Module Name: | eadventure |
Description: | eAdventure tool from Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Output: | java |
Type: | tool |
Added By: | Ernie Ghiglione |
Optional: | No |
Created on: | 11/24/10 11:52 AM |
% translated: | 4.166% (8 out of 192) |
English | German Translation | Dev task | Last updated | By | Action |
Update | Update | 03/21/12 04:52 AM | Daniel Schneider | Become a Translator! | |
eAdventure Game. | eAdventure Spiel. | 03/22/12 11:20 AM | Daniel Schneider | Become a Translator! | |
Instructions | Anweisungen | 03/22/12 11:20 AM | Daniel Schneider | Become a Translator! | |
Instructions | Anweisung | 03/22/12 11:38 AM | Daniel Schneider | Become a Translator! | |
Assessment Report | Testreport | 03/22/12 10:53 AM | Daniel Schneider | Become a Translator! | |
Notebook instructions | Notizbuch Anweisungen | 03/22/12 11:38 AM | Daniel Schneider | Become a Translator! | |
Instructions | Anweisungen | 03/22/12 11:38 AM | Daniel Schneider | Become a Translator! | |
Comment/Instruction | Kommentar / Anweisung | 03/22/12 11:38 AM | Daniel Schneider | Become a Translator! |
English | Description | Action |
Finished | Label finish | Become a Translator! |
Next Activity | Label finished | Become a Translator! |
Finish | label.submit | Become a Translator! |
Comment/Instruction can not be blank | Error resource item desc blank | Become a Translator! |
You must view at least another {0} of the resources. | Lable learning minimum view number less | Become a Translator! |
eAdventure Tool | Tool display name | Become a Translator! |
Tool for use eAdventure videogames in the learning design. | Tool description | Become a Translator! |
eAdventure | Appname | Become a Translator! |
Error page | Errorpage title | Become a Translator! |
Some error occurs when handling your request | Errorpage heading | Become a Translator! |
eAdventure Authoring | Label authoring heading | Become a Translator! |
eAdventure | Label author title | Become a Translator! |
Basic | Label authoring heading basic | Become a Translator! |
Next Instruction | Label next instruction | Become a Translator! |
Basic input information for eAdventure games | Label authoring heading basic desc | Become a Translator! |
Please input advanced options for eAdventure game | Label authoring heading advance desc | Become a Translator! |
Title | Label authoring basic title | Become a Translator! |
A repository error occurred while trying to upload the file. | Error msg repository | Become a Translator! |
Add Single File | Label authoring basic add file | Become a Translator! |
Resource List | Label authoring basic resource list title | Become a Translator! |
File | Label authoring basic resource file | Become a Translator! |
The instructor has set this activity not to allow you to view the game after you have finished it. | Message activitylocked | Become a Translator! |
Notebook Entries | Label export reflection | Become a Translator! |
Preview | Label authoring basic resource preview | Become a Translator! |
Edit | Label authoring basic resource edit | Become a Translator! |
Delete | Label authoring basic resource delete | Become a Translator! |
Add a notebook at end of eAdventure game with the following instructions: | Label authoring advanced reflectonactivity | Become a Translator! |
Title | Label authoring basic resource title input | Become a Translator! |
Note: After you click on Next Activity, if you come back to this activity, you will not be able to continue with the game. | Message warnlockonfinish | Become a Translator! |
File | Label authoring basic resource file input | Become a Translator! |
Description | Label authoring basic resource description input | Become a Translator! |
On | Label on | Become a Translator! |
Off | Label off | Become a Translator! |
Advanced settings | Monitor summary th advancedsettings | Become a Translator! |
Cancel | Label authoring cancel button | Become a Translator! |
Description: | Label description | Become a Translator! |
There is a problem in eAdventure authoring page, the reason is {0} | Authoring exception | Become a Translator! |
Title can not be blank. | Error resource item title blank | Become a Translator! |
Add a notebook at end of eAdventure game | Monitor summary td addnotebook | Become a Translator! |
File can not be blank. | Error resource item file blank | Become a Translator! |
Upload file failed: {0} | Error upload failed | Become a Translator! |
Could not find upload file {0}. | Error msg upload file not found | Become a Translator! |
Could not handle zip file when uploading file. | Error msg zip file exception | Become a Translator! |
File not found exception occurs when uploading file. | Error msg file not found | Become a Translator! |
ImscpApplicationException occurs when uploading resource item file. | Error msg ims application | Become a Translator! |
LAMS: A learner submitted an assigment in a eAdventure tool | Event assigment submit subject | Become a Translator! |
IOException occurs when uploading file. | Error msg io exception | Become a Translator! |
