Module: Data Collection for Russian Russia

Module Information

Module Name: Data Collection
Description: Data collection tool
Output: java
Type: tool
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 09/30/08 07:57 PM
% translated: 4.724% (12 out of 254)

Translated Labels

English Russian Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
*** UPDATED: Notify instructors when a learner enters this activity Уведомлять мониторинг-преподавателей когда ученики открывают задание 05/24/09 09:09 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
View Просмотр 04/08/09 07:16 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
Cancel Отмена 04/08/09 07:16 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
Edit Редактировать 04/08/09 07:16 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
Delete Удалить 04/08/09 07:16 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
Minimum Минимум 04/08/09 07:16 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
Maximum Максимум 04/08/09 07:16 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
Try again Попробовать снова 04/08/09 07:16 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
Basic Основные 04/08/09 07:16 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
Title Заголовок 04/08/09 07:16 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
Instructions Инструкции 04/08/09 07:16 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Notify instructors when a learner submits a record Уведомлять мониторинг-преподавателей когда ученики добавляют запись 05/24/09 09:09 PM Ruslan Kazakov Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
Finish label.learning.submit Become a Translator!
Data Collection Activity title Become a Translator!
Collecting data with custom structure. Activity description Become a Translator!
Asking questions with custom, limited answers. Activity helptext Become a Translator!
Data Collection tool Tool display name Become a Translator!
Tool for collecting data. Tool description Become a Translator!
Error page Errorpage title Become a Translator!
Some error occurs when handling your request Errorpage heading Become a Translator!
Summary Label common summary Become a Translator!
None Label common summary none Become a Translator!
Sum Label common summary sum Become a Translator!
Average Label common summary average Become a Translator!
Count Label common summary count Become a Translator!
Refresh Label common summary refresh Become a Translator!
Data Collection Label common heading Become a Translator!
Change view Label common view change Become a Translator!
No notebook available Message no reflection available Become a Translator!
Please wait for the instructor to complete the contents of this activity. Define later message Become a Translator!
Data Collection Authoring Label author title Become a Translator!
Advanced Label authoring heading advanced Become a Translator!
Please input advanced options for data collection Label authoring heading advanced description Become a Translator!
Basic input information for data collection Label authoring heading basic description Become a Translator!
Answer options Label authoring basic answeroption Become a Translator!
Add option Label authoring basic answeroption add Become a Translator!
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Label authoring basic answeroption ordinal Become a Translator!
Move Up Label authoring basic answeroption up Become a Translator!
Move down Label authoring basic answeroption down Become a Translator!
Add question Label authoring basic question add Become a Translator!
Single line text Label authoring basic textfield Become a Translator!
Add single line text question Label authoring basic textfield add Become a Translator!
Learner enters a single line of text as an answer. Label authoring basic textfield help Become a Translator!
Multi-line text Label authoring basic textarea Become a Translator!
Add multi-line text question Label authoring basic textarea add Become a Translator!
Learner enters a multi-line text as an answer. Label authoring basic textarea help Become a Translator!
Number Label authoring basic number Become a Translator!
Add number question Label authoring basic number add Become a Translator!
Learner enters a number as an answer. Label authoring basic number help Become a Translator!
Digits after decimal point Label authoring basic number digitsdecimal Become a Translator!
Date Label authoring basic date Become a Translator!
Add date question Label authoring basic date add Become a Translator!
Learner enters a date as an answer. Label authoring basic date help Become a Translator!
File Label authoring basic file Become a Translator!
Add single file Label authoring basic file add Become a Translator!
Learner uploads a file as an answer. Label authoring basic file help Become a Translator!
Image Label authoring basic image Become a Translator!
Add image Label authoring basic image add Become a Translator!
Learner uploads an image as an answer. Label authoring basic image help Become a Translator!
Radio buttons Label authoring basic radio Become a Translator!
Add radio buttons question Label authoring basic radio add Become a Translator!
Learner chooses one answer from the given options. Label authoring basic radio help Become a Translator!
Dropdown menu Label authoring basic dropdown Become a Translator!
