Module: Forum for Catalan Spain

Module Information

Module Name: Forum
Description: Discussion tool useful for long running collaborations and situations where learners are not all on line at the same time.
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 04/01/06 01:30 AM
% translated: 78.77% (193 out of 245)

Translated Labels

English Catalan Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Body Cos 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Subject Motiu 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Edit Message Editar missatge 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Message attachment hidden Arxius adjunts ocults 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
View Veure 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Attachment Arxiu adjunt 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Reply Respondre 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Open Obrir 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Forum Fòrum 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Online threaded discussion tool (asynchronous). Eina de discussió asíncrona . 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Forum Tool Eina de fòrum 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Forum Fòrum 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Title Títol 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Instructions Instruccions 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Lock when finished Bloqueja quan acabi 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Save Desar 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancel·lar 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Subject Motiu 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Body Cos 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Last post Darrer missatge 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Author Autor 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Started by Iniciat per 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Replies Rèpliques 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Mark Marca 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
By Per 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View mark Veure les marques de l'usuari 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit mark Editar la marca de l'usuari 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Edit Activity Editar l'activitat 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View instructions Veure les instruccions 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancel·lar 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Edit Editar 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
# of total message # del total de missatges 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Add Message Afegir missatge 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
View Message Veure missatge 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Delete Esborrar 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Edit Editar 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Reply Respondre 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Done Fet 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Next Activity Següent activitat 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Refresh Refrescar 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Basic Bàsic 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Advanced Avançat 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Instructions Instruccions 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Upload Carregar 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Done Fet 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
On Encès 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Off Apagat 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Add Afegir 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancel·la 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Edit Activity Editar activitat 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Comment Comentari 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Not Available No disponible 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Update mark Actualitzar marca 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Session Name Nom de la sessió 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No data No hi ha usuaris disponibles 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
View all marks Veure totes les marques 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Download marks Descarregar marques 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
View forum Veure fòrum 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No session available No hi ha una sessió disponible 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Message subject hidden Motiu del missatge ocult 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Message body hidden Cos del missatge ocult 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Show Mostra 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Hide Oculta 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Statistics Estadístiques 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Save Desa 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancel·la 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Basic Bàsic 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Advanced Avançat 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Forum Authoring Autoria del fòrum 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Try again Torna-ho a intentar 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Close Tanca 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Release marks Marques relacionades 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Subject can not be blank. El motiu no pot estar buit 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
New Nou 12/02/09 01:49 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Date/time: Data / hora: 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Deadline Restricció de dades 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
Allow learners to rate each other's postings Permeten als estudiants valorar altres missatges 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
Learners will not be able to post messages after the set date and time. Els estudiants no podran enviar missatges després de la data i l'hora. 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
Set restriction Establir restriccions 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
Remove restriction Eliminar la restricció 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: For this activity, the instructor fixed a deadline until {0}. After this time this activity will not be available. L'instructor ha fixat una restricció de data / hora per aquesta activitat de {0}. Després d'aquest temps aquesta activitat no estarà disponible. 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
Notification Notificació 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Deadline has been set S'ha fixat una data de restricció 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Deadline has been removed S'ha eliminat la data de restricció 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: A medium where ideas and views on a particular issue/topic can be exchanged. Eina per a fòrums, també conegut com tauler de missatges. 06/10/10 04:01 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Discussion tool useful for long running collaborations and situations where learners are not all on line at the same time. Eina de discussió útil per a col·laboracions de llarga durada i en situacions en las que els alumnes no estan en línia al mateix temps. 06/10/10 04:02 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Create topic Crear un nou tema 06/10/10 04:08 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Allow learners to change their own postings Permeti als alumnes canviar els seus propis missatges 06/10/10 04:08 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Allow learners to use rich text editor Permetre als alumnes l'ús de l'editor de text enriquit 06/10/10 04:08 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Maximum number of characters per posting Màxim nombre de caràcters per intervenció 06/10/10 04:08 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Back to topics Tornar a la llista de temes 06/10/10 04:08 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
# of Msg # de Missatge 06/10/10 04:08 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
View topic Mostra el tema 06/10/10 04:08 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Statistic Estadística 06/10/10 04:08 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Value Required Valor requerit 06/10/10 04:08 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Aver mark Mitjana de marques 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Average message mark Mitjana de marques del missatge 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Mark must be a number La marca ha de ser un nombre 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Mark is invalid number format El format numèric de la marca no és vàlid 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Title can not be blank El títol no pot estar en blanc 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Reply Message Respondre el missatge 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Posted on: Enviat el: 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Thread replies Fil de respostes 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
New Topic Nou tema 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Characters left Caràcters restants 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Submit Entregar 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
The input is invalid number format L'entrada té un format de número invàlid 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
The input must be greater than 0 L'entrada ha de ser major que 0 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
The following error(s) occurred: S'ha produït el següent(s) error(s): 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Summary Resum 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
