Module: Learner (Java) for Japanese Japan

Module Information

Module Name: Learner (Java)
Description: Learner interface HTML pages (JAVA backend)
Output: java
Type: core
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 06/24/06 03:11 AM
% translated: 36.36% (68 out of 187)

Translated Labels

English Japanese Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
LAMS Learner LAMS 学習者 07/16/09 10:26 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Save to Notebook ノートブックに保存 07/27/09 01:05 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
You have reached a condition gate. You have not satisfied the required conditions and you may not pass. Please return to previous activities. After you correct your answers, please press the button to proceed to next activities. ゲート条件に到達しました。必須条件を満たしていないので、不合格です。前のアクティビティに戻る正解したら、次のアクティビティへ進んでください。 07/23/09 12:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Created on 作成日 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Last Modified 最終変更日 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Entry エントリ 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Edit: {0} 編集: {0} 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Cancel キャンセル 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Edit 編集 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Submitted by: {0} 投稿者: {0} 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Close 閉じる 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Journals ジャーナル 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No title 無題 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Close and reopen this window to continue. If this error re-occurs, wait a few minutes and then try again. 続行するために、再開 を選択するか、このウィンドウを閉じて開き直してください。このエラーが再発生する場合、数分待ってからもう一度実行してください。 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Branching 分岐 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
There are no activities to complete in this part of the lesson. Click Next to continue. レッスンのこの部分で完了したアクティビティはありません。次へ をクリックすると続行します。 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
My Progress 進捗 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Resume 再開 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Next 次へ 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Next Activity 次のアクティビティへ 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
You have to complete the other task before progressing to the next activity.... 次のアクティビティに進める前に、他のタスクを完了する必要があります。 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Your browser does not handle frames! この Web ブラウザはフレームに対応していません。 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Please select an activity from the list リストからアクティビティを選択してください 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You must complete at least {0} activities to finish. アクティビティを終える前に、{1} から {0} を完了してください。 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Choose 選択 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Synch gate 同期ゲート 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You have stopped at a gate. You cannot continue until all of your group/class reach this point. ゲートは通行止めになっています。あなたのグループ、もしくはクラスがこのゲートに到達するまで待ってください。少なくとも 2 人の学習者が到達する必要があります。 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Permission gate ゲートの設定 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Schedule gate スケジュールゲート 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The gate will be opened at: スケジュールゲートが開く時刻: 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The gate will be closed at: スケジュールゲートが閉じる時刻: 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
{0} out of {1} are waiting in front of the gate. {1} 人中 {0} 人がゲートの開門を待っています。 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Groups グループ 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Please close this window. このウィンドウを閉じてください。 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
My Notes ノート 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
View All すべて表示 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Add New 新規追加 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Save to Journal ジャーナルに保存 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Journal ジャーナル 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Scratchpad メモ用紙 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Title タイトル 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Error occured エラーが発生しました 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
The next task is loading. Please wait.... 次のタスクをロードしています。お待ちください... 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Congratulations, {0}, you have finished. おつかれさまでした。レッスンは終了しました。 06/10/08 06:51 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
You have stopped at a gate. You cannot continue until the gate is opened in Monitoring. ゲートは通行止めになっています。モニタリングがゲートを開くまで、先に進むことはできません。 07/23/09 12:01 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
You have stopped at a branching point. You cannot continue until your branch is allocated in Monitoring. 分岐点で停止しました。分岐先をモニタリングが割り当てるまで、続行することはできません。 07/23/09 12:01 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Note: You can revisit started or finished activities by using the progress bar or by clicking on the activity name shown below. <u><b>注</b></u>: いったん上のアクティビティを終えた後は、プログレスバーを利用して再度アクティビティを実行することができます。 06/22/09 09:53 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Note: You can revisit started or finished sequences by using the progress bar. <u><b>注</b></u>: 上記のシーケンスのいずれかを終了すると、プログレスバーを使ってそれらに戻ることができます。 06/22/09 09:54 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
