. authoring.error.rat.not.blank Become a Translator!
Import IMS QTI authoring.template.basic.import.qti Become a Translator!
Add Noticeboard after AE authoring.tbl.use.noticeboard Become a Translator!
Add new Application Exercise authoring.create.application.exercise Become a Translator!
Asks students in the iRAT how confident they are with their chosen answer. Then the confidence level for each student is displayed in the tRAT to all members of their team. authoring.tbl.enable.confidence.tooltip Become a Translator!
After the AE, displays content to students as additional information or as a reflection on the AE topic. authoring.tbl.use.noticeboard.tooltip Become a Translator!
Do you want to delete the Application Exercise {0}? authoring.tbl.delete.appex.prompt Become a Translator!
Do you want to delete the RAT Question {0}? authoring.tbl.delete.mcq.prompt Become a Translator!
Allow multiple responses authoring.application.exercise.allow.multiple.responses Become a Translator!
When learners are allowed to select multiple answers the grade is the sum of the grade for all correct responses selected. authoring.application.exercise.allow.multiple.responses.tooltip Become a Translator!
Please wait for a teacher to start the lesson. (You were logged in as a learner, as your current role does not conform LTI specification). message.teacher.role.not.recognized Become a Translator!
Multiple lessons label.multiple.lessons Become a Translator!
Add lesson to all selected subcourses Become a Translator!
Marks label.marks Become a Translator!
Activity "{0}" was grouped with a grouping activity that is missing or is not one of previous activities. Grouping was cleared. authoring.fla.grouping.detached.error Become a Translator!
Activity "{0}" had an input activity that is missing or is not one of previous activities. Input was cleared. authoring.fla.input.detached.error Become a Translator!
This question has already been added label.question.not.added Become a Translator!
Start with branches mapped to highest ordered answers authoring.fla.branch.mapping.ordered.asc Become a Translator!
Choose a collection: label.questions.choice.collection Become a Translator!
An antivirus scan will be performed. It can take a while. title.import.instruction.antivirus Become a Translator!
[create new] Become a Translator!
Question collections index.qb.collections Become a Translator!
Answer queue label.answer.queue Become a Translator!
drag and drop answer to tick or cross label.drag.and.drop Become a Translator!
Correct label.correct Become a Translator!
Incorrect label.incorrect Become a Translator!
Answer alternatives label.answer.alternatives Become a Translator!
Close label.close Become a Translator!
Create question label.create.question Become a Translator!
Multiple choice label.question.type.multiple.choice Become a Translator!
Matching pairs label.question.type.matching.pairs Become a Translator!
Short answer label.question.type.short.answer Become a Translator!
Numerical label.question.type.numerical Become a Translator!
True/False label.question.type.true.false Become a Translator!
Essay label.question.type.essay Become a Translator!
Ordering label.question.type.ordering Become a Translator!
Mark hedging label.question.type.mark.hedging Become a Translator!
Search question bank Become a Translator!
Type: label.question.type Become a Translator!
Question successfully imported label.question.successfully.imported Become a Translator!
Import questions in IMS QTI format label.import.qti Become a Translator!
Export questions in IMS QTI format label.export.qti Become a Translator!
Import questions in XML format label.import.xml Become a Translator!
Export questions in XML format label.export.xml Become a Translator!
The import file must be .xml file exported from assessment tool and not exceed size of {0} msg.import.file.format Become a Translator!
The import file is not an .xml file. error.import.file.format Become a Translator!
Question statistics label.qb.stats.title Become a Translator!
The question is in one collection only, so it would be permanently removed.\\nIt is not possible as the question is used in sequences. error.qb.permanent.remove Become a Translator!
The question is in one collection only. Are you sure that you want to remove it permanently? label.qb.permanent.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
Question label.qb.stats.question Become a Translator!
Version label.qb.stats.question.version Become a Translator!
Title label.qb.stats.question.title Become a Translator!
Description label.qb.stats.question.description Become a Translator!
