Module Name: | Survey |
Description: | The Survey tool |
Output: | java |
Type: | tool |
Added By: | Ernie Ghiglione |
Optional: | No |
Created on: | 09/28/06 08:40 PM |
% translated: | 66.29% (120 out of 181) |
English | Arabic Translation | Dev task | Last updated | By | Action |
Export Report | صدّر التقرير | 07/15/08 11:28 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Not Available | غير متوفر | 07/15/08 11:28 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Optional | اختياري | 07/15/08 11:33 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Add question | أضف سؤالا | 07/15/08 11:35 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Possible answers | أجوبة محتملة | 07/15/08 11:41 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Candidate Answer | إجابة المرشّح | 07/15/08 11:42 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Open response | ردّ مفتوح | 07/15/08 11:43 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Session Name | اسم الجلسة | 07/15/08 11:56 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: No session available | لا توجد جلسة متوفرة | 07/15/08 11:56 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Edit | تعديل | 10/23/10 12:13 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Edit | تعديل | 10/23/10 12:13 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Edit | تعديل | 10/23/10 12:13 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Edit Activity | تعديل النّشاط | 10/23/10 12:13 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Delete | أحذف | 07/19/08 01:22 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Cancel | ألغي | 07/19/08 01:22 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Delete | أحذف | 07/19/08 01:22 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Update | حدّث | 10/22/10 03:18 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Error page | صفحة خطأ | 10/20/10 10:55 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Could not retrieve default content record for this tool. | لا يمكن استرجاع المحتوى التلقائي لهذه الاداة | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Survey to view | استقصاء للعرض | 10/06/06 10:45 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Statistic | احصائيات | 10/06/06 10:45 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Group | المجموعة | 10/06/06 10:45 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Report of individual question | تقرير عن سؤال محدد | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Answer | إجابة | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
# of learners | عدد الطلاب | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Learner | طالب | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Survey | استقصاء | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Survey | استقصاء | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Tool to create Surveys | اداة لانشاء استقصائات | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Answer surveys. | أجب على استقصائات | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Survey Tool | اداة استقصاء | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Tool for survey. | اداة للاستقصاء. | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Some error occurs when handling your request | حدثت بعض الاخطاء اثناء التعامل مع طلبك. | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Survey Authoring | استقصاء | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Survey | تأليف استقصاء | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Title | العنوان | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Question | السؤال | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Add free text | اضف سؤال مفتوح | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Add more answers | اضف اجابات اضافية | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Add question | اضف سؤال | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Optional question | سؤال اختياري | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Survey | استقصاء | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Save | حفظ | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Next | التالي | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Previous | السابق | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
of | من | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Survey | استقصاء | 10/06/06 10:41 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Note: number of learners is the number of learners who have viewed the survey. | ملاحظة: عدد الطلاب الذين اتموا الاستقصاء. | 10/06/06 10:49 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Please input advance options for survey | الرجاء ادخال الخيارا المتقدمة للاستقصاء | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Allow 'Other' text entry | اسمح بإدخال نص آخر | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Allow multiple answers | اسمح بإجابات متعددة | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Survey questions list | قائمة اسئلة الاستقصاء | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Lock when finished | اقفل بعد الانتهاء | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Show survey on one page | عرض الاستقصاء في صفحة واحدة | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Description: | الوصف | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
There is a problem in survey authoring page, the reason is {0} | هناك مشكلة في صفحة تاليف الاستقصاء، السبب هو {0} | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Question can not be blank | السؤال لا يكون فارغا | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