provides following posts: proporciona les següents intervencions: 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Please assign a mark and a comment for the report by Si us plau, assigni una marca i un comentari per l'informe de 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Forum Monitoring Seguiment del fòrum 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? Desitja tancar aquesta finestra sense desar-la? 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. Si us plau, espereu a que el professor completi els continguts d'aquesta activitat. 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Allow learners to add attachments Permetre que els alumnes adjuntin arxius 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Allow learners to create new topics Permetre que els estudiants crein nous temes 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Number of posts per learner per thread. Nombre de missatges per participant, per fil. 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Minimum: Mínim: 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Maximum: Màxim: 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
No minimum Sense mínim 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
No maximum No hi ha màxim 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
The maximum number of posts must be greater than or equal to the minimum number of posts. El nombre màxim de missatges ha de ser major o igual al nombre mínim. 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Limitation of input characters must be greater zero. El límit d'entrada de caràcters ha de ser major de zero. 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
You must contribute at least {0} posts in each topic before finish. Vostè haurà d'aportar com a mínim (0) d'intervencions de cada tema abans d'acabar. 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Please add at least 1 topic when "allow learners to create new topics" option is off. Si us plau, afegeixi almenys un tema quan l'opció "permetre als alumnes crear nous temes" està desactivada. 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: An instructor released marks in a Forum activity in LAMS.\nYour marks are:\n\n{0}\nThis message was sent automatically, please do not reply to it. Un professor llançat marques en una activitat del Fòrum en LAMS. La seva marca són: (0) Aquest missatge ha estat enviat de forma automàtica, si us plau, no respondre-hi. 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Posting limits Límits de missatges 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of forum with the following instructions: Afegir el quadern al final del fòrum amb les següents instruccions: 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Please input notebook entry Si us plau, posi una entrada al quadern d'entrada 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Notebook Entry Entrada al quadern 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Continue Continuar 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Name Nom 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Login Nom d'accés 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry Entrada al quadern 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View Notebook entries Veure entrades del quadern 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Instructor Instructor 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Body can not be blank. El cos no pot estar en blanc. 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Original message Missatge original 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Number of postings Nombre de missatges de l'alumne en el fòrum 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Date Data 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Marks Marques 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Comments Comentaris 06/10/10 04:43 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Marks in {0} have been released. S'han alliberat {0} marques. 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Note: After you click on "Next Activity" and you come back to this Forum, you won't be able to continue posting. Nota: fins que no faci "clic" a "Propera activitat" i torni a aquest fòrum, no podrà publicar-hi un missatge. 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
The instructor has set this activity not to allow postings after you have finished it. As you are returning to this Forum again, you are able to see all threads but not allow to post anymore. L 'instructor no ha establert que en aquesta activitat s'hi puguin publicar missatges després d'haver-la acabat. Com que vostè ha tornat a aquest fòrum, pot veure tots els temes, però no és permès d'enviar nous missatges. 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Marked? Marcat? 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Posting limitations for this forum: Minimum {0} and Maximum {1} per thread. Limitacions d'intervencions d'aquest fòrum: Mínim (0) i (1) màxima per fil. 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Posting for this thread: Minimum {0} and Maximum {1}. You have posted {2} message(s). Missatges d'aquest fil: Mínim (0) i (1) màxima. Heu participat (2) missatge (s). 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Notebook Entries Quadern de les entrades 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Yes 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
No No 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
On En 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Off De 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings Configuració avançada 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at the end of Forum Afegir quadern al final del Fòrum 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions Quadern d'instruccions 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Notify learners when marks are released. Notificar als estudiants quan les marques s'han alliberat. 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
LAMS: Marks were released LAMS: Marques han estat alliberades 06/10/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
For the message titled "{0}" posted on {1} the mark is {2}. \n Per al missatge titulat "(0)", publicat en (1) la marca és (2). 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Conditions Condicions 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Please enter conditions for Forum Si us plau, introdueixi les condicions per al Fòrum 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Conditions Condicions 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Add condition Afegir condició 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Conditions Condicions 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
There are no conditions No hi ha condicions 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Name Nom 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Up Amunt 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Down Avall 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Condition name can not be blank. El nom de la condició no pot estar en blanc. 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Duplicated name. Please choose unique one. El ja existeix. Si us plau, escolliu-ne un altre. 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
There are no questions selected. Please select at least one. No hi ha preguntes seleccionades. Si us plau, seleccioneu-ne almenys un. 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Error creating condition. Error en crear la condició. 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Posts contain certain words Els missatges contenen alguns mots 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Posts to the first topic contain word "LAMS" Els missatges del primer tema contenen la paraula "LAMS" 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Posts that... Els missatges que ... 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
have all these words: tenen totes aquests mots: 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
have this exact wording or phrase: tenen aquesta redacció o frase exacta: 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
have one or more of these words: tenen una o més d'aquests mots: 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
have none of these unwanted words: no tenen cap d'aquests mots indesitjats: 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Search in these topics: Cerca en aquests temes: 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Maximum posting limitations for this forum is {0} per thread. la limitació màxima de missatges per aquest fòrum és de (0) per fil de conversa. 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Minimum posting limitations for this forum is {0} per thread. la limitació mínima de missatges per aquest fòrum és de (0) per fil de conversa. 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Maximum posting for this thread is {0}. You have posted {1} message(s). El màxim de missatges d'aquest fil és (0). Heu participat amb (1) Missatge (s). 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Minimum posting for this thread is {0}. You have posted {1} message(s). El mínim de missatges d'aquest fil és (0). Heu participat amb (1) Missatge (s). 07/07/10 04:53 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
Order 07/07/10 04:54 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
On new postings send email to: En les properes intervencions enviar un email a: 11/09/10 07:41 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
learners alumnes 11/09/10 07:41 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: instructors docents 11/09/10 07:41 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
Forum: {0} Fòrum 11/09/10 07:41 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
{0}:\n{1}\n\n-- email sent automatically by LAMS {0}:\n{1}\n\n-- email enviat automàticament per LAMS 11/09/10 07:41 AM jep castel Become a Translator!
Do you really want to delete this topic? Realment vol eliminar aquest tema? 11/15/10 05:37 PM jep castel Become a Translator!
{0} / {1} votes {0} / {1} vots 01/05/12 03:35 AM jep castel Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

