LAMS Central

Browsing LAMS sequences for: erik engh (2)

erik engh
(See profile)
2 sequences
Member since: December 16, 2005
Sequence info License
course-about norway  
Keywords: Genera resources for creating a course about Norway

Subject:Course about Norway, country, politics, labour relations


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Outline of Activities:

Downloaded: 16 times
Updated on: April 10, 2011
International Welder Sequences  
Keywords: Welding, Activity Based Training, International Welder, Life long learning

Subject: Education of welding personnel according the guidelines of Inetrnational Institute of Welding. The student will, after approved examiniation, recieve an International Welder Diploma, for the given method and materials, which are valid world wide.

Audience: VET Schools, Industry training


Downloaded: 50 times
Updated on: August 26, 2008