Module: Scratchie for Spanish Spain

Module Information

Module Name: Scratchie
Description: Scratchie tool
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 01/17/14 12:59 PM
% translated: 88.16% (231 out of 262)

Translated Labels

English Spanish Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Next activity Finalizar 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Finish Finalizar 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Finished Finalizar 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
No session available No hay ninguna sesión disponible 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Try again Inténtelo de nuevo 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. Por favor, espere a que el instructor para completar el contenido de esta actividad. 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Up Subir 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Down Bajar 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Continue Continuar 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Close Cerrar 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
On Si 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Off No 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Move up Subir 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Name Nombre 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Answer Respuesta 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
choice elección 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Summary Resumen 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Attempts Intentos 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Report by question Informe por pregunta 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Group: Grupo: 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Report by learner Informe por alumno 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Attempt # Intento # 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Scratchie Scratchie 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
correct correcto 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Date Fecha 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Report for {0} Informe de {0} 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Choose... Elija... 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Edit Editar 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Edit Editar 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Export portfolio for Scratchie Export portfolio para Scratchie 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit activity Editar actividad 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Group Grupo 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? ¿Quiere cerrar la ventana sin guardar cambios? 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
In the graph(s) below, click on a bar in the graph and then use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the graph. Once you zoom in, the grey selection in the bottom graph can be dragged left or right to show a different set of marks. En los gráficos a continuación, haga clic en una barra en el gráfico y luego use la rueda del mouse para acercar y alejar el gráfico. Una vez que se acerca, la selección gris en el gráfico inferior se puede arrastrar hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha para mostrar un conjunto diferente de puntajes. LDEV-4352 05/21/18 07:15 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes Objetivos de aprendizaje LDEV-4644 12/28/18 09:32 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code Busque y seleccione objetivo por título o código LDEV-4644 12/28/18 09:32 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Sorry, you can only have 10 answers at maximum. Lo sentimos, pero sólo puede tener 10 respuestas como máximo. 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Added outcomes Objetivos añadidos LDEV-4644 12/28/18 09:32 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
none ninguno LDEV-4644 12/28/18 09:32 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Please, specify which answer is correct one. Por favor, especifique cuál es la respuesta correcta. 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Question Pregunta 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Could not retrieve default content record for this tool. No se pudo recuperar el contenido de registro por defecto para esta herramienta. 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions Instrucciones de la reflexión 05/21/18 08:55 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Instructions Instrucciones 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Expand all Expandir LDEV-4604 08/13/18 12:18 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Scratchie title Título Scratchie 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Correct? ¿Correcto? 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Add another scratchie Añadir otra scratchie 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Collapse all Contraer LDEV-4604 08/13/18 12:18 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Save Guardar 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancelar 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Summary Resumen 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Export IMS QTI Exportar IMS QTI LDEV-3194 07/17/14 08:39 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Statistic Estadísticas 01/17/14 01:45 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Option for burning questions Opción para apelar respuestas LDEV-3431 05/20/18 08:30 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Burning question? ¿Apelar respuesta? LDEV-3431 05/20/18 08:31 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
General burning question Apelación general LDEV-3444 05/20/18 08:31 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Burning questions autosaved Apelaciones auto-guardadas LDEV-4455 05/20/18 08:32 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Burning questions Apelaciones LDEV-3431 05/20/18 08:32 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Basic Contenido 05/19/18 09:17 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Advanced Configuración 05/19/18 09:19 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Scratchie Scratchie 05/19/18 09:58 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Scratchie Authoring Scratchie Autoría 05/19/18 09:58 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Scratchie tool Herramienta Scratchie 05/19/18 09:58 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Basic input information for scratchie tool Contenido para la herramienta Scratchie 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Please input advance options for Scratchie tool Por favor, ingrese opciones de configuración 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Title Título 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Scratchie Scratchie 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Add Notebook at end with the following instructions: Añadir anotación al terminar actividad con las siguientes instrucciones: 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
View notebook entries Ver anotaciones 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
No notebook available No hay anotaciones 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Advanced settings Configuraciones 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Add notebook Añadir anotaciones 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Select a learner from the list to see his/her attempts/results Seleccionar estudiante para ver intentos y resultados 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Learner's summary Resumen 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Attempt Intento 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Correct? Correcto? 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Do you really want to delete this question? ¿Quiere eliminar esta pregunta? 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to finish? ¿Esta seguro que quiere terminar? 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Add another answer Añadir respuesta 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Title is required. Se requiere título. 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
You should provide at least one possible answer. Se necesita por lo menos una respuesta. 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
You should mark one of the filled answers as correct. Se necesita una respuesta como correcta. 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
You have 1 error in a form. It has been highlighted Hay un error en el formulario. Ver anotaciones complementarias. 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
