Sequence Information Sequence: LAMS Stage 4 Music Notation Description: Keywords:
Music, Graphic Notation, Stage 4
Music, Notation, EDUC261
Mid-Stage 4 (with some previous knowledge)
Syllabus Objectives 4.4 - 4.7
Unit of work:
Run time:
40 mins
Delivery Mode:Resources:
Outline of Activities:
Students are encouraged to discuss how and what notation is and represents. They are then asked to complete an individual task of graphically depicting a piece of music. This notation is discussed and ideas of colour, tonal qualities and expression are enquired upon.Author view:
Audience: Subjects: Language: English LAMS Version: 2.3.5. License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike Support Files: No files Sharing with: Everyone in Public Status: Active Average Rating: (5). Based on 1 reviews. Number of downloads: 3 times Number of previews: 16 times Authored By: Joshy Said Date: 28 March 2011 04:24 AM User Comments on LAMS Stage 4 Music Notation sequence