Sequence: Romeo and Juliet

Sequence Information
Sequence: Romeo and Juliet
This LAMS sequence is designed for students who have already began study of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in a Stage 5 English Classroom, as a follow up to a classroom introduction and lessons on the text. The focus is on themes in the play, and how these can also be communicated in different film adaptations.

Keywords: Romeo and Juliet

Subject: English

Audience: Year Ten Students

Run time: One Hour

Delivery Mode: LAMS

Resources: LAMS Version 2, Internet Access, Youtube Access

Outline of Activities:
1. Introduction
2. Multiple choice quiz
3. Chat about themes
4. Compile a database of cinematic techniques in a forum
5. Two film extract viewings (for comparison)
6. Vote: which adaptation extract best communicated the values/themes
7. Using the skills/knowledge gained, chat about how you would adapt the play to film
8. Conclusion

Author view:

Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.2.0.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 8 times
Number of previews: 30 times
Authored By:   Kristin Germanos
Date: 06 April 2009 06:23 AM
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