Feedback Become a Translator!
Mark label.qb.stats.question.mark Become a Translator!
Title label.qb.stats.option.title Become a Translator!
Correct? label.qb.stats.option.correct Become a Translator!
Average selection<br>(as first choice) label.qb.stats.option.average Become a Translator!
Average selection chart label.qb.stats.chart Become a Translator!
Burning questions label.qb.stats.burning.questions Become a Translator!
This question does not have any burning questions label.qb.stats.burning.questions.none Become a Translator!
Likes label.qb.stats.burning.questions.likes Become a Translator!
Usage in active lessons label.qb.stats.usage Become a Translator!
This question is not used in any lesson label.qb.stats.usage.none Become a Translator!
Course label.qb.stats.usage.course Become a Translator!
Lesson label.qb.stats.usage.lesson Become a Translator!
Activity label.qb.stats.usage.activity Become a Translator!
Tool type label.qb.stats.usage.type Become a Translator!
Test participant count label.qb.stats.usage.participant.count Become a Translator!
Difficulty index label.qb.stats.usage.difficulty Become a Translator!
Discrimination index label.qb.stats.usage.discrimination Become a Translator!
Point biserial label.qb.stats.usage.biserial Become a Translator!
Previous versions label.qb.stats.versions Become a Translator!
This question does not have any previous versions label.qb.stats.versions.none Become a Translator!
Created date label.qb.stats.versions.created Become a Translator!
Created ago label.qb.stats.versions.created.ago Become a Translator!
Collections label.qb.stats.collections Become a Translator!
Transfer questions to label.qb.stats.collections.transfer Become a Translator!
Add label.qb.stats.collections.transfer.add Become a Translator!
Copy label.qb.stats.collections.transfer.copy Become a Translator!
Existing collections label.qb.stats.collections.existing Become a Translator!
Remove label.qb.stats.collections.remove Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes label.qb.stats.outcomes Become a Translator!
This question does not have any learning outcomes label.qb.stats.outcomes.none Become a Translator!
Existing outcomes label.qb.stats.outcomes.existing Become a Translator!
Collection label.qb.collection Become a Translator!
Questions label.qb.collection.grid.title Become a Translator!
ID Become a Translator!
Name Become a Translator!
Learning Outcomes label.qb.collection.grid.outcomes Become a Translator!
Used in<br>lessons label.qb.collection.grid.usage Become a Translator!
Actions label.qb.collection.grid.actions Become a Translator!
Stats label.qb.collection.grid.stats Become a Translator!
Error while loading grid with question collections label.qb.collection.grid.error Become a Translator!
Name must not be blank Become a Translator!
Collection with such name already exists Become a Translator!
Show stats label.qb.collection.action.stats Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove "{0}" collection? label.qb.collection.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
Collection management Become a Translator!
Private collection label.qb.collection.private Become a Translator!
Remove collection label.qb.collection.remove Become a Translator!
XML label.qb.collection.xml Become a Translator!
QTI label.qb.collection.qti Become a Translator!
There are no questions in this collection label.qb.collection.questions.none Become a Translator!
Share collection with courses label.qb.collection.share.title Become a Translator!
Shared label.qb.collection.shared Become a Translator!
Unshare label.qb.collection.unshare Become a Translator!
Share label.qb.collection.share Become a Translator!
Edit label.qb.collection.edit Become a Translator!
Do you want to delete this answer? Become a Translator!
Choose Word file label.choose.word.document Become a Translator!
Import questions from Word document label.import.word Become a Translator!
Word label.qb.collection.word Become a Translator!
You have 1 error in a form. It has been highlighted error.form.validation.error Become a Translator!
You have {0} errors in a form. They have been highlighted error.form.validation.errors Become a Translator!
Add multiple choice label.authoring.choice.add.multiple.choice Become a Translator!
This field is required. label.authoring.choice.field.required Become a Translator!
Please enter an integer. label.authoring.choice.enter.integer Become a Translator!