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The maximum number of characters per posting must be greater than minimum. Become a Translator!
Topics label.topics Become a Translator!
The maximum number of ratings must be greater than its minimum. error.min.rate.less.max Become a Translator!
Enable anonymous posts label.authoring.advance.enable.anonymous.posts Become a Translator!
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There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum set for postings. Please check and try again. js.error.validate.posting.number Become a Translator!
You must rate at least {0} postings. Become a Translator!
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There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum set for ratings. Please check and try again. js.error.validate.number Become a Translator!
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Each learner's posts sent in the Forum Each learner's posts sent in the Forum Become a Translator!
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Uploaded file exceeded maximum size: {0} errors.maxfilesize Become a Translator!
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Uploaded file must not be executable and not exceed size of {0} Become a Translator!
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You have rated {0} postings already. label.rateLimits.topic.reminder Become a Translator!
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The minimum number of characters for your response is {0}. info.minimum.number.characters Become a Translator!
You need to enter {0} characters more to proceed. warn.minimum.number.characters Become a Translator!
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Please complete or cancel the current edit before starting a new edit. message.complete.or.cancel.edit Become a Translator!
Your changes have been saved but cannot be redisplayed. Please select refresh to reload the forum messages. error.cannot.redisplay.please.refresh Become a Translator!
Posting options label.posting.options Become a Translator!
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