Module: Scribe for Italian Italy

Module Information

Module Name: Scribe
Description: Scribe module used in Chat&Scribe
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 10/16/06 05:23 PM
% translated: 81.37% (83 out of 102)

Translated Labels

English Italian Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
*** UPDATED: Number of votes Numero di voti 11/27/06 12:58 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Report Rapporto 11/27/06 12:58 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Session name Nome della sessione 11/27/06 12:58 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
No learners available Nessuno studente valido 11/27/06 12:58 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Agree Acconsentire 11/27/06 12:58 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Submit report Invia il rapporto 11/27/06 12:58 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
{0} out of {1} agree {0} da {1} acconsentire 11/27/06 12:58 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Select scribe seleziona Scrivano 11/27/06 01:05 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Scribe history Storia di Scrivano 11/27/06 01:05 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
No. of posts Numero di post 11/27/06 01:06 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Appointed scribe Appunti dello Scrivano 11/27/06 01:07 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Force complete Completa 11/27/06 01:09 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
scribe Scrivano 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Scribe Scrivano 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Scribe Scrivano 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Scribe tool Tool dello Scrivano 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Syncronous scribe tool Tool sincrono dello Scrivano 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Basic di base 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Title: Titolo 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Content: Contenuto 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Headings Intestazioni 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Create heading Crea Intestazione 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Select scribe Seleziona Scrivano 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: First learner Primo studente 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Select in Monitor Seleziona sul video 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
View Vista 11/27/06 01:18 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: {0}, you are the scribe for your group. Tu, {0} sei lo scrivano del tuo gruppo.In questa finestra devi ricapitolare le risposte del tuo gruppo sulle questioni poste dalla discussione.I membri del tuo gruppo con un click accetteranno il tuo rapporto. Quando tutti avranno dato il loro assenso clicca Completo per continuare. Se non tutto il gruppo è daccordo potete comunque continuare facendo click su Continua 11/27/06 01:09 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Edit Activity Crea una attività 11/27/06 12:44 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Group {0}: Gruppo {0}: 11/27/06 12:44 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Number of learners Numero di studenti 11/27/06 12:44 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Total number of learners in group: Numero totale di studenti per gruppo: 11/27/06 12:44 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Modification of content is not allowed since one or more learners has attempted the activity. la modifica dei contenunuti non è possibile perchè uno o più studenti ha iniziato l'attività. 11/27/06 12:44 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
There is no summary available for this tool. Non vi è un sommario disponibile per questo tool. 11/27/06 12:44 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No headings available Nessuna intestazione disponibile 11/27/06 12:44 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Done Fatto 11/27/06 12:44 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Open scribe Apri scrivano 11/27/06 01:04 PM ida taci Become a Translator!
Scribe Authoring Authoring dello Scrivano 11/30/08 06:12 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
Send Invia 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Clear Cancella 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Cancel Annulla 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
OK Ok 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Save Salva 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Next Activity Termina 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Continue Continua 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Save Salva 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Cancel Annulla 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? Vuoi chiudere la finestra senza salvare? 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Try again Prova ancora 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Learner Studente 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Add Aggiungi 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Advanced Avanzate 05/03/08 12:36 PM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Instructions: Istruzioni 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Lock when finished Blocca una volta terminato 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Type Tipo 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Delete Cancella 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Edit Modifica 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Changes saved Modifiche salvate 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Summary Sommario 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Edit Activity Modifica attività 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Statistics Statistiche 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Summary Sommario 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Instructions Istruzioni 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
Statistics Statistiche 11/21/06 03:05 PM roberta gaeta Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry Voce del Blocco Note 11/30/08 06:00 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
Next seguente 05/05/08 07:33 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry Voce del Blocco Note 11/30/08 06:00 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
Notebook entries Voci del Blocco Note 11/30/08 06:00 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook instructions Istruzioni per il Blocco Note 11/30/08 06:00 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at the end of Scribe Aggiungi Blocco Note alla fine di Scrivano 11/30/08 06:00 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of Scribe with the following instructions: Aggiungi Blocco Note al termine della Redazione con le seguenti istruzioni: 11/30/08 06:00 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Show aggregated reports for all groupings. Mostra i report aggregati per tutti i gruppi. NB: ciò funzionerà solo quando i gruppi sono assegnati a questa attività. 04/08/08 08:21 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Other groups Altri gruppi 04/08/08 08:21 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You are about to enter a group discussion and report. Stai per entrare in una discussione di gruppo e relazione. Dovresti discutere le indicazioni con il resto del tuo gruppo e conil verbalizzante, {0}, che scriverà le scoperte del gruppo. Se condividi con quanto è stato scritto, clicca sul pulsante di accettazione. Ogni volta che il verbalizzante aggiorna il prospetto, ognuno deve cliccare di nuovo su "Accetto". Quando tutti sono d'accordo, il verbalizzante completerà questa attività che non potrà essere più cambiata. 05/02/08 04:22 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
Refresh Aggiorna 05/02/08 04:22 AM Daniela Castrataro Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Are you sure you want to Force complete? If you click OK, you will not be able to change the Report text, and other Learners can no longer click Agree Sei sicuro di voler forzare il completamento? Se fai clic su ok, non potrai modificare il Report e gli altri studenti non potranno più cliccare su Approvo. 06/17/08 09:39 AM Edoardo Montefusco Become a Translator!
On Attivato 11/29/08 01:05 PM Edoardo Montefusco Become a Translator!
Off Disattivato 11/29/08 01:05 PM Edoardo Montefusco Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings Configurazioni avanzate 11/29/08 01:05 PM Edoardo Montefusco Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity Per favore aspetta che l'insegnante selezioni il Verbalizzante per quest'attività 11/29/08 01:01 PM Edoardo Montefusco Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Online scribe Verbalizzante online 11/29/08 01:01 PM Edoardo Montefusco Become a Translator!
Scribe Monitoring Verifica Verbalizzante 11/29/08 01:01 PM Edoardo Montefusco Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Scribe tool Tool Scrivano 11/29/08 01:02 PM Edoardo Montefusco Become a Translator!
Please wait for the instructor to select the Scribe for this activity Si prega di attendere che l'istruttore scelga il Segretario verbalizzante per quest'attività 03/24/12 04:09 AM Edoardo Montefusco Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
Note: this will only work when groups are assigned to this activity. advanced.showAggregatedReportsNote Become a Translator!
Options label.scribe.options Become a Translator!
End of activity label.activity.completion Become a Translator!
Finish button.submitActivity Become a Translator!
Added outcomes outcome.authoring.existing Become a Translator!
none outcome.authoring.existing.none Become a Translator!
Select Become a Translator!
Summary text submitted by the scribe. label.scribe.posted Become a Translator!
Summary text as others can see it. label.what.others.see Become a Translator!
In this window you need to summarise your group's responses to the headings based on the discussion. message.scribeInstructions2 Become a Translator!
The members of your group will click agree when they agree with your report. When everyone (including you) agrees, click Force Complete to continue. message.scribeInstructions3 Become a Translator!
If the whole group cannot agree on the report, then you can force the activity to end by clicking "Force complete". message.scribeInstructions4 Become a Translator!
You should discuss the headings with the rest of your group and your scribe, {0}, will enter the group's findings. message.learnerInstructions2 Become a Translator!
If you agree with what is written, click on the agree button. message.learnerInstructions3 Become a Translator!
Every time your scribe updates the report, everyone has to click on "Agree" again. Once everyone has agreed, the Scribe will complete this activity and it cannot be changed. message.learnerInstructions4 Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? outcome.authoring.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
[create new] Become a Translator!