Sequence: LALI-274 CALL Lecture 2

Sequence Information
Sequence: LALI-274 CALL Lecture 2
Keywords: Computer Assisted Language Learning, e-learning

Recommended Browser - Firefox (up-to-date flash)

Here is another example of a full course lecture using videos on every slide and in every activity. It is an example of very high quality e-learning content presentation; this lecture differs from lecture 1 in that it also uses music and more student video exchanges.

The principled learning design seeks to activate the learner in critical thinking and collaborative tasks. This lecture's  learning design in my opinion is an innovation in comparison to the previous formats used at the University of Nicosia which involved lectures being presented mainly in full and then having subsequent related student activities. In the new format, lectures are divided up into smaller chunks and students collaborate more . It is held that this format is closer to the traditional face-to-face lecture where lecturers elicit student feedback at different stages.The Learning Design uses pre/post-lecture chunk components, and elements of predict, observe explain.

I believe seeing the lecturer, here using Articulate video encoder, is a vast improvement on Articulate presenter format. It is asserted that possible idiosyncrasies of the 'humanware' need to be considered more in e-learning environments ie the 'human' students may respond more positively to 'seeing' the 'human lecturer!

Subject: Computer Assisted Language Learning ECTS-level course, Lecture 2

Audience: Students of Applied Linguistics, CALL, E-learning

Run time: Up to 6 hours

Delivery Mode: Fully online, E-learning

Resources: Music and Video lectures on all slides, films, vlogs

Outline of Activities: video lectures, Videos activities, QAs, forum, share resources, lots of student collaboration, sharing of ideas

Author view:

Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.3.5.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 15 times
Number of previews: 325 times
Authored By:   Chris Alexander
Date: 18 October 2011 06:15 AM
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