Sequence Information Sequence: Earth and Space with Virtual reality - EDU362 Lesson 3 Description: Keywords: Earth and Space with Virtual RealityRun time: 45 minutes
Delivery Mode: Virtual Reality
Outline of Activities: Basic 3 set sequence designed to allow students to spend their time in the virtual world experience. Students will play a game on VR allowing them to control tools which have in the past and present allowed documentation and exploration of Space. Students are then tasked to compare the differences between there and then and creatively answer what the future will be for space exploration.
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Audience: Elementary Subjects: System science Technology Language: English LAMS Version: 2.5.0. License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files Sharing with: Everyone in Public Status: Active Average Rating: Not rated yet! Number of downloads: 4 times Number of previews: 4 times Authored By: Hyung Jun Cho
Date: 17 May 2016 09:32 PM User Comments on Earth and Space with Virtual reality - EDU362 Lesson 3 sequence