Module: Forum for Maori New Zealand

Module Information

Module Name: Forum
Description: Discussion tool useful for long running collaborations and situations where learners are not all on line at the same time.
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 04/01/06 01:30 AM
% translated: 80.40% (197 out of 245)

Translated Labels

English Maori Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Cancel Whakakore 02/03/09 05:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Cancel Whakakore 02/03/09 05:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Cancel Whakakore 02/03/09 05:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Cancel Whakakore 02/03/09 05:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
No minimum Itinga rawa kore 01/04/09 07:12 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Minimum: Itinga rawa: 01/04/09 07:12 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
No maximum Mōrahi Kore 01/04/09 07:13 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
The following error(s) occurred: I puta mai ēnei hapa: 11/14/06 11:56 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Try again Whakamātauria Anō 11/14/06 11:56 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Body can not be blank. Whakakīa te tinana tuhi 11/14/06 11:56 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Subject can not be blank. Whakakīa te Kaupapa ako 11/14/06 11:56 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Close Katia 11/14/06 11:56 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Maximum: Mōrahi: 11/14/06 11:56 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
View all marks Tirohia ngā whiwhinga katoa 01/04/09 06:57 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Marks in {0} have been released. Kua whakawātea ngā whiwhinga {0} 02/02/09 09:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Release marks Whakawātea Whiwhinga 01/04/09 06:57 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Download marks Tukuna mai ngā whiwhinga 01/04/09 06:58 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View Notebook entries Tirohia Tuhinga Pukatuhi 01/04/09 07:02 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Lock when finished Whakapūmautia ina oti 11/07/10 02:40 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
The instructor has set this activity not to allow postings after you have finished it. As you are returning to this Forum again, you are able to see all threads but not allow to post anymore. Kua whakapūmautia e te kaiako ina ka oti koe i tēnei ngohe. Ina ka hoki mai ki tēnei Wānanga anō, ka taea te pānui i ngā korero i tuku engari kāore e taea te tuku kōrero mai anō. 11/07/10 02:40 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Statistics Tauanga 02/02/09 09:21 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notebook entry Tuhinga Pukatuhi 01/04/09 07:04 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Notebook Entry Tuhinga Pukatuhi 01/04/09 07:04 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Please input notebook entry Tāpiri tuhinga pukatuhi 01/04/09 07:04 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Continue Haere Tonu 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Name Ingoa 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Instructor Kaiako 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Mark is invalid number format He whakatakotoranga tau te whiwhinga kāore e whai mana 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Title can not be blank Whakakīa te Taitara 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Add Message Tāpiri Kōrero 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
View Message Tirohia te Kōrero 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Reply Message Whakahoki Kōrero 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Edit Message Whakatikatika Kōrero 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Subject Kaupapa 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Body Tīnana Tuhi 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Attachment Āpitihanga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Thread replies Ngā Whakahoki Kōrero 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Reply Whakahokia 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Open Huakina 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
View Tirohia 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Edit Whakatikatika 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Reply Whakahokia 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Done Kua oti pai 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
New Topic Kaupapa Hōu 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Refresh Tāmatatia 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Characters left Pūāhua Mauī 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Advanced Arā atu anō 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Done Kua oti pai 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Submit Tukuna 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
On Whakakāngia 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Off Whakawetohia 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Add Tāpiritia 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
The input is invalid number format He whakatakoranga tau kāore e whai mana. 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Comment Kōrero 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No data Kāore he kaiwhakamahi i te wātea 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