InvalidParameterException occured while trying to upload File. | Error msg invaid param upload | Become a Translator! |
Could not retrieve default content record for this tool. | Error msg default content not find | Become a Translator! |
Do you want to close this window without saving? | Authoring msg cancel save | Become a Translator! |
eAdventure Learning | Label learning title | Become a Translator! |
eAdventure | Label learning heading | Become a Translator! |
The learner {0} submitted an assigment in a eAdventure tool.\n\nThis message was send automatically, following tool''s advanced settings. | Event assigment submit body | Become a Translator! |
Warning: One of more learners have accessed this activity. Changing this content will result in learners getting different information. | Message alertcontentedit | Become a Translator! |
There has to be at least one resource to save. | Error planner no resource save | Become a Translator! |
In resource {0} file can not be blank. | Error planner file blank | Become a Translator! |
New file details: | Label learning new file | Become a Translator! |
score | Output desc learner score | Become a Translator! |
Summary | Monitoring tab summary | Become a Translator! |
Statistic | Monitoring tab statistics | Become a Translator! |
Edit Activity | Monitoring tab edit activity | Become a Translator! |
time taken | Output desc learner time taken | Become a Translator! |
User defined: | Output desc learner user defined | Become a Translator! |
Group | Monitoring label group | Become a Translator! |
Total Number of Learners in Group: | Heading totallearnersingroup | Become a Translator! |
Type | Monitoring label type | Become a Translator! |
Title | Monitoring label title | Become a Translator! |
Number of Finished Learners: | Heading totalfinishedlearnersingroup | Become a Translator! |
Number of Learners | Monitoring label number learners | Become a Translator! |
Hide | Monitoring label hide | Become a Translator! |
Show | Monitoring label show | Become a Translator! |
Login name | Monitoring label user loginname | Become a Translator! |
Name | Monitoring label user name | Become a Translator! |
Hidden | Monitoring label hidden | Become a Translator! |
Report not received | Monitoring no report | Become a Translator! |
Cancel | Label monitoring edit activity cancel | Become a Translator! |
Edit | Label monitoring edit activity edit | Become a Translator! |
The condition's name contains invalid symbols. | error.condition.contains.wrong.symbol | Become a Translator! |
No offline package available | Export label no learning object | Become a Translator! |
Export portfolio of eAdventure activity | Export title | Become a Translator! |
You have to select one variable or fill with a value the second op. | | Become a Translator! |
The condition's name can not be empty. | | Become a Translator! |
The name already exists. | | Become a Translator! |
Value Required | Error valuereqd | Become a Translator! |
Input File size is too large! | Error inputfiletoolarge | Become a Translator! |
error uploading | Error uploading | Become a Translator! |
Title can not be blank | Error title empty | Become a Translator! |
Max 250K | Message msg maxfilesize | Become a Translator! |
Open | Label open | Become a Translator! |
Delete | Label delete | Become a Translator! |
Download | Label download | Become a Translator! |
View | Label view | Become a Translator! |
Edit | Label edit | Become a Translator! |
Completed | Label completed | Become a Translator! |
Upload | Button upload | Become a Translator! |
Add | Button add | Become a Translator! |
Cancel | Button cancel | Become a Translator! |
No Session Available | Message monitoring summary no session | Become a Translator! |
Show | Label show | Become a Translator! |
Hide | Label hide | Become a Translator! |
Save | Label save | Become a Translator! |
Cancel | Label cancel | Become a Translator! |
Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. | Define later message | Become a Translator! |
There has to be at least one expression in the condition. | | Become a Translator! |
Try again | Button try again | Become a Translator! |
You have to choose a eAdventure game before create conditions. | error.condition.not.ead.added | Become a Translator! |
View Notebook Entries | Page title monitoring view reflection | Become a Translator! |
Edit | Button edit | Become a Translator! |
No notebook available | Message no reflection available | Become a Translator! |
Please input Notebook Entry | Error reflection emtpy | Become a Translator! |
Notebook Entry | Title reflection | Become a Translator! |
Notebook Entry | Monitoring user reflection | Become a Translator! |
eadventure | Activity title | Become a Translator! |
Save | Label authoring save button | Become a Translator! |
Access time | Monitoring label access time | Become a Translator! |
Lock when finished | Label authoring advance lock on finished | Become a Translator! |
Hide "finish button" until eAdventure "completed" var is set | Label authoring advance define completed | Become a Translator! |
