11/27/06 04:11 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No data
Kaore he ā konga
11/13/06 09:25 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View all marks
Tirohia ngā Whiwhinga Katoa
01/04/09 06:57 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
05/31/08 08:57 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
05/31/08 08:57 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
05/31/08 08:57 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Release marks
Whakawātea Whiwhinga
01/04/09 06:57 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Download marks
Tukuna mai ngā Whiwhinga
01/04/09 06:58 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Ingoa Kaiwhakamahi
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Mutunga Kore
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Try again
Timataria Anō
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
submitted the following files
Tukana atu ēnei kōnae
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
02/03/09 05:31 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Arā atu anō
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Instructions
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View Notebook entries
Tirohia Tuhinga Pukatuhi
01/04/09 07:02 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
02/03/09 05:31 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
There is a problem submitting content, the reason is {0}
He raru e pā ana ki te tuku ihirangi, ko te pūtake ko {0}
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Name
Ingoa o te Kōnae
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Te Ara Kōnae
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Description
Whakaahua o te Kōnae
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Submission date
Te Rā Tuku
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
He Kōrero
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
User List Description
Whakaahuatanga Rārangi Kaiwhakamahi
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Instructions
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Cancel
Whakakorea Whakatikatika
02/03/09 05:31 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Marking description
Whakaahuatanga whakatika
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Report marking
Pūrongo Whakatika
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
File(s) need marking
Whakatikaina te/ngā kōnae
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Kua Mutu
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Save
Tīakina ngā Whiwhinga
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Kua Mutu
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Statistic for monitoring
Tauanga mō te Aroturuki
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Marked files:
Kōnae kua whakatikaina:
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Not marked files:
Kōnae kāore anō kia whakatikaina:
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
The mode "{0}" you've requested is not supported
Kāore i te tautokotia te aratau “{0}” nāu i tono
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Submit Files
Tuku Kōnae
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Marks in {0} have been released.
Kua whakawātea ngā whiwhinga ki {0}
02/02/09 09:31 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Notebook Entry
Tuhinga Pukatuhi
01/04/09 07:04 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please input Notebook entry
Tāpiri Tuhinga Pukatuhi
01/04/09 07:04 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learners submit files for assessment by the instructor. Scores and comments may be exported as a spreadsheet.
Ka tuku kōnae ngā ākonga hei aromatawainga mā te kaiako. Ka taea te tuku atu ngā whiwhinga me ngā kōrero hei ripanga.
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learners submit files for assessment by the instructor. Scores and comments for each learner are recorded and may be exported as a spreadsheet.
Ka tuku kōnae ngā ākonga hei aromatawainga mā te kaiako. Ka tuhia ngā whiwhinga me ngā kōrero mō ia ākonga, ā, ka taea te tuku atu hei ripanga.
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Submit Files Tool
Taputapu Tuku Kōnae
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Tool for learners to submit files for assessment by the instructor.
He taputapu kia taea ai e ngā ākonga te tuku kōnae ki te kaiako hei aroturuki.
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Submit Files Authoring
Tuku Kōnae
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/13/06 06:34 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
The content has been created successfully.
Kua hanga tikatia te rārangi kaupapa
02/03/09 04:16 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Lock when finished
Whakapūmautia ina oti
11/07/10 02:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
The instructor has set this activity not to allow submissions after you have finished it. As you are returning to this activity, you are able to see your files but not allowed to add more.
Kua whakapūmautia e te kaiako ina oti koe te tuku kōnae tēnei ngohe. Ina hoki mai ki tēnei ngohe anō, ka taea te kite i ngā kōnae i tuku engari kāore e taea te tuku kōnae mai anō.
11/07/10 02:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Are you going to finish submission?
Kei te whakaoti koe te tukuna atu?
12/11/06 08:02 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving?
Kei te hiahia koe ki te kati i tēnei matapihi me te kore tiaki?
02/02/09 09:20 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of Submit Files with the following instructions:
Tāpiri Pukatuhi ki te mutunga o te Tuku Kōnae me ngā tohutohu e whai ake:
01/24/07 04:43 AM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please assign a mark and a comment for the report by
Tāpiritia he kōrero whiwhinga hoki mō te tuku pūrongo.
01/24/07 04:43 AM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Learners will not be able to submit assignments after the set date and time.
E kore ngā ākonga e āhei kia tuku tuhinga i muri i te rā me te wā i whakaritea.
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Date:
Te rā me te wā:
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Set restriction
Tautuhi whakatiki
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Remove restriction
Tango whakatiki
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
For this activity, the instructor fixed a deadline until {0}. After this time this activity will not be available.
I whakaritea e te kaiako tētahi rā kati taea noatia te {0} mō tēnei ngohe. I muri i taua wā e kore tēnei ngohe e wātea mai.
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Deadline has been set
Kua oti te rā kati te tautuhi
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Deadline has been removed
Kua oti te rā kati te tango
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Submitted files
Ngā kōnae i tukua atu
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Files submitted in the Submit Files tool
Ngā kōnae i tukua mai mā te taputapu Tuku Kōnae
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Statistics description
Whakaahuatanga Tauanga
02/02/09 09:21 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
02/02/09 09:21 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Basic input information for submission
He pārongo tāuru māmā mō te tukunga
02/02/09 08:38 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Date and time restriction
Whakatiki mō te rā me te wā
11/15/12 06:49 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Warning: One or more learners have accessed this activity. Changing this content will result in learners getting different information.
Kia Mataara: Kua whakauru mai tētehi ākonga ki tēnei ngohe. Ka whakarerekētia ngā ihirangi ka puta ngā mōhiotanga rerekē ki te ākonga.
