Module: Learner (Java) for Korean South Korea

Module Information

Module Name: Learner (Java)
Description: Learner interface HTML pages (JAVA backend)
Output: java
Type: core
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 06/24/06 03:11 AM
% translated: 36.89% (69 out of 187)

Translated Labels

English Korean Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Next Activity 다음 활동 01/03/08 02:19 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
My Progress 내 진도 09/05/08 03:23 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You have stopped at a branching point. You cannot continue until your branch is allocated in Monitoring. 분기점에 있습니다. 관찰에서 갈래가 선택되기 전에는 계속할 수 없습니다. 01/03/08 01:26 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
An error has occurred and you cannot continue without LAMS recalculating your current activity. A staff member may be editing the lesson. 오류가 발생하였습니다. 램스가 현재 활동을 다시계산하지 않고는 계속할 수 없습니다. 관리자가 이 학습을 편집 중일수도 있습니다. 10/07/09 02:23 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Error occured 오류가 발생하였습니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The next task is loading. Please wait.... 다음 할일이 올려지는 중입니다. 잠시만 기다려 주십시요. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Congratulations, {0}, you have finished. 마친것을 축하합니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Next 다음 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
You have to complete the other task before progressing to the next activity.... 다음 활동으로 가기전에 다른 과제를 마쳐야 합니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Your browser does not handle frames! 당신의 브라우저는 프레임을 처리할 수 없습니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please select an activity from the list 목록에서 활동을 선택하십시요. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Note: You can revisit started or finished activities by using the progress bar or by clicking on the activity name shown below. 당신은 위의 활동중에 어떤것을 마친후에 왼편에 있는 진도바를 사용하여 다시 방문할 수 있습니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Choose 선택 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Synch gate 강의실문 동기화 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You have stopped at a gate. You cannot continue until all of your group/class reach this point. 당신은 강의실문에서 멈춰있습니다. 당신의 모든 그룹/분반이 여기에 올 때까지 계속할 수 없습니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Permission gate 허가 강의실문 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You have stopped at a gate. You cannot continue until the gate is opened in Monitoring. 당신은 강의실문에서 멈춰있습니다. 진도보기에서 강의실문이 열릴때까지 계속할 수 없습니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Schedule gate 일정 강의실문 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The gate will be opened at: 일정 강의실문은 다음시간에 열릴 예정입니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The gate will be closed at: 일정 강의실문은 다음시간에 닫힐예정입니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
{0} out of {1} are waiting in front of the gate. {1} 중에 {0} 이 강의실문에서 기다리고 있습니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Click Next if you are told that the gate is open. This page will refresh automatically in 1 minute. 강의실문이 열려있다고 들었다면 다음을 클릭하세요. 이 페이지는 1분안에 자동적으로 갱신될 것입니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
As this is a preview, clicking Next will go to the next activity. Normally the learner would have to wait until the gate is opened. 이것은 미리보기이므로 다음 활동으로 가기 위해서는 다음을 클릭하세요. 일반적으로 학습자는 강의실문이 열릴때까가지 기다려야 합니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Groups 그룹 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
As this is a preview, clicking Next will do an automatic grouping. Normally the learner would have to wait until the grouping is done. 미리보기이므로 다음을 클릭하면 자동적으로 그룹이 만들어 집니다. 일반적으로 그룹이 만들어 질때 까지 학습자는 기다려야 합니다. 06/25/06 02:36 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Resume 다시 계속하기 03/07/08 12:06 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
LAMS Learner 램스 학습자 10/07/09 02:21 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You must complete at least {0} activities to finish. 당신은 {1}활동중에 적어도 {0}를 완료해야 합니다. 11/02/06 12:51 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You have now completed the {0} lesson. You can return at anytime to this lesson and revisit and review activities by double clicking on the round icons in progress bar. You can now close this window. 이 강의를 완료하였습니다. 이 창을 닫을 수 있습니다. 11/02/06 12:50 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No title 제목 없음 10/09/06 03:04 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Journals 저널들 10/06/06 02:52 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Submitted by: {0} 제출자: {0} 10/04/06 05:38 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Close 닫기 10/04/06 05:38 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
My Notes 내 노트 09/29/06 02:38 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
View All 모두 보기 09/29/06 02:38 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Add New 새로 추가 09/29/06 02:39 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Save to Notebook 노트북에 저장 09/29/06 02:39 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Entry 항목 09/29/06 02:46 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Edit: {0} 편집:{0} 09/29/06 02:47 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Cancel 취소 09/29/06 02:47 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Edit 편집 09/29/06 02:47 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Save to Journal 저널에 저장 09/29/06 02:39 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Journal 저널 09/29/06 02:40 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Scratchpad 낱장 메모장 09/29/06 02:46 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Title 제목 09/29/06 02:47 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Created on 만든 날자 09/29/06 02:48 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Last Modified 마지막 변경됨 09/29/06 02:49 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please close this window. 이 창을 닫으십시요. 09/26/06 07:57 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Close and reopen this window to continue. If this error re-occurs, wait a few minutes and then try again. 계속하기위해서 "다시계속하기"를 선택하거나 이 창을 닫고 다시 여십시요. 만일 오류가 다시 발생하면 몇분을 기다렸다가 다시하십시요. 07/07/07 03:52 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Click Next if you are told that the branch has been selected. This page will refresh automatically in 1 minute. 갈래가 선택되었다고 표시되면 다음을 클릭하세요. 이 페이지는 1분내에 자동으로 갱신 될 것입니다. 02/01/08 10:38 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
You have reached a branching activity. As you are in preview you can select which branch to preview then click Choose. Click Finish to skip the branching and continue with the next activity after the branching. 갈래활동에 도달하였습니다. 미리보기에서 미리보기할 갈래를 선택할 수 있습니다. 갈래를 생략하고 갈래 다음의 활동으로 가기 위해서는 완료를 클릭하세요. 02/01/08 10:38 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Branching 갈래 02/01/08 10:38 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
There are no activities to complete in this part of the lesson. Click Next to continue. 이 학습 부분에서 완료할 활동이 남아 있지 않습니다. 계속하기 위해서는 다음을 클릭하세요. 02/01/08 10:38 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The maximum number of activities you may attempt is {0}. 노트:시도할 수 있는 최대 활동 수는 {0} 입니다. 진도 표시 막대를 이용하여 이미 시작하였거나 완료된 활동들을 방문할 수 있습니다. 09/05/08 06:25 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You must complete at least {0} sequences to finish. 완료하기 위해서는 최소 {1} 순차학습중에 {0} 개를 완료해야 합니다. 09/05/08 06:25 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Note: You can revisit started or finished sequences by using the progress bar. 노트: 위의 순차학습을 완료하면 진도 표시 막대를 이용하여 완료된 순차학습들을 방문할 수 있습니다. 09/05/08 06:25 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The maximum number of sequences you may attempt is {0}. 노트:시도할 수 있는 최대 순차학습 수는 {0} 입니다. 진도 표시 막대를 이용하여 이미 시작하였거나 완료된 순차학습들을 방문할 수 있습니다. 09/05/08 06:25 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Group full 모둠이 참 10/01/09 12:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Please select a group. Some groups may not be available if they reached the maximum number of members. 모둠을 선택하세요. 최대 구성원수에 도달한 모둠은 사용할 수 없습니다. 10/01/09 12:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Choose 선택 10/01/09 12:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Condition gate 조건 관문 10/01/09 12:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
You have reached a condition gate. You have not satisfied the required conditions and you may not pass. Please return to previous activities. After you correct your answers, please press the button to proceed to next activities. 조건 관문에 도달하였습니다. 요구된 조건을 만족시키지 못하면 통과할 수 없습니다. 이전 활동으로 돌아가서 답들을 수정한 후에 다음 활동으로 넘어가세요. 10/01/09 12:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Presence 존재 10/01/09 12:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The maximum number optional activities has already been reached. 최대 선택활동수가 이미 도달되었습니다. 10/01/09 12:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
The maximum number optional sequences has already been reached. 최대 선택 선택학습수가 이미 도달되었습니다. 10/01/09 12:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Learners in group 모둠안의 학습자들 10/01/09 12:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Other Notes 다른 노트 10/01/09 12:18 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Some of your following tasks require a group. You cannot continue until the groups have been selected. Click Next if you are told that the groups have been created. This page will refresh automatically in 1 minute. 다음 몇몇 과제들은 그룹을 필요로 합니다. 그룹이 선택되기 전에는 계속할 수 없습니다. 그룹이 만들어 졌다고 들었다면 다음을 클릭하세요. 이 페이지는 5분안에 자동적으로 갱신될것입니다. 10/20/09 02:42 AM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!
Print 인쇄 10/28/10 10:07 PM Jong-Dae Park Become a Translator!

