Module: Forum for Japanese Japan

Module Information

Module Name: Forum
Description: Discussion tool useful for long running collaborations and situations where learners are not all on line at the same time.
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 04/01/06 01:30 AM
% translated: 69.79% (171 out of 245)

Translated Labels

English Japanese Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Advanced 詳細設定 06/23/09 12:44 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Advanced 詳細設定 06/23/09 12:44 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Allow learners to create new topics 学習者に新規トピックの作成を許可する 07/23/09 12:48 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Allow learners to add attachments 学習者によるファイルの添付を許可する 07/23/09 12:48 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Number of posts per learner per thread. 学習者に許可する 1 スレッドあたりの投稿数 07/23/09 12:48 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Please add at least 1 topic when "allow learners to create new topics" option is off. "学習者に新規トピックの作成を許可する" が選択されていないため、少なくとも 1 つのトピックを用意する必要があります。 07/23/09 12:48 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Notebook Entries ノートブックの提出状況 07/27/09 01:05 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at the end of Forum フォーラムの完了時にノートブックを追加する 07/27/09 01:05 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View Notebook entries ノートブックの項目を表示する 07/27/09 01:05 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry ノートブックの提出状況 07/27/09 01:05 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Please input notebook entry ノートブックに記入してください 07/27/09 01:05 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Notebook Entry ノートブックの提出状況 07/27/09 01:05 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Date 日付 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Comments コメント 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Yes はい 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
No いいえ 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Summary 概要 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Edit Activity 編集 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
provides following posts: 以下の投稿があります: 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Comment コメント 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Not Available ありません 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Update mark 評点を更新 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Please assign a mark and a comment for the report by 次の学習者のレポートに評点とコメントを付けてください: 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No data 利用できるユーザーがいません 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
View forum フォーラムを表示 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No session available 利用できるセッションがありません 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Message subject hidden メッセージの題名は非表示です 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Message body hidden メッセージの本文は非表示です 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Show 表示 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Statistics 統計 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Save 保存 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Cancel キャンセル 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Basic 基本設定 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Login ログイン名 06/23/09 10:55 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Forum Authoring フォーラムの編集 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? 保存せずに閉じますか? 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Try again 再試行 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Close 閉じる 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Minimum: 最小値: 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Maximum: 最大値: 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
No minimum 下限なし 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
No maximum 上限なし 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
The maximum number of posts must be greater than or equal to the minimum number of posts. 投稿の最大値には最小値以上を設定してください。 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Limitation of input characters must be greater zero. 0 より大きな数値を入力してください。 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
You must contribute at least {0} posts in each topic before finish. 終了する前に、トピックごとに少なくとも {0} 回投稿する必要があります。 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Message attachment hidden メッセージの添付ファイルが隠されています 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Posting limits 投稿数の制限 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Continue 続行 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Instructor インストラクター 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Original message 元のメッセージ 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Number of postings フォーラムに投稿した学習者の数 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Back to topics トピック一覧に戻る 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
# of Msg メッセージ数 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Aver mark 平均点 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View mark ユーザー得点を表示 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit mark ユーザー得点を編集 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Edit Activity 編集 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
View topic トピックを表示 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Statistic 統計 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Cancel キャンセル 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Edit 編集 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Average message mark メッセージの平均点 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
# of total message 合計メッセージ数 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Mark must be a number 数字で採点してください 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Mark is invalid number format 評点の書式が無効です 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Add Message メッセージを追加 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
View Message メッセージを表示 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Reply Message メッセージを返信 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Edit Message メッセージを編集 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Subject 題名 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Body 本文 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Attachment 添付ファイル 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Posted on: 投稿者: 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Thread replies このスレッドに返信 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Reply 返信 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Open 開く 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Delete 削除 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
View 閲覧 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Edit 編集 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Reply 返信 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Done 完了 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Next Activity 次のアクティビティへ 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
New Topic 新規トピック 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Refresh 更新 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Characters left 残り文字数 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Basic 基本設定 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Done 完了 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Submit 投稿 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
On オン 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Off オフ 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Add 追加 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Cancel キャンセル 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
The input is invalid number format 入力された数値の書式が無効です 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
The input must be greater than 0 0 以上の数値を入力してください 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