View forum Tirohia ki te Wānanga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Message subject hidden Kua hunaia te kaupapa kōrero 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Message body hidden Kua hunaia te tinana o te tuhi 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Show Whakaatuhia 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Hide Huna 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Forum Monitoring Wānanga Aroturuki 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Save Tiaki 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Advanced Arā atu anō 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Forum Authoring Tuhinga Wānanga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Message attachment hidden Kua hunaia te āpitihanga kōrero 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Posting limits Tepe Tuku 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Forum Wānanga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Online threaded discussion tool (asynchronous). He taputapu whakahaere wānanga tuihono (kāore e tukutahitia ana). 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Discussion tool useful for long running collaborations and situations where learners are not all on line at the same time. He taputapu papai mō ngā mahinga ngātahitanga roa i ngā wā kāre ngā ākonga e tuihono i te wā kotahi 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Forum Tool Te Taputapu Wānanga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: A medium where ideas and views on a particular issue/topic can be exchanged. He taputapu wānanga e kīia ana hoki he Papa Pānui. 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Forum Wānanga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Create topic Kaupapa Hōu 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Title Taitara 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Save Tiaki 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Maximum number of characters per posting Tepe o ngā pūāhua kuhu 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Subject Kaupapa 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Body Tinana Tuhi 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Last post Tuku mutunga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Author Kaituhi 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Started by Tīmataria e 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Replies Whakahoki 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Mark Whiwhinga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
By E 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
# of Msg # o te Kōrero 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Aver mark Whiwhinga toharite 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View mark Tirohia te whiwhinga a te ākonga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit mark Whakatikaina te whiwhinga a te ākonga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
View topic Tirohia ki te Kaupapa 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Statistic Tauanga 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Edit Whakatikatika 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Average message mark Whiwhinga toharite o ngā kōrero 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
# of total message # o te kōrero katoa 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Value Required Me Tāpiri Uara 11/12/06 08:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Posted on: I Tukuna i: 11/16/06 05:55 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? Ka hiahia koe ki te kati i te matapihi nei me te kore tiaki? 02/02/09 09:20 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Date Te Rā 05/31/08 08:22 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced settings Arā Atu Anō 02/04/09 06:14 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
The input must be greater than 0 Me nui ake te kuhunga i te 0. 12/12/06 07:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Limitation of input characters must be greater zero. Me nuku atu i te kore ngā pūāhua tāuru. 01/24/07 04:16 AM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Basic Māmā 09/18/07 09:27 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Basic Māmā 09/18/07 09:28 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Summary Rāpopotonga 10/14/07 06:04 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Original message Kōrero Timatatanga 10/15/07 02:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Number of postings Tā te ākonga maha tuku kōrero ki te wānanga 10/15/07 02:16 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Edit Activity Whakatikatika Ngohe 02/04/09 05:52 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
{0} / {1} votes {0} / {1} ngā pōti 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Deadline Rā kati 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Allow learners to rate each other's postings Whakaae kia whakawā ngā ākonga i ngā tukunga a ō rātou hoa 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Learners will not be able to post messages after the set date and time. E kore ngā ākonga e āhei kia tukua karere i muri i te rā me te wā i whakaritea 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Date/time: Rā/wā: 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Set restriction Tautuhi whakatiki 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Remove restriction Tango whakatiki 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