You have {0} errors in a form. They have been highlighted Hay {0} errores en el formulario. Ver anotaciones complementarias. 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Add/Edit question Añadir/Editar pregunta 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Title Título 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Question Pregunta 05/19/18 10:23 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Give an extra mark if the first scratchie attempt is the correct one. Dar un punto extra si líder seleccionar respuesta correctamente en el primer intento. 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Scratchie answers Respuestas 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Correct answer Respuesta correcta 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Mark Puntaje 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Attempts Intentos 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Choice #{0} Seleccion #{0} 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Group leader: {0} Líder de grupo: {0} 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Refresh Actualizar 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Export Excel Exportar Excel 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Research and analysis Investigación y análisis 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Scratchie report Informe 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Overall summary by team Resumen general por equipo 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
For question {0} Para la pregunta {0} 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
First choice Primera opción 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Incorrect Incorrecta 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Correct Correcta 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Overall summary by individual learner in each team Resumen general por alumno individual en cada equipo 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Group Equipo 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Question reports Informe de preguntas 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Question:{0} Pregunta {0} 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
All teams summary Resumen de todos los equipos 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Breakdown by team Desglose por equipo 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Breakdown by learner with timing Desglose por estudiante con el tiempo 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Team leader: Líder de grupo: 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Quick analysis Análisis inmediato 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
The table below shows whether or not the team selected the correct answer first. La siguiente tabla muestra si el equipo seleccionó la respuesta correcta como primera opcion 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Questions Preguntas 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
TEAMS Equipos 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
yes si 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
For_XLS_export (SPSS analysis) Export para XLS (SPSS análisis) 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Learner name Nombre 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Team Equipo 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Question number Pregunta número 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Question Pregunta 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
First choice accuracy Precisión en primera opción 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Number of attempts Intentos 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Mark awarded Puntaje obtenido 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
First answer selected Primera respuesta seleccionada 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Second answer selected Segunda respuesta seleccionada 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Third answer selected Tercera respuesta seleccionada 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Fourth answer selected Cuarta respuesta seleccionada 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Fifth answer selected Quinta respuesta seleccionada 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Sixth answer selected Sexta respuesta seleccionada 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Seventh answer selected Séptima respuesta seleccionada 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Eighth answer selected Octava respuesta seleccionada 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Ninth answer selected Novena respuesta seleccionada 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Tenth answer selected Décima respuesta seleccionada 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Date Fecha 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
None Ninguno 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Learner's feedback Comentarios del alumno 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
team leader líder de equipo 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Import IMS QTI Importar IMS QTI 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Please, wait while somebody will become a group leader. Por favor, espere mientras alguien se convertirá en un líder de grupo. 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Total Total 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Report by team Informe por equipo 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Score: Puntaje: 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Your score: {0} Su puntaje: {0} 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Your answer: Tu respuesta: 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Other groups: Otros equipos: 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
All Todos 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Date and time restriction Fecha de restricción 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
If a date and time restriction is set, learners will not be able to submit assignments after this date. Si se asigna una restricción de fecha, estudiantes no podrán completar esta actividad después de la fecha. 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Date and time: Fecha y hora: 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Set restriction Establecer restricción 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Remove restriction Eliminar restricción 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
The teacher has set a restriction for submission from {0}. El instructor ha configurado una restricción desde: {0} 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Notification Notificación 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Date restriction has been set La restricción de fecha ha sido establecida 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Scratchie Settings Configuraciones LDEV-3251 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Configuration successfully saved. Configuración guardada LDEV-3251 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Return to maintain LAMS Volder al menú. LDEV-3251 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Save Guardar LDEV-3251 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Enable an extra mark for the first correct scratchie attempt option. Habilitar punto extra si líder seleccionar respuesta correctamente en el primer intento. LDEV-3251 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Marks in a form of a comma-separated values Separar puntaje entre comas. LDEV-3251 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Marks should not be left blank. Please, enter it in a format of comma separated values. Puntaje no puede ser dejado en blanco. LDEV-3251 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Entered marks are not in a correct format of comma separated values. El puntaje ingresado no esta en el formato correcto. Cada punto debe ser separado por comas. LDEV-3251 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Question options Opciones de preguntas LDEV-3862 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
End of activity Al finalizar actividad LDEV-3862 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time limit (minutes) Tiempo límite (en minutos) LDEV-3741 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time left Tiempo restante LDEV-3741 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time is over. Processing your answers... El tiempo a concluido. Procesando sus respuestas... LDEV-3741 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