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You are now able to participate in following lessons: {0}. message.released.lessons Become a Translator!
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Double click to review this completed activity label.learner.progress.activity.completed.tooltip Become a Translator!
You have attempted but not yet finished this activity label.learner.progress.activity.attempted.tooltip Become a Translator!
You need to complete the activities before this activity to access it label.learner.progress.activity.tostart.tooltip Become a Translator!
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You can only move through the gate and attempt the remaining activities in Become a Translator!
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Lesson's score gradebook.lesson.complete Become a Translator!
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Kumalive: label.kumalive.title Become a Translator!
Wait for a teacher to start Kumalive label.kumalive.wait.start Become a Translator!
Enter a name for a new Kumalive Become a Translator!
Create button.kumalive.create Become a Translator!
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Raise hand button.kumalive.raise Become a Translator!
Put hand down button.kumalive.putdown Become a Translator!
Raised hands label.kumalive.raised.hands Become a Translator!
Learners label.kumalive.learners Become a Translator!
Teacher label.kumalive.teacher Become a Translator!
Finish speaking label.kumalive.finish.speak Become a Translator!
Great! label.kumalive.mark.great Become a Translator!
Just OK label.kumalive.mark.ok Become a Translator!
Not so good label.kumalive.mark.bad Become a Translator!
Kumalive is finished. The window will close. message.kumalive.finish.kumalive Become a Translator!
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You have got no connection with Kumalive. Try closing this window and opening it again. label.kumalive.closed Become a Translator!
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Question (optional) label.kumalive.poll.question Become a Translator!
for example: Why is the sky blue? label.kumalive.poll.question.tip Become a Translator!
Answers label.kumalive.poll.answer Become a Translator!
True label.kumalive.poll.answer.true Become a Translator!
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Custom... label.kumalive.poll.answer.custom Become a Translator!
{Put} {each} {answer} {in} {curly} {brackets} label.kumalive.poll.answer.custom.tip Become a Translator!
Custom answer syntax is incorrect. Example: {first answer} {second answer} label.kumalive.poll.answer.custom.error.syntax Become a Translator!
Maximum 9 answers allowed label.kumalive.poll.answer.custom.error.count Become a Translator!
Ask now! button.kumalive.poll.start Become a Translator!
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Results label.kumalive.poll.results Become a Translator!
Total votes Become a Translator!
Learner {0} ({1}) started activity {2} ({3}) audit.activity.started Become a Translator!
Learner {0} ({1}) stopped activity {2} ({3}) audit.activity.stopped Become a Translator!
Learner {0} ({1}) completed lesson {2} ({3}) audit.learner.lesson.complete Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
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{0} learners label.learners Become a Translator!
[create new] Become a Translator!