Add dropdown menu question Label authoring basic dropdown add Become a Translator!
Learner chooses one answer from the given options. Label authoring basic dropdown help Become a Translator!
Checkbox Label authoring basic checkbox Become a Translator!
Add checkbox question Label authoring basic checkbox add Become a Translator!
Learner chooses multiple answers from the given options. Label authoring basic checkbox help Become a Translator!
Longitude/Latitude Label authoring basic longlat Become a Translator!
Add longitude/latitude question Label authoring basic longlat add Become a Translator!
Choose the maps Label authoring basic longlat maps Become a Translator!
Learner enters longitude and latitude as an answer. Label authoring basic longlat help Become a Translator!
Question Label authoring basic description Become a Translator!
Min selected Label authoring basic min select Become a Translator!
Max selected Label authoring basic max select Become a Translator!
Max characters Label authoring basic max char Become a Translator!
Max words Label authoring basic max word Become a Translator!
Question list Label authoring basic list title Become a Translator!
Type Label authoring basic list header type Become a Translator!
Question Label authoring basic list header question Become a Translator!
Question is required Label authoring basic required Become a Translator!
Show additional options Label authoring basic additionaloptions show Become a Translator!
Hide additional options Label authoring basic additionaloptions hide Become a Translator!
Add a notebook at end of Data Collection with the following instructions: Label authoring advanced reflectonactivity Become a Translator!
Limit number of records Label authoring advanced record Become a Translator!
No limit Label authoring advanced record nolimit Become a Translator!
Lock when finished Label authoring advanced lock on finished Become a Translator!
Save Label authoring save button Become a Translator!
Do you want to close this window without saving? Message authoring cancel save Become a Translator!
Data Collection Learning Label learning title Become a Translator!
Data Collection Label learning heading Become a Translator!
Add Label learning heading add Become a Translator!
List Label learning heading list Become a Translator!
Summary Label learning heading summary Become a Translator!
Record number: Label learning heading recordnumber Become a Translator!
Total record count Label learning heading recordcount Become a Translator!
No records added. Label learning heading norecords Become a Translator!
Add record Label learning add Become a Translator!
Enter a single line of text Label learning textfield hint Become a Translator!
Enter text Label learning textarea hint Become a Translator!
Enter a number Label learning number hint Become a Translator!
The number will be rounded to {0} decimal places. Label learning number decimal Become a Translator!
Enter a date Label learning date hint Become a Translator!
Day: Label learning date day Become a Translator!
Month: Label learning date month Become a Translator!
Year: Label learning date year Become a Translator!
Choose a file Label learning file hint Become a Translator!
Uploaded file: Label learning file uploaded Become a Translator!
No file uploaded. Label learning file notuploaded Become a Translator!
Choose an image Label learning image hint Become a Translator!
Choose an option Label learning radio hint Become a Translator!
Choose an option Label learning dropdown hint Become a Translator!
SELECT Label learning dropdown select Become a Translator!
No answer was selected. Label learning dropdown noneselected Become a Translator!
Selected answer: Label learning dropdown selected Become a Translator!
Choose options Label learning checkbox hint Become a Translator!
Enter two decimal numbers Label learning longlat hint Become a Translator!
Longitude: Label learning longlat longitude Become a Translator!
°N Label learning longlat longitude unit Become a Translator!
Latitude: Label learning longlat latitude Become a Translator!
°E Label learning longlat latitude unit Become a Translator!
Questions Label learning tableheader questions Become a Translator!
Records Label learning tableheader records Become a Translator!
Record number Label learning tableheader recordnumber Become a Translator!
Summaries Label learning tableheader summary Become a Translator!
You Label learning tableheader summary learner Become a Translator!
Group Label learning tableheader summary group Become a Translator!
Empty answer Label learning summary emptyanswer Become a Translator!
Continue Label learning continue Become a Translator!
Next Activity Label learning finished Become a Translator!
The modification of the content is not allowed since one or more participants has attempted the activity. Message learning alertcontentedit Become a Translator!
Note: after you complete this activity, you won't be able to continue adding new records. Message learning warnlockonfinish Become a Translator!
