Sequence: Enzymes!

Sequence Information
Sequence: Enzymes!
Keywords:Enzymes, catalyst, metabolism, co-enzymes, inhibitors

Subject: Enzyme structure and function

Audience: Year 12 HSC

Run time: 60 minutes

Delivery Mode:

Resources: Heinmann  HSC Biology text book, Dot Point HSC Biology text book

Outline of Activities:  Introduction and instruction, youtube clip and mind map, short answer questions, branching to graph and analysis or powerpoint and note taking, subject group forum, collaborative group forum, short answer.

Author view:

Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.3.4.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 4.0 stars (4). Based on 2 reviews.
Number of downloads: 18 times
Number of previews: 24 times
Authored By:   joanne phillips
Date: 01 April 2010 04:11 AM
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