The following error(s) occurred: 以下のエラーが発生しました: 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Lock when finished 終了後にロックする 07/22/09 11:55 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Forum フォーラム 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Forum Tool フォーラムツール 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: A medium where ideas and views on a particular issue/topic can be exchanged. フォーラム (掲示板) のためのツールです。 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Forum フォーラム 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Create topic 新規トピックの作成 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Title タイトル 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Save 保存 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Cancel キャンセル 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Maximum number of characters per posting 投稿の最大文字数 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Subject 題名 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Body 本文 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Last post 最終投稿 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Author 投稿者 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Started by 最初の投稿者 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Replies 返信数 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Mark 点数 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
By 投稿者 06/10/08 06:16 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Posting limitations for this forum: Minimum {0} and Maximum {1} per thread. このフォーラムの投稿数の制限(1スレッドあたり): 最小値 {0}、最大値 {1} 07/06/08 11:53 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Note: After you click on "Next Activity" and you come back to this Forum, you won't be able to continue posting. 注: "次のアクティビティへ"をクリックした後は、このフォーラムに戻ってきても、投稿を行うことはできません。 07/07/08 12:17 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
have this exact wording or phrase: 次の単語もしくは文を正確に使用する: 07/26/09 11:30 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
have all these words: 次のすべての単語を使用する: 07/26/09 11:30 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
The instructor has set this activity not to allow postings after you have finished it. As you are returning to this Forum again, you are able to see all threads but not allow to post anymore. このアクティビティは、完了した後の投稿ができないよう、インストラクターによって設定されています。フォーラムに戻って、すべてのスレッドを閲覧することはできますが、投稿を行うことはできません。 07/07/08 12:19 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Posting for this thread: Minimum {0} and Maximum {1}. You have posted {2} message(s). このスレッドへの投稿: 最小値 {0}、最大値 {1}。 あなたは {2} メッセージを投稿しました。 07/07/08 12:29 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Posts to the first topic contain word "LAMS" はじめのトピックに単語 "LAMS" が含まれています 07/26/09 11:30 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
have none of these unwanted words: 次の単語の使用を禁止する: 07/26/09 11:30 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
have one or more of these words: 次の単語を 1 つ以上使用する: 07/26/09 11:30 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Posts contain certain words 投稿に特定の単語が含まれています 07/26/09 11:30 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. 先生がこのアクティビティの内容を完成させるまで、お待ちください。 07/02/09 01:08 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Forum Monitoring フォーラム・モニタリング 07/23/09 12:01 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Hide 非表示 06/04/09 01:24 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Allow learners to change their own postings 学習者に自分の投稿の修正を許可する 07/26/09 11:26 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Title can not be blank タイトルは空欄にできません 06/18/09 12:59 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Subject can not be blank. 題名は空欄にできません。 06/18/09 12:59 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Body can not be blank. 本文は空欄にできません。 06/18/09 12:59 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Online threaded discussion tool (asynchronous). ディスカッション用のスレッド型掲示板です(非同期)。 06/18/09 01:03 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
On オン 06/23/09 10:46 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Off オフ 06/23/09 10:48 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings 詳細設定 06/23/09 10:49 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
For the message titled "{0}" posted on {1} the mark is {2}. \n "{0}" というメッセージは {1} で投稿したので、その点数は {2} となります。\n 06/23/09 10:50 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Conditions 条件 06/23/09 10:50 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Add condition 条件の追加 06/23/09 10:50 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Conditions 条件 06/23/09 10:51 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Conditions 条件 06/23/09 10:55 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Please enter conditions for Forum フォーラムの条件を設定してください 06/23/09 10:56 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Error creating condition. 条件の設定でエラーが出ました。 06/23/09 10:56 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Down 下へ 06/23/09 10:56 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Condition name can not be blank. 条件名は空欄にできません。 06/23/09 10:57 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Search in these topics: これらのトピックで検索します: 06/23/09 10:59 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Duplicated name. Please choose unique one. 名前が重複しています。重複しない名前を選択してください。 06/23/09 11:03 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Order 順番 06/23/09 10:52 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
There are no conditions 条件はありません 06/23/09 10:53 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Up 上へ 06/23/09 10:53 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Name 名前 06/23/09 10:55 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Session Name セッション名 06/23/09 10:55 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Name 名前 06/23/09 10:55 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Allow learners to use rich text editor 学習者によるリッチ テキスト エディタの使用を許可する 07/27/09 12:52 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Notify learners when marks are released. 評点が開示されると、学習者に通知します。 07/26/09 11:11 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Posts that... 投稿... 06/26/09 12:36 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
There are no questions selected. Please select at least one. 選択された問題はありません。少なくとも 1 つ選択してください。 06/29/09 12:08 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Marked? 採点済ですか? 07/03/09 12:07 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Marks in {0} have been released. {0} の評点は公開されました。 07/03/09 12:18 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Marks 評点 07/03/09 12:18 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Release marks 評点を開示 07/03/09 12:18 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Download marks 評点をダウンロード 07/03/09 12:18 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
View all marks すべての評点を表示します 07/03/09 12:18 AM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: An instructor released marks in a Forum activity in LAMS.\nYour marks are:\n\n{0}\nThis message was sent automatically, please do not reply to it. 先生はフォーラム・アクティビティで評点を開示しました。\nあなたの評点: \n\n{0}\nこのメッセージは自動送信です。返信の必要はありません。 07/16/09 10:26 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
LAMS: Marks were released LAMS: 評点を開示しました 07/16/09 10:26 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Value Required 値が必要です 07/05/09 11:41 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Instructions 指示 07/29/09 11:00 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of forum with the following instructions: フォーラムの完了後に以下の指示でノートブックを追加します: 07/29/09 11:00 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Instructions 指示 07/29/09 11:00 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View instructions 指示の表示 07/29/09 11:00 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions ノートブックの指示 07/29/09 11:00 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Upload アップロード 07/26/09 10:58 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!
