Sequence: An Introduction to Understanding Cultural Diversity

Sequence Information
Sequence: An Introduction to Understanding Cultural Diversity
In this sequence students progress through various stages of understanding cultural diversity especially within the context of Australia.  This sequences uses videos, interactive media, chats and bridges to ensure students gain a well rounded understanding of how cultural diversity influences the world around them.

Keywords: Cultural diversity, multiculturalism, nationalism.

Subject: HSIE - Cultural Diversity

Audience: Stage 3 - Year 5 and 6

Run time: Approx 40 minutes

Delivery Mode: Online

Resources: No extra files are required.

Outline of Activities: Students are required to explore cultural diversity through a range of activities to ensure they understand Australian Cultural Identity and describes the cultural diversity that exists in Australia today.

The learning outcomes taught in this sequence are taken from the stage 3 NSW HSIE syllabus and are:

- Describes different cultural influences and their
contribution to Australian identities.

- Examines how cultures change through interactions with
other cultures and the environment.

- Explains the significance of particular people, groups,
places, actions and events in the past in developing
Australian identities and heritage.

Author view:

Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.4.1.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 5.0 stars (5). Based on 1 reviews.
Number of downloads: 1 times
Number of previews: 10 times
Authored By:   Andrew Skidmore
Date: 09 April 2013 12:11 AM
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