The record was added successfully. Message learning addrecordsuccess Become a Translator!
The record was updated successfully. Message learning editrecordsuccess Become a Translator!
The instructor has set this activity not to allow you to add any more answers after you have finished it. Message learning activitylocked Become a Translator!
Close Label monitoring close Become a Translator!
Data Collection monitoring Title monitoring Become a Translator!
LAMS record list Title monitoring recordlist Become a Translator!
Statistic Tab monitoring statistics Become a Translator!
Edit Activity Tab monitoring edit activity Become a Translator!
Name Label monitoring fullname Become a Translator!
Login Label monitoring loginname Become a Translator!
Record count Label monitoring recordcount Become a Translator!
Notebook entries Label monitoring notebook Become a Translator!
View Label monitoring notebook view Become a Translator!
None Label monitoring notebook none Become a Translator!
Choose learner Label monitoring chooseuser Become a Translator!
View all records Label monitoring viewrecords all Become a Translator!
Advanced settings Label monitoring advancedsettings Become a Translator!
On Label monitoring advancedsettings on Become a Translator!
Off Label monitoring advancedsettings off Become a Translator!
Add a notebook at end of Data Collection Label monitoring advancedsettings addnotebook Become a Translator!
Notebook instructions Label monitoring advancedsettings notebookinstructions Become a Translator!
Group Label monitoring group Become a Translator!
Type Label monitoring type Become a Translator!
Title Label monitoring title Become a Translator!
Suggested By Label monitoring suggest Become a Translator!
Number of learners Label monitoring number learners Become a Translator!
Hide Label monitoring hide Become a Translator!
Show Label monitoring show Become a Translator!
Login Label monitoring user loginname Become a Translator!
Name Label monitoring user name Become a Translator!
Hidden Label monitoring hidden Become a Translator!
Cancel Label monitoring edit activity cancel Become a Translator!
Update Label monitoring edit activity update Become a Translator!
Edit Label monitoring edit activity edit Become a Translator!
Name Label monitoring user fullname Become a Translator!
Learners list Label monitoring heading access Become a Translator!
Notebook entries Label monitoring reflection heading Become a Translator!
No learners have accessed this activity. Message monitoring summary no session Become a Translator!
No question available for this group. Message monitoring summary no question for group Become a Translator!
Export portfolio of Data Collection Label export title Become a Translator!
Notebook entry Label export reflection heading Become a Translator!
Description can not be blank Error question desc blank Become a Translator!
File can not be blank. Error question file blank Become a Translator!
The maximum constraint must not be blank. Error question max blank Become a Translator!
The maximum constraint must be an integer number. Error question max number int Become a Translator!
The maximum constraint must be a decimal number. Error question max number float Become a Translator!
The maximum constraint must be a nonnegative number. Error question max negative Become a Translator!
The maximum constraint must be less than {0}. Error question max toohigh Become a Translator!
The maximum constraint must be less or equal to the answer option count. Error question max toohigh answeroption Become a Translator!
The maximum constraint must be more than {0}. Error question max toolow Become a Translator!
The minimum constraint must not be blank. Error question min blank Become a Translator!
The minimum constraint must be an integer number. Error question min number int Become a Translator!
The minimum constraint must be a decimal number. Error question min number float Become a Translator!
The minimum constraint must be a nonnegative number. Error question min negative Become a Translator!
The minimum constraint must be less than {0}. Error question min toohigh Become a Translator!
The minimum constraint must be less or equal to the answer option count. Error question min toohigh answeroption Become a Translator!
The minimum constraint must be more than {0}. Error question min toolow Become a Translator!
The minimum constraint must be less than the maximum constraint. Error question min toohigh max Become a Translator!
The answer options {0} and {1} are the same. Error question answeroption repeat Become a Translator!
You should provide at least {0} answer options. Error question answeroption notenough Become a Translator!
The number of digits after decimal point must be an integer number. Error question digitsdecimal int Become a Translator!
The number of digits after decimal point must be a nonnegative number. Error question digitsdecimal nonnegative Become a Translator!
The minimum number of records must be less or equal to the maximum. Error recordlimit min toohigh max Become a Translator!