For this activity, the instructor fixed a deadline until {0}. After this time this activity will not be available. I whakaritea e te kaiako tētahi rā kati taea noatia te {0} mō tēnei ngohe. I muri i taua wā e kore tēnei ngohe e wātea mai. 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Notification Whakamōhiotanga 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Deadline has been set Kua oti te rā kati te tautuhi 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Deadline has been removed Kua oti te rā kati te tango 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Uploaded file exceeded maximum size: {0} Kua hipa ake te kōnae i tukuna atu i te rahi kōnae mōrahi: {0} LDEV-2415 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Uploaded file is executable He kawekawe te kōnae i tukuna atu LDEV-2415 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Uploaded file must not be executable and not exceed size of {0} Kaua e kawekawe te kōnae i tukuna atu, kia kaua hoki e hipa ake i te rahi o {0} LDEV-2415 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Each learner's posts sent in the Forum Ngā tukunga o ia ākonga ka tukuna i roto ki te Wānanga LDEV-2374 11/15/12 06:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Marks Whiwhinga 05/31/08 08:22 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Comments Kōrero 05/31/08 08:22 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Posting limitations for this forum: Minimum {0} and Maximum {1} per thread. He Kōrero Whāiti mō tēnei wānanga: Iti Rawa {0} Nui Rawa {1} ia kōrero tuku. 05/31/08 08:22 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Marked? Whakatikaina? 05/31/08 08:22 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Posting for this thread: Minimum {0} and Maximum {1}. You have posted {2} message(s). Ngā Tukunga Kōrero: It Rawa {0} Nui Rawa {1}, Kua tuku mai e {2} ngā kōrero. 05/31/08 08:22 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Notebook Entries Tuhinga Pukatuhi 05/31/08 08:22 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Yes Āe 05/31/08 08:22 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
No Kao 05/31/08 08:22 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Mark must be a number Me noho tau tōpū te whiwhinga 05/31/08 08:24 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Instructions Ngā Tohutohu 05/31/08 08:25 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Please assign a mark and a comment for the report by Whakatauria tētehi whiwhinga me te kōrero mō te pūrongo e 05/31/08 08:26 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Instructions Tohutohu 05/31/08 08:28 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: View instructions Tirohia ki ngā Tohutohu 05/31/08 08:30 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at end of forum with the following instructions: Tāpiri Pukatuhi ki te mutunga o te wānanga me ngā tohutohu e whai ake: 05/31/08 08:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Back to topics Hoki ki Rārangi Wānanga 05/31/08 08:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Note: After you click on "Next Activity" and you come back to this Forum, you won't be able to continue posting. Me mahara: A muri i te pāwhiri "Ngohe whai ake" a ka hoki mai koe ki tēnei Wānanga, kāore e taea tonutia te tuku kōrero mai. 02/04/09 06:13 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Session Name Ingoa Wātū 02/02/09 09:03 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No session available Kāore he Wātū i te Wātea 02/02/09 09:03 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
On Kāngia 09/01/08 07:45 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Off Wetohia 09/01/08 07:45 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add a notebook at the end of Forum Tāpiri Pukatuhi ki te mutunga o Wānanga 09/01/08 07:45 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Update mark Whakahōutia te whiwhinga 01/04/09 05:58 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Order Raupapa 01/05/09 05:51 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Name Ingoa 01/05/09 05:51 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Up Ki runga 01/05/09 05:51 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Down Ki raro 01/05/09 05:51 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
provides following posts: whakarato i ēnei tukunga kōrero 01/09/09 08:08 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
The maximum number of posts must be greater than or equal to the minimum number of posts. Me noho ōrite, neke atu rānei, te maha o ngā tukuna kōrero ki te tapeke iti rawa ka whakaetia mō ngā tukuna kōrero. 01/09/09 08:08 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Number of posts per learner per thread. Tau tuku kōrero ā ākonga ā kaupapa rānei 01/09/09 08:08 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
You must contribute at least {0} posts in each topic before finish. Me takoha mai i te {0} tukunga kōrero i te itinga rawa i mua i te oti. 01/28/09 05:18 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Login Ingoa Takiuru 02/08/09 06:17 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Not Available Kāore e Wātea ana 02/04/09 05:58 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Next Activity Ngohe Whai Ake 02/03/09 04:15 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Upload Tukuna Atu 02/04/09 05:41 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. Tatarihia kia oti i te kaiako ngā ihirangi o tēnei ngohe. 02/04/09 05:45 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Edit Activity Whakatikatika Ngohe 02/04/09 05:52 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Allow learners to create new topics Whakaaetia ngā ākonga te tāpiri kaupapa hōu 02/09/09 06:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Allow learners to add attachments Whakaaetia ngā ākonga te tāpiri āpitihanga 02/09/09 06:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Allow learners to change their own postings Whakaaetia ngā ākonga te whakatikatika a rātou ake kōrero 02/09/09 06:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Allow learners to use rich text editor Whakaaetia te Whakatikatika Taunaki 02/09/09 06:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Please add at least 1 topic when "allow learners to create new topics" option is off. Tāpiritia kia kōtahi te kaupapa ina wetohia te kōwhiringa "whakaaetia ngā ākonga ki te tāpiri kaupapa hōu". 02/09/09 06:31 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions Tohutohu Pukatuhi 02/10/09 04:29 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Notify learners when marks are released. Whakamōhiotia ngā ākonga ki te whakawāteatanga whiwhinga 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
