Module: Chat for Chinese Taiwan

Module Information

Module Name: Chat
Description: Syncronous Chat tool
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 06/27/06 01:11 AM
% translated: 4.310% (5 out of 116)

Translated Labels

English Chinese Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Chat 聊天 01/13/07 07:00 PM Eric Hsin Become a Translator!
Chat Tool 聊天工具 01/13/07 07:00 PM Eric Hsin Become a Translator!
Chat 聊天 01/13/07 07:00 PM Eric Hsin Become a Translator!
Chat Tool 聊天工具 01/13/07 07:00 PM Eric Hsin Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Syncronous chat tool 同步聊天工具 01/13/07 07:00 PM Eric Hsin Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
Learner Heading for "Learner", on the monitoring screen. Become a Translator!
Notebook entry Heading for Reflection (Notebook entry) Become a Translator!
Number of posts output.desc.learner.number.of.posts Become a Translator!
Reflect on chat Learner button to go to reflection screen Become a Translator!
Chat Authoring Pagetitle authoring Become a Translator!
Basic Button basic Become a Translator!
Advanced Button advanced Become a Translator!
Title: Label authoring basic title Become a Translator!
Content: Label authoring basic content Become a Translator!
Instructions: Label authoring basic instructions Become a Translator!
Lock when finished Advanced lockonfinished Become a Translator!
Filter messages (separate each filtered word with a comma ie: word1, word2, etc) Advanced filteringenabled Become a Translator!
Filename Label filename Become a Translator!
Type Label type Become a Translator!
View Link view Become a Translator!
Delete Link delete Become a Translator!
Changes saved Message updatesuccess Become a Translator!
Online chat Pagetitle learning Become a Translator!
Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. Message definelaterset Become a Translator!
Chat Monitoring Pagetitle monitoring Become a Translator!
Summary Button summary Become a Translator!
Edit Activity Button editactivity Become a Translator!
Statistics Button statistics Become a Translator!
Summary Titleheading summary Become a Translator!
Instructions Titleheading instructions Become a Translator!
Statistics Titleheading statistics Become a Translator!
Edit Activity Titleheading editactivity Become a Translator!
Group {0}: Heading group Become a Translator!
Learners: Heading totallearners Become a Translator!
Total number of learners in group: Heading totallearnersingroup Become a Translator!
Total number of messages: Heading totalmessages Become a Translator!
Recent messages: Heading recentmessages Become a Translator!
Modification of content is not allowed since one or more learners has attempted the activity. Message contentinuseset Become a Translator!
There is no summary available for this tool. Message summary Become a Translator!
There are no messages available for this group. Message nochatmessages Become a Translator!
Edit messages Summary editmessages Become a Translator!
Open chat Summary openchat Become a Translator!
Hide message Chathistory hidemessage Become a Translator!
Send message to: Label sendmessageto Become a Translator!
Everyone Label everyone Become a Translator!
Please wait, loading chat client. Message loading Become a Translator!
Send Button send Become a Translator!
Clear Button clear Become a Translator!
Cancel Button cancel Become a Translator!
OK Button ok Become a Translator!
Continue Button continue Become a Translator!
Done Button done Become a Translator!
Save Button save Become a Translator!
Next Activity Button finish Become a Translator!
Next Button next Become a Translator!
Save Label save Become a Translator!
Cancel Label cancel Become a Translator!
Unable to continue. {0} is missing. Error missingparam Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? Authoring msg cancel save Become a Translator!
Chat History Pagetitle monitoring chathistory Become a Translator!
Try again Button try again Become a Translator!
Add a notebook at end of Chat with the following instructions: Authoring Advanced tab - reflect on activity Become a Translator!
Notebook entries Page title used for the Notebook entries, viewed via monitoring. Become a Translator!
Edit Edit button shown in learner when the user goes back to a completed Finished activity. Allows the learner to edit their notebook entry (reflection entry). Become a Translator!
No notebook available Message shown in learner when the learner goes back to a completed Chat activity. Shown if reflection is turned on but the learner hasn't entered a notebook entry (reflection entry). Become a Translator!
No. of posts Heading for Number of Posts Become a Translator!
Warning: One of more learners have accessed this activity. Changing this content will result in learners getting different information. Message alertContentEdit Become a Translator!
Note: After you click on "Next Activity" and you come back to this Chat, you wont be able to continue chatting. message.warnLockOnFinish Become a Translator!
This activity has been set up to not to allow chatting after you have finished it. As you are returning to this Chat, you are able to see all messages but not allowed to chat anymore. message.activityLocked Become a Translator!
Advanced settings Become a Translator!
On label.on Become a Translator!
Off Become a Translator!
Add a notebook at end of Chat Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions Become a Translator!
Filtered words Become a Translator!
Messages contain certain words Become a Translator!
Conditions button.conditions Become a Translator!
Conditions label.authoring.heading.conditions Become a Translator!
Add condition label.authoring.conditions.add.condition Become a Translator!
Conditions label.authoring.conditions.list.title Become a Translator!
Order label.authoring.conditions.order Become a Translator!
There are no conditions label.authoring.conditions.empty.condition.list Become a Translator!
Name Become a Translator!
Edit conditions label.authoring.edit.conditions.button Become a Translator!
Up label.authoring.up Become a Translator!
Down label.authoring.down Become a Translator!
Edit label.authoring.edit Become a Translator!
Condition name can not be blank. Become a Translator!
Duplicated name. Please choose unique one. Become a Translator!
Error creating condition. error.condition Become a Translator!
have none of these unwanted words: textsearch.excluded.words Become a Translator!
Messages contain word "LAMS" Become a Translator!
Messages that... textsearch.heading Become a Translator!
have all these words: textsearch.all.words Become a Translator!
have this exact wording or phrase: textsearch.phrase Become a Translator!
have one or more of these words: textsearch.any.words Become a Translator!
Finish button.submit Become a Translator!
Deadline Become a Translator!
Learners will not be able to use the chat after the set date and time. Become a Translator!
Date/time: Become a Translator!
Set restriction monitor.summary.set.restriction Become a Translator!
Remove restriction monitor.summary.unset.restriction Become a Translator!
For this activity, the instructor fixed a deadline until {0}. After this time this activity will not be available. Become a Translator!
Notification monitor.summary.notification Become a Translator!
Deadline has been set Become a Translator!
Deadline has been removed Become a Translator!
Each learner's messages sent in the Chat Become a Translator!
Reflections label.reflections Become a Translator!
Chat options Become a Translator!
End of activity label.activity.completion Become a Translator!
Notifications label.notifications Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
Added outcomes outcome.authoring.existing Become a Translator!
none outcome.authoring.existing.none Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? outcome.authoring.remove.confirm Become a Translator!