02/04/09 06:07 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Please input advance options for submission
Tāurutia kōwhiringa ara atu anō hei tukuna atu
02/02/09 08:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Note: After you click on "Next Activity" and you come back to this Submit Files, you won't be able to continue adding files.
Me mahara: A muri i te pāwhiri "Ngohe whai ake" a ka hoki mai koe ki tēnei Tuku Kōnae, kāore e taea tonutia te tuku kōnae mai.
02/04/09 06:13 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry
Tuhinga Pukatuhi
01/04/09 07:04 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Tukuna Mai
01/04/09 05:46 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Session name
Ingoa Wātū
02/02/09 09:03 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
The maximum length of the file description is {0} characters.
Ko te roa nui rawa o te āhuatanga kōnae ko te {0} ngā pū.
09/01/08 07:56 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
09/01/08 07:56 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
09/01/08 07:56 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at the end of Submit
Tāpiri Pukatuhi ki te mutunga o Tuku Kōnae.
09/01/08 07:56 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Update marks
Whakahōutia ngā Whiwhinga
01/04/09 05:58 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Mark is invalid number format.
He whakatakoranga tau muhu te whiwhinga.
02/02/09 09:16 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings
Arā Atu Anō
02/04/09 06:14 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit activity
Whakatikatika Ngohe
02/04/09 05:52 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Edit Activity
Whakatikatika Ngohe
02/04/09 05:52 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Edit Activity description
Whakatikatika te Ngohe Whakaahua
02/04/09 05:52 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Not available
Kāore e Wātea ana
02/04/09 05:58 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Next Activity
Ngohe Whai Ake
02/03/09 04:15 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Upload
Tukuna Atu te Kōnae
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Finished uploading
Kua Mutu te tukuna atu
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Uploaded
Wā Tuku Atu
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
No files have been uploaded yet.
Kāhore anō tētehi kōnae kia tukuna atu.
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Uploaded file must not be executable and not exceed size of {0}
Ka taea te tuku atu te kōnae kotahi noa iho i te wā kotahi – 1.0 MB te rahinga kōnae ka whakaaetia
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
No files have been uploaded yet. Files can not be uploaded once you choose OK.
Kāhore anō tētehi kōnae kia tukuna atu. Kāore e taea te tuku kōnae atu mēnā kua kōwhirihia kētia e koe te ĀE.
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Total uploaded files
Tapeke o ngā kōnae kua tukuna atu
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
You already upload this file, please waiting for a while.
Kua tīkina kētia ake e koe tēnei kōnae, tāria te wā.
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Upload file name
Ingoa kōnae tuku atu
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Set maximum number of files to upload
Whakawhāititia te maha o ngā kōnae hei tuku atu
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Number of files to upload
Tāpeke o ngā kōnae hei tuku atu
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Maximum number of files to be uploaded: {0}
Ka taea e koe te tuku atu (e ) {0} te/ngā kōnae.
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The uploaded file can not be an executable
He kōnae kawekawe te kōnae tuku, kōpeketia i mua ite tukuna atu.
02/04/09 05:41 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity.
Tatarihia kia oti i te kaiako ngā ihirangi o tēnei ngohe.
02/04/09 05:45 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Title can not be blank.
Whakakīa te taitara.
02/08/09 06:26 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
No Notebook available
Kāore he pukatuhi i te wātea
02/08/09 06:29 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Download failed because of this reason: {0}
Kua hapa te tiki kōnae nā tēnei pūtake: {0}
02/09/09 06:50 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions
Tohutohu Pukatuhi
02/10/09 04:29 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Notify learners when marks are released
Whakamōhiotia ngā ākonga ki te whakawātea whiwhinga
02/25/09 02:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
LAMS: Marks were released
LAMS: Kua whakawāteatia he whiwhinga
02/25/09 02:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: An instructor released marks in a Submit Files activity in LAMS.\nYour marks are:\n\n{0}\nThis message was send automatically, please do not reply to it.
I whakawatea tētehi kaiako i ngā whiwhinga mō te ngohe Tuku Kōnae i LAMS.\Ōu whiwhinga:\n\n{0}\nKua tuku aunoa tēnei pānui, kaua e whakahokia mai.
02/25/09 02:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
For the file named "{0}" submitted on {1} the mark is {2}\n
Mō te kōnae "{0}" i tukuna mai i {1} ko te whiwhinga ko {2}\n
02/25/09 02:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notify instructor when a learner submits a file
Whakamōhiotia ngā kaiako aroturuki ina tuku kōnae tētehi ākonga
02/25/09 02:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
LAMS: A learner submitted a file in a Submit Files tool
LAMS: I tuku kōnae tētehi ākonga me te taputapu Tuku Kōnae
02/25/09 02:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
The learner {0} submitted a file in a Submit Files tool.\n\nThis message was send automatically, following tool's advanced settings.
I tuku te ākonga {0} i tētehi kōnae i te taputapu Tuku Kōnae.\n\nHe pānui aunoa tēnei pānui, i runga anō i ngā tautuhinga whatutoto o te taputapu.
02/25/09 02:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
03/22/10 08:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Marked file
Kōnae i Whakatikahia
03/22/10 08:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Response
Kawe atu te Kōnae i Whakatikahia
03/22/10 08:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notify learner about marked file
Tuku te kōnae i whakatikahia ki te ākonga
03/22/10 08:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to delete this marked file?
Ne ka āta whai te whakakorea kōnae i whakatikahia?
03/22/10 08:37 PM
Robin Ohia
Become a Translator!