Module: Image Gallery for Maori New Zealand

Module Information

Module Name: Image Gallery
Description: An image gallery tool
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 01/30/09 06:36 PM
% translated: 82.11% (124 out of 151)

Translated Labels

English Maori Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Lock when finished Whakapūmautia ina oti 11/07/10 02:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Could not retrieve default content record for this tool. Kāore i taea te tiki ake te pūkete ihirangi taunoa mō tēnei taputapu. 02/02/09 09:20 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Warning: One of more learners have accessed this activity. Changing this content will result in learners getting different information. Kia Mataara: Neke atu kia kōtahi ākonga i uru ki tēnei ngohe. Ka whakarerekē ngā ihiranga ka whakarerekētia ngā pārongo i whiwhi e ngā ākonga. 02/08/09 06:35 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
The instructor has set this activity not to allow you to view or share any more resources after you have finished it. Kua whakapūmautia e te kaiako te kore whakaae i a koe te tiro me te tāpiri tiritiri rauemi mai ina ka oti koe i tēnei ngohe. 02/08/09 06:36 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Delete image Muku whakaahua LDEV-1957 12/18/12 03:18 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? Ka hiahia koe ki te kati i te matapihi nei me te kore tiaki? 02/02/09 09:20 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings Arā Atu Anō 02/04/09 06:14 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learners have not reached this activity yet Kāore he Wātū i te Wātea 02/02/09 09:03 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Suggested by I Tokona E 02/01/09 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Next Activity Ngohe Whai Ake 02/03/09 04:15 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Could not find upload file {0}. Kāore i kitea te kōnae tuku atu {0}. 02/04/09 05:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
IOException occurs when uploading file. Ka puta he okotahi IO i te tukunga atu o te kōnae. 02/04/09 05:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
InvalidParameterException occured while trying to upload File. Kua puta te OkotahiTawhā Muhu i te tukunga atu o te Kōnae. 02/04/09 05:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
File not found exception occurs when uploading file. I puta te okotahi kāore te kōnae i kitea i te tukunga atu 02/04/09 05:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. Tatarihia kia oti i te kaiako ngā ihirangi o tēnei ngohe. 02/04/09 05:45 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit activity Whakatikatika Ngohe 02/04/09 05:52 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
File can not be blank. Whakakīa te ingoa kōnae. 02/08/09 06:27 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
No resource available for this group. Kāore he rauemi mō tēnei rōpū. 02/08/09 06:29 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
No notebook available Kāore he pukatuhi i te wātea. 02/08/09 06:29 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Upload file failed: {0} Kua hapa te tuku kōnae: {0} 02/09/09 06:50 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Check for new Tirohia tūmahi hōu 02/10/09 03:29 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
A repository error occurred while trying to upload the file. Ka puta he okotahi pātaka i te tukunga atu o te kōnae. 02/10/09 04:15 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions Tohutohu Pukatuhi 02/10/09 04:29 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Configuration successfully saved. Kua tiaki tikahia te whirihoranga. 02/26/09 05:25 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Image Gallery Taiwhanga Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Gallery to share images with others. Taiwhanga Tiritiri Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Instructions Tohutohu 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Uploading your images to share with others. Tukunga tiritiri whakaahua ki ētehi atu 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Image Gallery tool Taputapu Taiwhanga Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Tool for sharing images. Taputapu mō te tiritiri whakaahua. 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Image Gallery - Authoring Taiwhanga Whakaahua-Kaituhi 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Image Gallery - Authoring Taiwhanga Whakaahua-Kaituhi 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Basic Māmā 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Basic input information for image gallery Pārongo tāuru taketake mō te taiwhanga whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Please input advance options for image gallery Tāurutia ngā kōwhiringa whatutoto mō te taiwhanga whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Title Taitara 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add image Tāpiri Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add images Tāpiri Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add multiple images Tāpiri Whakaahua Maha 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Upload multiple images Tuku whakaahua maha 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Upload single image Tuku whakaahua tōtahi 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Images Rārangi Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Edit Whakatikatika 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Delete Whakakore 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of Image Gallery with the following instructions: Tāpiri Pukatuhi ki te mutunga o Taiwhanga Whakaahua me ngā tohutohu e whai ake ana: 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Title Taitara 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
File Kōnae 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Files Kōnae 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Description Whakamārama 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Allow learners to share their own images Tukuna ngā ākonga ki te tiritiri i ā rātou ake whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Allow learners to comment on images Tukuna ngā ākonga te tuku kōrero ki ngā whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notify instructors when a learner submits an image Whakamōhiotia ngā kaiako aroturuki ina tuku whakaahua mai tētehi ākonga 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Enable feedback Āheitia te Urupare 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Allow learners to select favorite images Tukuna ngā ākonga ki te kōwhiri i ā rātou tino whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Allow learners to give a rank to images Tukuna ngā ākonga ki te tino raupapa ngā whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Cancel Whakakore 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Up Ki Runga 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Down Ki Raro 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Image Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Add new image Tāpiri Whakaahua Hōu 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Image Gallery Learning Akoranga Taiwhanga Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Image Gallery Taiwhanga Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Select as favorite Kōwhiria he tino whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Remove as favorite Tangohia he tino whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Added by: I Tāpiri E: 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Summary Whakarāpopotonga 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Statistic Tauanga 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Group Rōpū 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Title Taitara 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Hide Hunaia 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Show Whakaatu 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Image Gallery - Monitor Taiwhanga Whakaahua - Aroturuki 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Average rating Waihanga Toharite 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Number of favourites Tau tino whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