You are going to participate in activity that has time limitation. Are you ready to start? La actividad que está por comenzar tiene limite de tiempo. ¿Está listo para comenzar? LDEV-3741 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
OK OK LDEV-3741 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Count Conteo LDEV-3742 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Like Me gusta LDEV-3742 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Unlike No gustar LDEV-3742 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Leader has not started the activity. Please wait until he commences it. El líder aun no ha comenzado la actividad. Espere a este lo haga. LDEV-3801 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time limit set by teacher is expired. Please wait until a group leader submits notebook. El límite de tiempo establecido por el instructor ha expirado. Espere hasta que un líder del grupo envíe las respuestas. LDEV-3801 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Shuffle questions Barajar preguntas LDEV-4244 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Excel file downloaded. Archivo de Excel descargado LDEV-4258 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Number of groups finished Grupos que han terminado LDEV-4352 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Lowest mark: Puntaje más bajo: LDEV-4352 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Highest mark: Puntaje más alto: LDEV-4352 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Marks Puntaje LDEV-4352 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Number of groups in mark range Número de grupos en el rango de puntaje LDEV-4352 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Average mark Puntaje promedio LDEV-4352 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Warning: if you edit and modify a question or change an answer that a leader has already answered, then the mark for the whole group for the modified question will be deleted permanently as it is assumed that the question has changed. Advertencia: si edita y modifica una pregunta o cambia una respuesta que un líder ya ha respondido, el puntaje para todo el grupo por la pregunta modificada se eliminará permanentemente ya que se supone que la pregunta ha cambiado. LDEV-4443 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Show confidence levels from the following activity Mostrar niveles de confianza de la siguiente actividad LDEV-4451 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
There are no activities with confidence levels to choose from. No hay actividades que tengan niveles de confianza para seleccionar LDEV-4451 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: In order to select activity with confidence levels or producing VSA answers please save your sequence first. Para seleccionar actividad con niveles de confianza, guarde su secuencia primero. LDEV-4451 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Change marking allocation Cambiar la asignación de puntajes LDEV-4458 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Attention: changing marking allocation will affect the way marks get calculated. Atención: cambiar la asignación de puntaje afectará la forma en que se calculan las resultados. LDEV-4458 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Modify default marking Modificar el puntaje preestablecido LDEV-4458 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
tRA Questions & Marks tRAT Preguntas y puntaje LDEV-4520 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Attendance Asistencia LDEV-4520 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Show students' choices Mostrar resultados LDEV-4520 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Hide students' choices Esconder resultados LDEV-4520 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
tRA results by team tRAT resultados por equipo LDEV-4520 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
average promedio LDEV-4520 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Print Imprimir LDEV-4520 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Teams Equipos LDEV-4520 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Show results to learners after completion Mostrar puntajes y resultados después de completar actividad LDEV-4530 05/19/18 11:41 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Total mark scored by learner Puntaje total 05/20/18 01:03 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Mark Puntaje 05/20/18 01:03 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Legend Leyenda 05/19/18 11:48 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Median Mediana 05/19/18 11:48 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Ave. Mean Media promedio 05/19/18 11:48 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Sorry, the deadline to participate in this activity has passed. Please contact your teacher for further details. Lamentablemente, la fecha límite para participar en esta actividad ya pasó. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el instructor para más detalles. 05/19/18 11:48 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Date restriction has been removed Restricción de fecha eliminada 05/19/18 11:48 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Other learners participating in current group: Otros estudiantes participando en el grupo: 05/19/18 11:51 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
The table below shows which answer the teams selected on the first try La siguiente tabla muestra que respuesta los equipos seleccionaron como primera opción 05/19/18 11:51 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*- Denotes the correct answer *- Denota la respuesta correcta 05/19/18 11:51 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Scratchie monitoring Seguimiento 05/19/18 11:51 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time of selection for 1st choice Fecha de selección de la primera opción 05/19/18 11:52 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time of selection for 2nd choice Fecha de selección de la segunda opción 05/19/18 11:52 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time of selection for 3rd choice Fecha de selección de la tercera opción 05/19/18 11:52 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time of selection for 4th choice Fecha de selección de la cuarta opción 05/19/18 11:52 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time of selection for 5th choice Fecha de selección de la quinta opción 05/19/18 11:52 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time of selection for 6th choice Fecha de selección de la sexta opción 05/19/18 11:52 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time of selection for 7th choice Fecha de selección de la séptima opción 05/19/18 11:52 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time of selection for 8th choice Fecha de selección de la octava opción 05/19/18 11:52 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time of selection for 9th choice Fecha de selección de la novena opción 05/19/18 11:52 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Time of selection for 10th choice Fecha de selección de la décima opción 05/19/18 11:52 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Scroll down to corresponding burning question Desplácese hacia abajo a la pregunta de grabación correspondiente LDEV-4598 06/18/18 08:55 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? ¿Está seguro que desea eliminar? LDEV-4786 03/27/19 08:29 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Summary analysis Resumen 03/08/20 07:33 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
One or more questions have not being completed. If you are to continue, you won't be able to answer these questions at a later stage and you'll get the lowest score point for these questions. Are you sure you want to continue? Una o varias preguntas no han sido contestadas correctamente. Si decide continuar, recibirá el menor puntaje por las preguntas no contestadas. ¿Esta seguro que desea continuar? 03/08/20 07:34 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Not confident Sin certeza LDEV-4880 11/22/19 05:55 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Confident Con certeza LDEV-4880 11/22/19 05:55 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Very confident Muchas certeza LDEV-4880 11/22/19 05:55 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Not sure No estoy seguro LDEV-4880 11/22/19 05:55 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Sure Seguro LDEV-4880 11/22/19 05:55 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Very sure Muy seguro LDEV-4880 11/22/19 05:55 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!

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