Sequence Information Sequence: Visiting english speaking cities Gaitanidou Description: Keywords: reading and listening, information about visiting placesRun time: 1 hour
Delivery Mode: in class or on the internet
Resources: no extra files required
Outline of Activities: To motivate students for the unit they will study next, to practise their reading and listening skills.
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Audience: Middle school Subjects: Language and Linguistics Language: English LAMS Version: 2.5.0. License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files Sharing with: Everyone in Public Status: Active Average Rating: (5). Based on 1 reviews. Number of downloads: 3 times Number of previews: 21 times Authored By: Efi Gaitanidou
Date: 28 March 2016 12:12 PM User Comments on Visiting english speaking cities Gaitanidou sequence
Εκπληκτική ακολουθία-παράδειγμα προς μίμηση!
Θεωρώ ότι οι στόχοι που ετέθησαν στην αρχή του μαθήματος επιτεύχθηκαν στο έπακρο με εκπληκτικό αυθεντικό υλικό και βίντεο. Αξιόλογη ακολουθία και απολαυστική που ανοίγει την πόρτα στον αγγλόφωνο πολιτισμό!Very Good
Really nice lesson to familiarize pupils with New York.