By E 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Edit Whakatikatika 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry Tuhinga Pukatuhi 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Add new image Tāpiri whakaahua hōu 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Image summary Rāpopotonga Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Save Tiaki 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Learner Ākonga 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Comments Kōrero 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Favourites for this image? Waihanga mō tēnei whakaahua? 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Image Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Save Tiaki 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Number of images uploaded Whakaahua maha i kawea mai 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Number of comments posted Kōrero maha i tukuna mai 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Number of images selected as favourite Tino whakaahua maha i kōwhirihia 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Allowed file formats: gif, png, jpg Hōputu kōnae i whakaaetia: gif, png, jpg 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Error occurred uploading {0}. Allowed file formats: gif, png, jpg I hapa te kawe whakaahua {0}, Hōputu kōnae i whakaaetia: gif, png, jpg 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Comment can not be blank. Kāore e taea te kōrero te noho piako. 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
IOException occurs during image resizing. Ka puta he okotahi IO i te whakarahi whakaahua. 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Repository checked exception occurs when creating a smaller scale image. Ka puta te okotahi pātaka i te hanga whakaahua tauine iti iho. 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Number format exception occurs when parsing config property. Please set it up correctly in image tool config page. Ka puta te āhuatanga whiringahora i te tuku tau hōputu okotahi. Whakaritea tikahia i te wharangi taputapu hōputu whakaahua. 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Do you really want to delete this image? Me muku mārika i tēnei whakaahua? 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Delete Whakakore 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
View Tirohia 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Edit Whakatikatika 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Show Whakaatu 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Hide Hunaia 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Cancel Whakakore 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Try again Mahi Anō 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entries Tirohia Tuhinga Pukatuhi 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry Tuhinga Pukatuhi 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry Tuhinga Pukatuhi 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Image Gallery Taiwhanga Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Save Tiaki 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Advanced Arā Atu Anō 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Continue Haere 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Name Ingoa 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Close Katia 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Finished Kua Mutu 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Note: After you click on Next Activity, if you come back to this Image Gallery, you will not be able to share new resources. Me mahara: Ā muri i te pāwhiri "Ngohe whai ake", ā, ka hoki mai koe ki tēnei Taiwhanga Whakaahua, kāore e taea te tiritiri rauemi anō. 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
On Kei te kā 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Off Kua weto 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of Image Gallery Tāpiri Pukatuhi ki te mutunga o Taiwhanga Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Image Gallery settings Whiringahora Taiwhanga Whakaahua 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Missing values, please make sure all required fields are entered. Uara kore, āta whai te tāurutanga i ngā āpure katoa. 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Entered values should be integers Me whai tau tōpū nga Uaratanga 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Maximum dimensions of medium image Ahunga mōrahi o te whakaahua waenga 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Maximum dimensions of thumbnail image Ahunga mōrahi o te whakaahua karakōnui 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Return to maintain LAMS Hoki ki te tika i LAMS 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Save Tiaki 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
The learner {0} submitted an image in a image gallery tool.\n\nThis message was send automatically, following tool''s advanced settings. I tuku te ākonga {0} i tētehi whakaahua mā te taputapu taiwhanga whakaahua.\n\nHe pānui aunoa tēnei pānui, i runga anō i ngā tautuhinga whatutoto o te taputapu. 02/26/09 06:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
Image exceeds maximum file size {0} errors.maxfilesize Become a Translator!
Minimum: label.minimum Become a Translator!
Maximum: label.maximum Become a Translator!
No minimum Become a Translator!
No maximum Become a Translator!
There is a minimum required number of words in a comment is {0} warning.minimum.number.words Become a Translator!
There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum set for ratings. Please check and try again. js.warning.max.min.limit Become a Translator!
Minimum number of words label.minimum.number.words Become a Translator!
Average rating {0}/{1} votes label.average.rating Become a Translator!
Your rating {0}, average rating {1}/{2} votes label.your.rating Become a Translator!
Type your comment here then click on the green tick label.comment.textarea.tip Become a Translator!
Rating criterias label.rating.criterias Become a Translator!
Add criteria label.add.criteria Become a Translator!
Rating limitation: Minimum {0} and Maximum {1}. label.rate.limits.reminder Become a Translator!
You have rated {0} images already. label.rate.limits.topic.reminder Become a Translator!
You must rate at least {0} images. label.rate.limits.reminder.min Become a Translator!
You can only rate up to {0} images. label.rate.limits.reminder.max Become a Translator!
Finish label.submit Become a Translator!
{0} on {1} Become a Translator!
Image options label.image.options Become a Translator!
End of activity label.activity.completion Become a Translator!
Uploaded file must not exceed size of {0} Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
Added outcomes outcome.authoring.existing Become a Translator!
none outcome.authoring.existing.none Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? outcome.authoring.remove.confirm Become a Translator!