Sequence: Introduction to DNA structure, genes and chromosomes

Sequence Information
Sequence: Introduction to DNA structure, genes and chromosomes
This sequence acts as both a revision and introductory lesson for senior biology students to DNA, genes and chromosomes.

Keywords: DNA, genes, chromosomes, biology

Subject: Biology - DNA, genes and chromosomes.

Audience: Senior secondary biology students (year 12 HSC)

Run time: 40 minutes

Delivery Mode: in-class is preferred as a class chat is part of the sequence; however it is still possible for the lesson to be completed out of class time.

Outline of Activities:
* mindmapping current knowledge of DNA, genes and chromosomes
* class chat with peers to share knowledge
* viewing of interactivities on DNA, genes and chromosomes
* quick quiz
* DNA modelling
* practice answering past HSC exam-style questions

Author view:

Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.4.1.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 3 times
Number of previews: 14 times
Authored By:   Louise Williams
Date: 05 January 2014 03:07 AM
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