Sequence Information Sequence: Earth and Space with Virtual reality - EDU362 Lesson 2 Description: Keywords: Earth and Space with Virtual RealityRun time: 45 minutes
Delivery Mode: Lesson with VR
Resources: Virtual Reality
Outline of Activities: Allowing students to experience through virtual reality space, followed by Q&A designed to question students creative thinking by building on their learnt facts from previous sequences. Tilt brush App used as a constructionist tool to allow visual representation of what the student has learned.
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Audience: Elementary Subjects: System science Technology Language: English LAMS Version: 2.5.0. License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files Sharing with: Everyone in Public Status: Active Average Rating: Not rated yet! Number of downloads: 3 times Number of previews: 2 times Authored By: Hyung Jun Cho
Date: 17 May 2016 09:27 PM User Comments on Earth and Space with Virtual reality - EDU362 Lesson 2 sequence