LAMS: Marks were released LAMS: Kua whakawātea whiwhinga 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: An instructor released marks in a Forum activity in LAMS.\nYour marks are:\n\n{0}\nThis message was sent automatically, please do not reply to it. I whakawāteatia ngā whiwhinga o te ngohe Wānanga e te kaiako. \n Ōu whiwhinga:\n\n{0}\n He pānui tuku aunoa tēnei. Kaua e whakahokia mai. 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
For the message titled "{0}" posted on {1} the mark is {2}. \n Mō te pānui "{0}" i tuku mai {1} ko te whiwhinga ko {2}. \n 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Conditions Tikanga 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Please enter conditions for Forum Tāurutia mai ngā tikanga mō te Wānanga 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Conditions Tikanga 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Add condition Tāpiri Tikanga 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Conditions Tikanga 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Duplicated name. Please choose unique one. Ingoa Tārua. Kōwhiria he ingoa ahurei. 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
There are no questions selected. Please select at least one. Kāore he pātai i kōwhiria. Kōwhirihia tētehi pātai. 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Posts contain certain words Ko ētehi kupu ake kei roto i ngā tukunga kōrero 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Posts to the first topic contain word "LAMS" Ko te kupu "LAMS" kei roto i ngā tuku kōrero ki te kaupapa tuatahi 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Posts that... He tuku kōrero.... 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
have all these words: kei roto ko ēnei kupu katoa: 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
have this exact wording or phrase: kei roto ko ēnei kupu pū, tēnei kīanga pū rānei: 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
have one or more of these words: kei roto kotahi neke atu rānei o ēnei kupu: 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
have none of these unwanted words: kāore tētahi o ēnei kupu kaore e hiahiatia i roto: 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Search in these topics: Rapuhia ki ēnei kaupapa: 02/25/09 02:11 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
New Hōu 03/22/10 08:23 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Maximum posting for this thread is {0}. You have posted {1} message(s). Ko te nui rawa mō tēnei kōrero tuku ko te {0} Kua tukuna koe e {1} ngā kōrero. 03/22/10 08:25 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Minimum posting for this thread is {0}. You have posted {1} message(s). Ko te itinga rawa mō tēnei kōrero tuku ko te {0} Kua tukuna koe e {1} ngā kōrero. 03/22/10 08:26 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Maximum posting limitations for this forum is {0} per thread. Ko te kōrero whānui mō te tuku kōrero o tēnei wānanga ko te {0}. 03/22/10 08:30 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Minimum posting limitations for this forum is {0} per thread. Ko te kōrero whāiti mō te tuku kōrero o tēnei wānanga ko te {0}. 03/22/10 08:30 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Delete Whakakore 04/13/10 02:13 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
There are no conditions Kāore he tikanga e tū ana 04/13/10 02:44 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Condition name can not be blank. Kāore e taea te ingoa tikanga te noho piako. 04/13/10 02:46 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Error creating condition. I hapa te hanga tikanga. 04/13/10 02:47 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
learners ākonga 11/03/10 06:35 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: instructors kaiako 11/03/10 06:35 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Forum: {0} Wānanga:{0} 11/03/10 06:35 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
{0}:\n{1}\n\n-- email sent automatically by LAMS {0}:\n{1}\n\n-- i tuku aunoa tētehi īmērā e LAMS 11/03/10 06:35 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
On new postings send email to: Tuku īmēra o ngā kōrero hōu ki: 11/03/10 06:42 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!
Do you really want to delete this topic? Me āta whai koe te whakakore i tēnei kaupapa? 11/13/10 03:57 PM Robin Ohia Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
The maximum number of characters per posting must be greater than minimum. Become a Translator!
Topics label.topics Become a Translator!
The maximum number of ratings must be greater than its minimum. error.min.rate.less.max Become a Translator!
Enable anonymous posts label.authoring.advance.enable.anonymous.posts Become a Translator!
Post anonymously Become a Translator!
Anonymous label.anonymous Become a Translator!
Turn on "Post anonymously" to hide your name from other learners. Teachers will still be able to see your name. label.anonymous.tooltip Become a Translator!
There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum set for postings. Please check and try again. js.error.validate.posting.number Become a Translator!
You must rate at least {0} postings. Become a Translator!
You can only rate up to {0} postings. Become a Translator!
There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum set for ratings. Please check and try again. js.error.validate.number Become a Translator!
There is an error with the minimum and/or maximum number of posts per thread. js.error.validate.reply.number Become a Translator!
Search... Become a Translator!
Finish label.submit Become a Translator!
Rating limitation: minimum {0} and maximum {1}. Become a Translator!
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