Advanced | Label authoring heading advance | Become a Translator! |
The string value introduced in the expression is not alphanumeric. | error.condition.value.introduce.not.alpha | Become a Translator! |
The selected variables have not the same type. | error.condition.var.not.eq.type | Become a Translator! |
You can choose the same variable at both sides of the expression. | | Become a Translator! |
Invalid IMS CP format. | Error msg ims package | Become a Translator! |
Step {0} of {1} | Message step of | Become a Translator! |
Move down | Label down | Become a Translator! |
Continue | Label continue | Become a Translator! |
Name | Monitoring user fullname | Become a Translator! |
Close | Button close | Become a Translator! |
Learners list | Label monitoring heading access | Become a Translator! |
The uploaded file has exceeded the maximum file size limit of {0} bytes | Errors maxfilesize | Become a Translator! |
The uploaded file is executable, please zip it before uploading. | Error attachment executable | Become a Translator! |
You have to select one valid eAdventure game (exported specifically for LAMS). | error.eadventure.not.ead.added | Become a Translator! |
There is not a first variable selected. | error.expression.not.selected.first.var | Become a Translator! |
You choose to introduce a variable and there is not a variable selected. | error.expression.not.selected.second.var | Become a Translator! |
Add Condition | label.authoring.conditions.add.condition | Become a Translator! |
Add new expression | label.authoring.conditions.add.expression | Become a Translator! |
Change to advance expression edition | label.authoring.conditions.change.expression.advance.edition | Become a Translator! |
Change to simple expression edition | label.authoring.conditions.change.expression.simple.edition | Become a Translator! |
First variable | label.authoring.conditions.condition.var1 | Become a Translator! |
Second variable or value | label.authoring.conditions.condition.var2 | Become a Translator! |
Introduce a value | label.authoring.conditions.introduce.value | Become a Translator! |
-- | | Become a Translator! |
Conditions | label.condition.branching.condition | Become a Translator! |
if {0} is {1} {2} | label.condition.helper.expression | Become a Translator! |
or | label.condition.helper.expression.or | Become a Translator! |
There is not an operator selected. | error.expression.not.selected.operator | Become a Translator! |
Conditions can not be added until you upload a eAdventure game | label.authoring.conditions.can.not.add | Become a Translator! |
Add value | label.authoring.conditions.change.introduce.value | Become a Translator! |
Select a variable | label.authoring.conditions.change.introduce.var | Become a Translator! |
Condition Name | | Become a Translator! |
Next Operator | label.authoring.conditions.condition.nextOp | Become a Translator! |
Number | label.authoring.conditions.condition.number | Become a Translator! |
Operator | label.authoring.conditions.condition.operator | Become a Translator! |
There are no conditions | label.authoring.conditions.empty.condition.list | Become a Translator! |
There are no expressions | label.authoring.conditions.empty.expression.list | Become a Translator! |
Expressions for selected condition | label.authoring.conditions.expression.list.title | Become a Translator! |
Conditions | label.authoring.conditions.list.title | Become a Translator! |
and | | Become a Translator! |
false | | Become a Translator! |
or | | Become a Translator! |
true | | Become a Translator! |
-- VARIABLE -- | | Become a Translator! |
Match Conditions to Game Adaptation Paths | label.condition.branching | Become a Translator! |
Adaptation Paths | label.condition.branching.adaptation | Become a Translator! |
Mappings | label.condition.branching.mappings | Become a Translator! |
Game Path | label.condition.branching.path | Become a Translator! |
and | label.condition.helper.expression.and | Become a Translator! |
The selected condition will be met | label.condition.helper.init | Become a Translator! |
equals to | label.condition.helper.integer.equals | Become a Translator! |
greater than | | Become a Translator! |
greater than or equals to | label.condition.helper.integer.gte | Become a Translator! |
less than | | Become a Translator! |
less than or equals to | label.condition.helper.integer.lte | Become a Translator! |
not equal to | | Become a Translator! |
Assigning values to variables to check the condition | label.condition.helper.values | Become a Translator! |
Conditions | label.authoring.heading.conditions | Become a Translator! |
Game Completed | | Become a Translator! |
True | | Become a Translator! |
False | | Become a Translator! |
Total time | | Become a Translator! |
Real time | output.desc.real-time | Become a Translator! |
Created condition | output.desc.tool.condition | Become a Translator! |
Check the condition | label.condition.helper.check.condition | Become a Translator! |
Add Game | | Become a Translator! |
Change Game | | Become a Translator! |