Sequence: Recognize the NEED for DATA

Sequence Information
Sequence: Recognize the NEED for DATA
Keywords:Statistics, Data,

Subject:Introductory Statistics

Audience:Students taking Introductory Statistics

Run time: 30mins

Delivery Mode:Guided by lect/teacher

Resources:Powerpoint slides on basics terms such as population, sample, parameters, statistics, random samples, etc. (not uploaded here)

Outline of Activities: This activity demonstrates the importance of data. We need data to make decisions or conclusions. However, many people may not realize that it is usually difficult and time-consuming to get data of good quality that really answer the questions until they go through the experience themselves.

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Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.3.4.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 4.0 stars (4). Based on 1 reviews.
Number of downloads: 9 times
Number of previews: 20 times
Authored By:   Nai Shin Lai
Date: 12 March 2011 01:32 AM
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