Please enter a floating point number. label.authoring.choice.enter.float Become a Translator!
One or multiple answers? Become a Translator!
One answer only Become a Translator!
Multiple answers allowed label.authoring.choice.multiple.answers Become a Translator!
Overall feedback Become a Translator!
Feedback shown on any correct response Become a Translator!
Feedback shown on any partially correct response Become a Translator!
Feedback shown on any incorrect response Become a Translator!
Add another answer label.authoring.choice.add.option Become a Translator!
Matching pairs label.authoring.matching.pairs.matching.pairs Become a Translator!
You should provide at least 1 matching pair. Become a Translator!
Add another label.authoring.matching.pairs.add.matching.pair Become a Translator!
No, case is unimportant Become a Translator!
Yes, case must match Become a Translator!
Case sensitivity Become a Translator!
Add another answer label.authoring.short.answer.add.answer Become a Translator!
True/False question label.authoring.true.false.question Become a Translator!
Correct answer label.authoring.true.false.correct.answer Become a Translator!
Feedback for the response 'True'. Become a Translator!
Feedback for the response 'False'. Become a Translator!
Numerical question label.authoring.numerical.question Become a Translator!
Units label.authoring.numerical.units Become a Translator!
You should provide at least one possible answer. label.authoring.numerical.error.answer Become a Translator!
Add another answer label.authoring.numerical.add.answer Become a Translator!
Add another unit label.authoring.numerical.add.unit Become a Translator!
Settings label.settings Become a Translator!
Question's title label.enter.question.title Become a Translator!
Question's description label.enter.question.description Become a Translator!
Answer required? label.authoring.answer.required Become a Translator!
Default question grade label.authoring.basic.default.question.grade Become a Translator!
Required field label.required.field Become a Translator!
Allow learners to use rich text editor Become a Translator!
Maximum number of words label.maximum.number.words Become a Translator!
Minimum number of words label.minimum.number.words Become a Translator!
General feedback Become a Translator!
Shuffle answers? label.authoring.basic.shuffle.the.choices Become a Translator!
Ask for hedging justification? label.ask.for.hedging.justification Become a Translator!
Autocomplete (as student types answer autocomplete with stemming from answers) Become a Translator!
Penalty factor label.authoring.basic.penalty.factor Become a Translator!
One of the answers should have a grade of 100% so it is possible to get full marks for this question. error.form.validation.hundred.score Become a Translator!
All the accepted errors should be positive. error.form.validation.positive.accepted.errors Become a Translator!
Prefix sequential letters for each answer label.prefix.sequential.letters.for.each.answer Become a Translator!
Question label.authoring.basic.option.question Become a Translator!
Grade label.authoring.basic.option.grade Become a Translator!
Feedback Become a Translator!
Accepted error label.authoring.basic.option.accepted.error Become a Translator!
Unit label.authoring.basic.unit.unit Become a Translator!
Multiplier label.authoring.basic.unit.multiplier Become a Translator!
False label.authoring.true.false.false Become a Translator!
True label.authoring.true.false.true Become a Translator!
Multiple choice label.authoring.basic.type.multiple.choice Become a Translator!
Matching pairs label.authoring.basic.type.matching.pairs Become a Translator!
Very short answers label.authoring.basic.type.short.answer Become a Translator!
Numerical label.authoring.basic.type.numerical Become a Translator!
True/False label.authoring.basic.type.true.false Become a Translator!
Essay label.authoring.basic.type.essay Become a Translator!
Ordering label.authoring.basic.type.ordering Become a Translator!
Mark hedging label.authoring.basic.type.mark.hedging Become a Translator!
Assigns full mark only when the correct answers are selected. label.incorrect.answer.nullifies.mark Become a Translator!
Answer label.authoring.basic.option.answer Become a Translator!
Delete label.authoring.basic.delete Become a Translator!
None label.authoring.basic.none Become a Translator!
One of the answers should have a positive grade error.positive.grade.required Become a Translator!