You must input at least two options. | يجب إدخال خيارين على الاقل. | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Change answers | اعادة الاستقصاء | 10/06/06 03:42 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Open | فتح | 10/06/06 10:35 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
View | عرض | 10/06/06 10:35 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Completed | تم | 10/06/06 10:35 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Upload | تحميل | 10/06/06 10:35 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Add | اضافة | 10/06/06 10:35 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Show | عرض | 10/06/06 10:35 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Hide | اخفاء | 10/06/06 10:35 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Save | حفظ | 10/06/06 10:35 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Access time | زمن الوصول | 10/06/06 10:35 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Type | النوع | 10/06/06 10:37 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Title | العنوان | 10/06/06 10:37 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Number of Learners | عدد الطلاب | 10/06/06 10:37 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Login name | اسم المستخدم | 10/06/06 10:37 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Name | الاسم | 10/06/06 10:37 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Survey | استقصاء | 10/06/06 10:37 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: [Change answer] | اعادة المحاولة | 10/06/06 10:45 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Append text: | اضف النص: | 10/06/06 10:45 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Upload file failed: {0} | فشل تحميل الملف: {0} | 10/06/06 10:45 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Survey Learning | استقصاء عملية التعلم | 10/06/06 10:45 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. | الرّجاء انتظار المعلّم لإكمال محتويات هذا النّشاط. | 10/20/10 01:07 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Mandatory question, please give answer. | سؤال إجباري، الرجاء الاجابة علية. | 10/06/06 03:45 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Title can not be blank | العنوان لا يجب ان يكون فارغأ | 10/06/06 03:45 PM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Basic | اساسي | 07/17/08 02:55 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
No survey available for this group. | لا يوجد استقصاء متاح لهذه المجموعة. | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Try again | عاود المحاولة | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Up | حرك إلى الاعلى | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Down | حرك إلى الاسفل | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of Survey with the following instructions: | اعكس على الاستقصاء | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Please input Notebook entry | الرجاء إدخال انعكاس | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Name | الاسم | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Close | اغلاق | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Question {0} Pie chart | سؤال {0} رسم دائري | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Question {0} Column chart | سؤال {0} رسم عامودي | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Percentage | نسبة مئوية | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
View pie chart | عرض الرسم الدائري | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
View column chart | عرض الرسم العامودي | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Total user response | إجمالي إجابات المستخدمين | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
{0} percent learners of the class have chosen this answer. | {0} بالمئة من الطلاب في الصف إختاروا هذه الاجابة. | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
The learner has chosen this answer | إختار الطالب هذه الاجابة | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Error occurs during generating chart, please try again. | حدث خطأ اثناء إعداد هذا الرسم، الرجاء معاودة المحاولة. | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Only one option or open text can be chosen. | يمكن تحديد خيار واحد فقط. | 10/06/06 10:32 AM | Abdel-Elah Al-Ayyoub | Become a Translator! | |
Done | تم | 10/26/10 09:54 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Basic input information for survey | المعلومات الاساسية في الاستقصاء | 07/17/08 02:55 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Cancel | إلغاء | 07/22/08 01:47 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Cancel | إلغاء | 07/22/08 01:47 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Cancel | إلغاء | 07/22/08 01:47 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Summary | الخلاصة | 10/26/10 09:56 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Continue | واصل | 07/20/08 02:06 PM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Next Activity | النّشاط التالي | 07/19/08 04:31 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Do you want to close this window without saving? | هل ترغب باغلاق النافذة بدون حفظ ؟ | 10/15/08 03:50 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Advanced | متقدّم | 10/20/10 09:30 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings | الإعدادات المتقدّمة | 10/20/10 09:34 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Instructions | التعليمة | 10/20/10 10:43 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry | مدخل دفتر الملاحظات | 10/20/10 10:26 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Notebook entries | مدخلات دفتر الملاحظات | 10/20/10 10:26 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry | مدخل دفتر الملاحظات | 10/20/10 10:26 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
