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Browsing LAMS sequences for: Kusasa Project (24)

Kusasa Project
(See profile)
24 sequences
Member since: November 03, 2010
Sequence info License
K0308 The Astrologer  
This Kusasa module is about the consequences of our actions and the implications of our thinking.

You probably understand that your actions have consequences. If you work hard you do well, if you slack off you do... not so well. That’s called ’cause and effect’ and it’s important that you know how to act to get the results you want.

It’s just as important to understand that what you think...

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Updated on: February 07, 2011
K0307 Chemistry Man  
This Kusasa module is about making deductions.

Deductions are logical steps we make using facts and assumptions. Say you know that chlorine and milk explode if they are put together. That’s a fact, right? (Take my word for it!)

Right. Now say you see an empty milk bottle lying next to an empty chlorine bottle and you hear a lood ’Boom’... you could assume that someone has combined the two...

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Updated on: February 07, 2011
K0306 Food for Thought  
This Kusasa module is about ideas.

Ideas are abstract. This means that you can’t touch, see, smell, hear or taste them. But that doesn’t mean that they are not real or important!

On the contrary, ideas are hugely important to the way we think and live. They are often what enables us to understand the world around us.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for...

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Updated on: February 07, 2011
K0305 Ts in a Can  
This Kusasa module is about seeking and using information to improve your thinking.

’Information’ is a pretty broad term that you’ve probably heard a lot. It could cover facts, figures, graphs, pictures... all sorts of things. But today we’re talking about the kind of information that you would get from research.

Now ’research’ also covers a lot of things. It could mean going to the...

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Updated on: February 07, 2011
K0304 The Powerboat  
This Kusasa module is about changing your point of view.

You may have heard this term before. Someone might say: "Well, that’s your point of view" to refer to something you think, like an opinion.

But here we mean ’point of view’ a little differently. It doesn’t just mean what you think, it refers to the whole way that you’re thinking.

We all have a point of view, or many points of...

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Updated on: February 07, 2011
K0303 The Illusionist  
This Kusasa module is about Questioning Assumptions.
The sequence will show Learners how to test their own assumptions to ensure their thinking is on the right track.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more effective teaching practices in educators....

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Updated on: February 07, 2011
K0302 The Trial  
This Kusasa module is about using questions to test and guide your thinking. Questions are the signposts on the road to your mental destinations. The lesson teaches Learners the difference between relevant and irrelevant questions.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in...

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Updated on: February 07, 2011
K0301 The Last Straw  
This module from the Kusasa project teaches the importance of remaining 'on task' when thinking about a project — in other words, 'thinking with purpose.'

In the story, the thunderbolt kids are tasked with a straw model activity. Jo starts building straight away, but Soph heads straight for the books.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners...

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Updated on: February 07, 2011
K0208 Snakes Alive  
This Kusasa module teaches learners to think with a purpose. That is, to think with a goal in mind. In the story, snakes invade the thunderbolt school, and the kids must explore different ways to get rid of the slithery nuisances.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in...

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Updated on: February 06, 2011
K0207 The Volcano  
This Kusasa module is about thinking through implications when you make predictions. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to recognise the logical implications of a fact and therefore make logical predictions.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and...

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Updated on: February 06, 2011
K0206 The Diamond Deception  
This module from Kusasa explores making logical decisions. Learners discover the difference between making deductions and jumping to conclusions,

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more effective teaching practices in educators.

Kusasa includes...

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Updated on: February 06, 2011
K0205 The Philosopher's Stone  
In this Kusasa sequence, learners discover how to think about ideas. Specifically, the story and etoys excercise deal with learning about magnetism, which will tie in well in a science classroom or topic.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more effective...

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Updated on: February 06, 2011
K0204 The Balloon Bet  
This sequence from Kusasa is about using information. By the end of this lesson, Learners will have discovered how to analyse information and facts the help improve their work.

In the story, Tom attempts to fly a balloon as high as he possibly can.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and...

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Updated on: February 06, 2011
K0203 The Game of Death  
This sequence from the Kusasa project focuses on changing points of view. The goal is for learners to practise changing points of view as well as developing different thinking strategies.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more effective teaching practices...

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Updated on: February 06, 2011
K0202 The Forbidden Beach  
This Kusasa module is about questioning assumptions.

In the story, Tom and Jojo go treasure hunting on the beach and uncover some strange artifacts.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more effective teaching practices in educators.

Kusasa includes...

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Updated on: February 01, 2011
K0201 Raining Fish and Frogs  
This Kusasa module is about thinking in questions.

What will learners get out of this lesson?
By the end of this Kusasa module, learners will be able to ask questions that will help you to put things in categories.

In the story, the kids investigate some very strange weather…

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa...

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Updated on: February 01, 2011
K0108 Trapped  
The eighth lesson from the Kusasa project explores "thinking with a purpose."
The kids explore a haunted house, but the ghostly inhabitants aren't quite what they seem.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more effective teaching practices in educators....

Downloaded: 4 times
Updated on: January 30, 2011
K0107 The Mushroom Effect  
The seventh lesson from the Kusasa project teaches how to 'think past stage one.'

In the story, Tia demonstates a Rube Goldberg machine to the kids, exploring cause and consequence.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more effective teaching practices in...

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Updated on: January 30, 2011
K0106 The Apple of Knowledge  
This sixth sequence from the Kusasa project explores the concept of "Ideas" and how they can be used to create new understanding.

In the story, Sophie uncovers a mystery within the library which leads to a secret passage…

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners,...

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Updated on: January 30, 2011
K0105 Detective Sophie  
The fifth sequence from the Kusasa project. This lesson teaches learners how to ask questions.

In the story, Sophie discovers a wild Dodo near the school. When the gamekeepers come to claim their missing bird, Sophie uncoveres a foul plot…

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative...

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Updated on: January 30, 2011
K0104 The River of Dreams  
The fourth sequence from the Kusasa project.

This sequence explores changing points of view. Through exploring Escher's artwork, Jojo learns to change his point of view, both about artwork and about himself.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more...

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Updated on: January 30, 2011
K0103 The Lunar Menace  
The third sequence from the Kusasa project.

This lesson teaches skepticism and critical thinking. Farrah learns about werewolves during the fool moon, and is subject to many pranks from her classmates.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more effective...

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Updated on: January 30, 2011
K0102 The Race  
In this sequence, the Kusasa characters race model cars to explore properties of physics, as well as fair research and investigation.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more effective teaching practices in educators.

Kusasa includes character role...

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Updated on: January 30, 2011
K0101 The Thunderbolt Kids  
The first lesson from

This lesson introduces the four Kusasa characters as well as the eToys platform.

About Kusasa project:

Kusasa, a new educational resource for teachers and learners everywhere. Kusasa aims to develop analytical and creative thinking in learners, and more effective teaching practices in educators.

Kusasa includes character role models,...

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Updated on: January 30, 2011