An answer for question {0} is required. Error record blank Become a Translator!
The maximum number of words in question {0} is {1}. Error record textarea long Become a Translator!
The number in question {0} must be at least {1}. Error record number min Become a Translator!
The number in question {0} should be no more than {1}. Error record number max Become a Translator!
The answer in question {0} must be a decimal number. Error record number float Become a Translator!
The day field in question {0} is blank. Error record date day blank Become a Translator!
The day field in question {0} must be an integer number. Error record date day int Become a Translator!
The day field in question {0} must be between 1 and {1}. Error record date day limit Become a Translator!
The month field in question {0} is blank. Error record date month blank Become a Translator!
The month field in question {0} must be an integer number. Error record date month int Become a Translator!
The month field in question {0} must be between 1 and 12. Error record date month limit Become a Translator!
The year field in question {0} is blank. Error record date year blank Become a Translator!
The year field in question {0} must be an integer number. Error record date year int Become a Translator!
The file in question {0} must be an image (extensions: JPG, GIF or PNG). Error record image format Become a Translator!
The number of answers in question {0} must be no less than {1}. Error record checkbox min Become a Translator!
The number of answers in question {0} must be no more than {1}. Error record checkbox max Become a Translator!
The longitude in question {0} must not be blank. Error record longlat longitude blank Become a Translator!
The longitude in question {0} must be an decimal number. Error record longlat longitude float Become a Translator!
The latitude in question {0} must not be blank. Error record longlat latitude blank Become a Translator!
The latitude in question {0} must be an decimal number. Error record longlat latitude float Become a Translator!
You should enter at least {0} records. Error record notenough Become a Translator!
You should enter no more than {0} records. Error record toomuch Become a Translator!
Upload file failed: {0} Error upload failed Become a Translator!
Could not find upload file {0}. Error msg upload file not found Become a Translator!
File not found exception occurs when uploading file. Error msg file not found Become a Translator!
IOException occurs when uploading file. Error msg io exception Become a Translator!
InvalidParameterException occured while trying to upload File. Error msg invaid param upload Become a Translator!
Could not retrieve default content record for this tool. Error msg default content not find Become a Translator!
A repository error occurred while trying to upload the file. Error msg repository Become a Translator!
LAMS: A learner entered a data collection tool Event learnerentry subject Become a Translator!
The learner {0} entered a data collection tool.\n\nThis message was send automatically, following tool's advanced settings. Event learnerentry body Become a Translator!
LAMS: A learner submitted a record in a data collection tool Event recordsubmit subject Become a Translator!
The learner {0} submitted a record in a data collection tool.\n\nThis message was send automatically, following tool's advanced settings. Event recordsubmit body Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
Added outcomes outcome.authoring.existing Become a Translator!
none outcome.authoring.existing.none Become a Translator!
Number of records added output.desc.learner.number.of.posts Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to delete this question? message.authoring.delete.question Become a Translator!
Export to file title.export.spreadsheet Become a Translator!
Please choose format which you want to export label.export.spreadsheet.instruction Become a Translator!
MS Excel label.export.spreadsheet.choose.format.excel Become a Translator!
Export button.export Become a Translator!
and press export button. After successful export you may close this window. label.export.spreadsheet.instruction.continue Become a Translator!
Data Collection Export label.export.file.title Become a Translator!
Exported on Become a Translator!
Tool content label.export.file.sheet Become a Translator!
Learner label.export.file.user Become a Translator!
Added on Become a Translator!
Cancel label.authoring.cancel.button Become a Translator!
Search... Become a Translator!
Average Number of Records label.monitoring.average.number.records.heading Become a Translator!
End of activity label.activity.completion Become a Translator!
Notifications label.notifications Become a Translator!
Uploaded file exceeded maximum size: {0} errors.maxfilesize Become a Translator!
Uploaded file is executable error.attachment.executable Become a Translator!
Allowed file formats: JPG, GIF or PNG. Become a Translator!
Uploaded file must not be executable and not exceed size of {0} Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? outcome.authoring.remove.confirm Become a Translator!