*** UPDATED: Notebook entries | عرض مدخلات دفتر الملاحظات | 10/20/10 10:26 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Learners list | قائمة المتعلّمين | 10/23/10 09:04 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Title | العنوان | 10/22/10 04:31 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Notebook instructions | تعليمات دفتر الملاحظات | 10/23/10 10:15 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! | |
Next Activity | النّشاط التالي | 10/26/10 09:11 AM | Arbaoui-عرباوي Ahmed-أحمد | Become a Translator! |
English | Description | Action |
Export Survey report failed because of this reason: {0} | Error monitor export excel | Become a Translator! |
Error creating condition. | error.condition | Become a Translator! |
Other - please specify | Other - please specify | Become a Translator! |
Finish | label.submit | Become a Translator! |
Options | label.survey.options | Become a Translator! |
The uploaded file has exceeded the maximum file size limit of {0} bytes | Errors maxfilesize | Become a Translator! |
Report Downloaded | label.summary.downloaded= | Become a Translator! |
End of activity | label.activity.completion | Become a Translator! |
Note: After you click on "{0}" and you come back to this Survey, you won't be able to change your answers. | message.warnLockOnFinish | Become a Translator! |
The instructor has set this activity not to allow you to retake the survey after you have finished it. As you are returning to this activity, you are able to see your answers but not allowed to change them. | message.activityLocked | Become a Translator! |
On | label.on | Become a Translator! |
Off | | Become a Translator! |
Add a notebook at the end of Survey | | Become a Translator! |
Notify instructors when a learner submits an answer | label.authoring.advanced.notify.onanswersubmit | Become a Translator! |
LAMS: A learner submitted a survey answer in a Survey tool | event.answer.submit.subject | Become a Translator! |
The learner {0} submitted a survey answer in a Survey tool.\n\nThis message was send automatically, following tool's advanced settings. | event.answer.submit.body | Become a Translator! |
Conditions | label.authoring.heading.conditions | Become a Translator! |
Add condition | label.authoring.conditions.add.condition | Become a Translator! |
Conditions | label.authoring.conditions.list.title | Become a Translator! |
Order | label.authoring.conditions.order | Become a Translator! |
There are no conditions | label.authoring.conditions.empty.condition.list | Become a Translator! |
Name | | Become a Translator! |
Condition name can not be blank. | | Become a Translator! |
Duplicated name. Please choose unique one. | | Become a Translator! |
There are no questions selected. Please select at least one. | | Become a Translator! |
Notifications | label.notifications | Become a Translator! |
Please enter conditions for Survey | label.authoring.heading.conditions.desc | Become a Translator! |
Answers contain certain words | | Become a Translator! |
First answer contains word "LAMS" | | Become a Translator! |
Answers that... | textsearch.heading | Become a Translator! |
have all these words: | textsearch.all.words | Become a Translator! |
have this exact wording or phrase: | textsearch.phrase | Become a Translator! |
have one or more of these words: | textsearch.any.words | Become a Translator! |
have none of these unwanted words: | textsearch.excluded.words | Become a Translator! |
Search in these questions: | textsearch.questions | Become a Translator! |
Deadline | | Become a Translator! |
Learners will not be able to respond to this survery after the set date and time. | | Become a Translator! |
Date/time: | | Become a Translator! |
Set restriction | monitor.summary.set.restriction | Become a Translator! |
Remove restriction | monitor.summary.unset.restriction | Become a Translator! |
For this activity, the instructor fixed a deadline until {0}. After this time this activity will not be available. | | Become a Translator! |
Notification | monitor.summary.notification | Become a Translator! |
Deadline has been set | | Become a Translator! |
Deadline has been removed | | Become a Translator! |
Copy | label.copy | Become a Translator! |
Survey Monitoring | label.monitoring.heading | Become a Translator! |
Show answers from other learners | | Become a Translator! |
View all responses | label.view.all.responses | Become a Translator! |
Sort by answer | | Become a Translator! |
Answers from other Learners | label.other.answers | Become a Translator! |
Total responses so far: {0} | | Become a Translator! |
No notebook entry has been added. | | Become a Translator! |
Search... | | Become a Translator! |
Answer required | label.answer.required | Become a Translator! |
Date/time | label.timestamp | Become a Translator! |
Learning outcomes | outcome.authoring.title | Become a Translator! |
Search and select by outcome name or code | outcome.authoring.input | Become a Translator! |
Added outcomes | outcome.authoring.existing | Become a Translator! |
none | outcome.authoring.existing.none | Become a Translator! |
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? | outcome.authoring.remove.confirm | Become a Translator! |
[create new] | | Become a Translator! |