An error has occurred and you cannot continue without LAMS recalculating your current activity. A staff member may be editing the lesson. エラーが発生しました。LAMS が現在のアクティビティを再計算するまで、続行することはできません。スタッフがレッスンを編集中かもしれません。 07/27/09 12:24 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You must complete at least {0} sequences to finish. 終了するには、{1} シーケンスのうち少なくとも{0} シーケンスを完了する必要があります。 07/07/08 02:27 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The maximum number of activities you may attempt is {0}. <u><b>注</b></u>: あなたが試行できるアクティビティの最大数は {0} です。プログレスバーによって、開始済、あるいは、完了したアクティビティに戻ることができます。 07/03/09 01:02 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The maximum number of sequences you may attempt is {0}. <u><b>注</b></u>: あなたが試行できるシーケンスの最大数は {0} です。プログレスバーを使って、開始済、あるいは、完了したシーケンスに戻ることができます。 06/22/09 10:21 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Click Next if you are told that the branch has been selected. This page will refresh automatically in 1 minute. 分岐が選択されたら、次へ をクリックしてください。このページは 1 分ごとに自動更新されます。 07/22/09 11:48 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Some of your following tasks require a group. You cannot continue until the groups have been selected. Click Next if you are told that the groups have been created. This page will refresh automatically in 1 minute. この後に続くタスクには、グループに分かれて行う必要のあるものが含まれています。グループ分けが行われるまで、次に進むことはできません。グループが作成されたという指示がありましたら、次へをクリックしてください。このページは 5 分ごとに自動更新されます。 07/22/09 11:48 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Click Next if you are told that the gate is open. This page will refresh automatically in 1 minute. ゲートを開くときは 次へ をクリックしてください。このページは 1 分ごとに自動更新されます。 07/22/09 11:48 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Group full 全グループ 06/24/09 11:38 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Choose 選択する 06/24/09 11:39 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Condition gate ゲート条件 06/24/09 11:39 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Please select a group. Some groups may not be available if they reached the maximum number of members. グループを選択してください。最大メンバー数を超えると、いくつかのグループが利用できなくなるかもしれません。 06/24/09 11:41 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Presence 出席 06/24/09 11:41 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
The maximum number optional activities has already been reached. 最大選択枠アクティビティ数に達しました。 06/24/09 11:42 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
The maximum number optional sequences has already been reached. 最大選択枠シーケンス数に達しました。 06/24/09 11:42 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Learners in group グループ内の学習者 06/24/09 11:42 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Other Notes 他のノート 06/24/09 11:42 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You have now completed the {0} lesson. You can return at anytime to this lesson and revisit and review activities by double clicking on the round icons in progress bar. You can now close this window. このレッスンは完了しました。あなたはいつでも、このレッスンに、また、プログレスバーの左側にある青いアイコンをダブルクリックすることでアクティビティに戻れます。このウィンドウを閉じることができます。 07/27/09 09:16 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
As this is a preview, clicking Next will go to the next activity. Normally the learner would have to wait until the gate is opened. これはプレビューです。次へ をクリックすると次のアクティビティに移動します。通常、学習者はゲートが開くまで待たなければなりません。 07/22/09 10:42 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
You have reached a branching activity. As you are in preview you can select which branch to preview then click Choose. Click Finish to skip the branching and continue with the next activity after the branching. 分岐アクティビティに到達しました。プレビューする際、どの分岐をプレビューするかを 選択 をクリックして選ぶことができます。終了 をクリックして分岐をスキップし、分岐の次のアクティビティに進んでください。 07/22/09 10:42 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
As this is a preview, clicking Next will do an automatic grouping. Normally the learner would have to wait until the grouping is done. これはプレビューです。次へ をクリックすると自動でグループ化します。通常、学習者はグループ化されるまで待たなければなりません。 07/22/09 10:42 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
Confirm group selection Become a Translator!
Confirm Become a Translator!
Are you joining Become a Translator!
Group Chat Become a Translator!
Finish Kumalive button.kumalive.finish.kumalive Become a Translator!
Ask a question button.kumalive.ask Become a Translator!
Print label.print Become a Translator!
You are now able to participate in following lessons: {0}. message.released.lessons Become a Translator!
Poll button.kumalive.poll Become a Translator!
Instant messaging Become a Translator!
Users Become a Translator!
Send Become a Translator!
Hide lesson progress Become a Translator!
Show lesson progress label.learner.progress.closed.tooltip Become a Translator!
This is the current activity label.learner.progress.activity.current.tooltip Become a Translator!
Double click to review this completed activity label.learner.progress.activity.completed.tooltip Become a Translator!
You have attempted but not yet finished this activity label.learner.progress.activity.attempted.tooltip Become a Translator!
You need to complete the activities before this activity to access it label.learner.progress.activity.tostart.tooltip Become a Translator!
Double click to participate in this support activity Become a Translator!
Exit button.exit Become a Translator!
Save Become a Translator!
Notebook label.learner.progress.notebook Become a Translator!
Support Activities Become a Translator!
Restart lesson from the beginning again message.lesson.restart Become a Translator!
Restart message.lesson.restart.button Become a Translator!
Submit label.submit.button Become a Translator!
Review activity Become a Translator!
You have reached the gate on label.schedule.gate.reach Become a Translator!
days label.days Become a Translator!
hours label.hours Become a Translator!
minutes label.minutes Become a Translator!
seconds label.seconds Become a Translator!
You can only move through the gate and attempt the remaining activities in Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to start the lesson from the beginning? message.learner.progress.restart.confirm Become a Translator!
Add note Become a Translator!
