Sequence Information Sequence: Past Perfect Description: Keywords: Grammar-Past PerfectRun time: 2 45mimute teaching sessions
Delivery Mode:in class activities, but some of them can be done outside classroom if given as homework
Resources: internet, lams, you tubeOutline of Activities:a) introducing(or even revising past perfect)
b) teach the formation and the use of past perfect
c) show interesting and stimulating videos
d) compare and contrast past simple with past perfect simple
e) ask students opinion on that grammar issue
The above sequence was based on Christina Stavraki's
sequence named 'Past Perfect'Author view:
Audience: Elementary Subjects: Language and Linguistics Language: English LAMS Version: 2.5.0. License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files Sharing with: Everyone in Public Status: Active Average Rating: Not rated yet! Number of downloads: 2 times Number of previews: 1 times Authored By: VASILIKI PAPPA
Date: 31 March 2016 06:57 AM User Comments on Past Perfect sequence