Sequence: Food preservation

Sequence Information
Sequence: Food preservation
Sequence using flash animation to talk about food preservation. This is an example sequence to show how LAMS can incorporate a flash animation.

Keywords: flash animation, food, preservation

Subject: Technology and design

Audience: year 5/6

Run time: 30 minutes

Delivery Mode: classroom or homework

Resources: Internet access, computers per pair of students

Outline of Activities:
1. Students look at a flash animation showing potential ways food can be contaminated in a kitchen. (HTML noticeboard)
2. Students are asked to name one food preservation rule that surprised them.(Q&A)
3. Students then write in a forum about one food preservation rule they will follow from now on. More lightheartedly, they are asked to talk about one bad habit they have observed in an older relative, when it comes to food preservation.

Author view:

Image not available

Language: English
LAMS Version: 1.0.0.b.6
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 3.5 stars (3.33). Based on 3 reviews.
Number of downloads: 129 times
Number of previews: 22 times
Authored By:   Bronwen Dalziel
Date: 19 September 2005 09:02 PM
User Comments on Food preservation sequence

    LAMS version 1.02

    This sequence is only viewable on LAMS 1.02. You will not be able to import it into an earlier LAMS version.
    Bronwen Dalziel on September 26, 2005 10:39 PM (view details)