Error while loading data for report Become a Translator!
OK message.lesson.finished.ok Become a Translator!
Score gradebook.columntitle.mark Become a Translator!
Activity gradebook.columntitle.activity Become a Translator!
Average score gradebook.columntitle.averageMark Become a Translator!
Progress gradebook.columntitle.progress Become a Translator!
Lesson's score gradebook.lesson.complete Become a Translator!
Your score gradebook.learner.lesson.mark Become a Translator!
Enter rubric name Become a Translator!
Move rubric up label.kumalive.rubric.up Become a Translator!
Move rubric down label.kumalive.rubric.down Become a Translator!
Delete rubric label.kumalive.rubric.delete Become a Translator!
Rubrics to use label.kumalive.rubric.choose Become a Translator!
Kumalive: label.kumalive.title Become a Translator!
Wait for a teacher to start Kumalive label.kumalive.wait.start Become a Translator!
Enter a name for a new Kumalive Become a Translator!
Create button.kumalive.create Become a Translator!
Finish question button.kumalive.finish.question Become a Translator!
Raise hand button.kumalive.raise Become a Translator!
Put hand down button.kumalive.putdown Become a Translator!
Raised hands label.kumalive.raised.hands Become a Translator!
Learners label.kumalive.learners Become a Translator!
Teacher label.kumalive.teacher Become a Translator!
Finish speaking label.kumalive.finish.speak Become a Translator!
Great! label.kumalive.mark.great Become a Translator!
Just OK label.kumalive.mark.ok Become a Translator!
Not so good label.kumalive.mark.bad Become a Translator!
Kumalive is finished. The window will close. message.kumalive.finish.kumalive Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to finish this Kumalive? message.kumalive.finish.kumalive.confirm Become a Translator!
Do you want to make a speaker a learner who did not raise hand? message.kumalive.speak.not.raised.hand Become a Translator!
You have got no connection with Kumalive. Try closing this window and opening it again. label.kumalive.closed Become a Translator!
Name Become a Translator!
Kumalive report for {0} Become a Translator!
Learners summary Become a Translator!
Kumalive name Become a Translator!
No marks Become a Translator!
Marks Become a Translator!
First name Become a Translator!
Last name Become a Translator!
Login Become a Translator!
Attempt Become a Translator!
Average Become a Translator!
Time Become a Translator!
Error while loading data for report Become a Translator!
OK button.kumalive.ok Become a Translator!
Export all Become a Translator!
Export selected Become a Translator!
Create poll button.kumalive.poll.create Become a Translator!
Question (optional) label.kumalive.poll.question Become a Translator!
for example: Why is the sky blue? label.kumalive.poll.question.tip Become a Translator!
Answers label.kumalive.poll.answer Become a Translator!
True label.kumalive.poll.answer.true Become a Translator!
False label.kumalive.poll.answer.false Become a Translator!
Positive label.kumalive.poll.answer.positive Become a Translator!
Negative label.kumalive.poll.answer.negative Become a Translator!
Yes label.kumalive.poll.answer.yes Become a Translator!
No Become a Translator!
Custom... label.kumalive.poll.answer.custom Become a Translator!
{Put} {each} {answer} {in} {curly} {brackets} label.kumalive.poll.answer.custom.tip Become a Translator!
Custom answer syntax is incorrect. Example: {first answer} {second answer} label.kumalive.poll.answer.custom.error.syntax Become a Translator!
Maximum 9 answers allowed label.kumalive.poll.answer.custom.error.count Become a Translator!
Ask now! button.kumalive.poll.start Become a Translator!
Vote Become a Translator!
Finish poll button.kumalive.poll.finish Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to finish this poll and prevent learners from voting? message.kumalive.poll.finish.confirm Become a Translator!
Close poll button.kumalive.poll.close Become a Translator!
Show votes to learners button.kumalive.poll.release.votes Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to show poll results to students who voted? message.kumalive.poll.release.votes.confirm Become a Translator!
Show votes & voters to learners button.kumalive.poll.release.voters Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to show poll results and voters' names to students? message.kumalive.poll.release.voters.confirm Become a Translator!
Not voted label.kumalive.poll.missing.voters Become a Translator!
Results label.kumalive.poll.results Become a Translator!
Total votes Become a Translator!
Learner {0} ({1}) started activity {2} ({3}) audit.activity.started Become a Translator!
Learner {0} ({1}) stopped activity {2} ({3}) audit.activity.stopped Become a Translator!
Learner {0} ({1}) completed lesson {2} ({3}) audit.learner.lesson.complete Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
Added outcomes outcome.authoring.existing Become a Translator!
none outcome.authoring.existing.none Become a Translator!
Switch chart button.kumalive.poll.chart.switch Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? outcome.authoring.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
{0} learners label.learners Become a Translator!
[create new] Become a Translator!