Module: Noticeboard for Spanish Mexico

Module Information

Module Name: Noticeboard
Description: Tool for displaying HTML content including external sources such as images and other media.
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 04/01/06 01:37 AM
% translated: 75.40% (46 out of 61)

Translated Labels

English Spanish Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Noticeboard Authoring Edición de Tablero de Avisos LDEV-1727 02/29/12 02:59 PM Carlos Lizarraga Celaya Become a Translator!
Next Activity Siguiente actividad 04/21/10 12:03 PM Verónica Soriano Marín Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Total learners: Número total de estudiantes: 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learners in group: Número de estudiantes en grupo: 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Noticeboard Cartelera 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Noticeboard tool Herramienta Cartelera 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Tool that displays a noticeboard Herramienta que permite mostrar una Cartelera 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Basic Básico 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Advanced Avanzado 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Title: Título 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Content: Contenido 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Filename Nombre de Archivo 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Type Tipo 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
View Ver 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Edit Editar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Summary Sumario 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Statistics Estadísticas 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit activity Editar Actividad 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Group {0}: Groupo {0} 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Modification of content is not allowed since one or more learners has attempted the activity. La modificación de contenido no esta permitida una vez que uno o mas estudiantes han accedido a esta actividad 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancelar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
OK OK 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Done Listo 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Save Guardar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Next Siguiente 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
{0} field is mandatory. {0} campo no puede omitirse 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Unable to continue. {0} is missing. No puede continuar: {0} no se ha encontrado 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
An internal error has occured with the Noticeboard Tool. If reporting this error, please report:
Ha ocurrido un error interno en la Cartelera. Por favor reporte el siguiente problema: {0} 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Try again Refrescar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? Esta seguro que desea cancelar? Sus cambios no seran guardados 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Continue Continuar 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No entry has yet been made. No hay reflexion disponible 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entries Reflexiones 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry Reflexion 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
No notebook entries have yet been made. No hay reflexiones disponibles. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
The uploaded file has exceeded the maximum file size limit of {0} bytes. El archivo que intentó adjuntar excede el máximo de {0} bytes. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the content. Por favor, espere a que el profesor finalice el contenido de esta actividad. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Tool for displaying content including external sources such as images and other media. Herramienta para anuncios en formato HTML que puede contener texto, enlaces, imagenes y otros tipos de media 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
On Si 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Off No 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings Opciones Avanzadas 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at the end of Noticeboard Agregar anotador al finalizar Cartelera 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions Instrucciones del anotador 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Displays formatted text and links to external sources on a read only page. Cartelera que muestra texto modelado, enlaces, imagenes, etc. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of Noticeboard with the following instructions: Añadir anotación al final de esta actividad con las siguientes instrucciones: 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
Warning: One of more learners have accessed this activity. Changing this content will result in learners getting different information. Advertencia: uno o más estudiantes han accedido esta actividad. Si desea cambiar el contenido, tenga en cuenta que algunos alumnos recibirán información diferente. 03/22/10 12:41 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
Comments options advanced.comment.header Become a Translator!
End of activity label.activity.completion Become a Translator!
Finish button.submit Become a Translator!
Enable anonymous posts advanced.enable.anonymous.posts Become a Translator!
No notebook entry has been added. Become a Translator!
Allow learner comments advanced.allow.comments Become a Translator!
View comments label.view.comments Become a Translator!
Like option only Become a Translator!
Like and dislike options Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
Added outcomes outcome.authoring.existing Become a Translator!
none outcome.authoring.existing.none Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? outcome.authoring.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
[create new] Become a Translator!