Discussion tool useful for long running collaborations and situations where learners are not all on line at the same time. 長期で開講されるレッスンで、学習者がいつでも参加できるディスカッションの構築に向いたアクティビティです。 07/27/09 09:16 PM Jumpei KAWAMI Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
The maximum number of characters per posting must be greater than minimum. Become a Translator!
Topics label.topics Become a Translator!
The maximum number of ratings must be greater than its minimum. error.min.rate.less.max Become a Translator!
Enable anonymous posts label.authoring.advance.enable.anonymous.posts Become a Translator!
Post anonymously Become a Translator!
Anonymous label.anonymous Become a Translator!
Turn on "Post anonymously" to hide your name from other learners. Teachers will still be able to see your name. label.anonymous.tooltip Become a Translator!
There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum set for postings. Please check and try again. js.error.validate.posting.number Become a Translator!
You must rate at least {0} postings. Become a Translator!
You can only rate up to {0} postings. Become a Translator!
There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum set for ratings. Please check and try again. js.error.validate.number Become a Translator!
There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum number of posts per thread. js.error.validate.reply.number Become a Translator!
Each learner's posts sent in the Forum Each learner's posts sent in the Forum Become a Translator!
New lable.topic.title.repliesnew Become a Translator!
Maximum posting limitations for this forum is {0} per thread. Become a Translator!
Minimum posting limitations for this forum is {0} per thread. Become a Translator!
Maximum posting for this thread is {0}. You have posted {1} message(s). label.postingLimits.topic.reminder.max Become a Translator!
Minimum posting for this thread is {0}. You have posted {1} message(s). label.postingLimits.topic.reminder.min Become a Translator!
On new postings send email to: Become a Translator!
learners label.authoring.advanced.learners Become a Translator!
instructors label.authoring.advanced.teachers Become a Translator!
Forum: {0} event.newposting.subject Become a Translator!
{0}:\n{1}\n\n-- email sent automatically by LAMS event.newposting.body Become a Translator!
Do you really want to delete this topic? Become a Translator!
Search... Become a Translator!
{0} / {1} votes label.learning.number.of.votes Become a Translator!
Allow learners to rate each other's postings label.authoring.advance.allow.rate.postings Become a Translator!
Deadline Become a Translator!
Date/time: Become a Translator!
Set restriction monitor.summary.set.restriction Become a Translator!
Remove restriction monitor.summary.unset.restriction Become a Translator!
For this activity, the instructor fixed a deadline until {0}. After this time this activity will not be available. Become a Translator!
Notification monitor.summary.notification Become a Translator!
Deadline has been set Become a Translator!
Deadline has been removed Become a Translator!
Learners will not be able to post messages after the set date and time. Become a Translator!
Uploaded file exceeded maximum size: {0} errors.maxfilesize Become a Translator!
Uploaded file is executable error.attachment.executable Become a Translator!
Uploaded file must not be executable and not exceed size of {0} Become a Translator!
Finish label.submit Become a Translator!
Rating limitation: minimum {0} and maximum {1}. Become a Translator!
You have rated {0} postings already. label.rateLimits.topic.reminder Become a Translator!
Show replies Become a Translator!
The minimum number of characters for your response is {0}. info.minimum.number.characters Become a Translator!
You need to enter {0} characters more to proceed. warn.minimum.number.characters Become a Translator!
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