Sequence: Open Questions Template

Sequence Information
Sequence: Open Questions Template
This sequence is designed for use with lectures or similar activities where students complete some open questions about a topic either during or before the lecture.

This template is designed to be edited to adapt it to a specific topic. Text highlighted in yellow in each activity provides advice on how to edit the template.

Keywords: Open questions, lectures, template

Subject: Any

Audience: Any

Run time: 5-10 minutes

Delivery Mode: Online

Resources: None

Outline of Activities:
Step 1: Welcome [Text page]
Introduction describing the seven steps of the sequence. No editing required by lecturer.

Step 2: Your Topic [Text page]
Brief introduction to the topic of the questions – written by lecturer.

Step 3: Initial Notebook [Private area to record student ideas – not seen by other students]
Asks student to record their initial ideas about the topic. This is to help activate student engagement with the topic prior to the open questions.

Step 4: Question 1 [Question & Answer tool – reepresents all student answers anonymously]
Asks student to answer a question written by the lecturer. The lecturer is encouraged to being with a general, open question to make it easy for students to start answering.

Step 5: Question 2 [Question & Answer tool – re-presents all student answers anonymously]
Asks student to answer a question written by the lecturer. The lecturer is encouraged to make the second question more specific about the topic.

Step 6: Question 3 [Question & Answer tool – reepresents all student answers anonymously]
Asks student to answer a question written by the lecturer. The lecturer is encouraged to make the third question either another specific question, or alternatively a negative statement about the topic that requires students to answer in a different way to the previous questions.

Step 7: Final Notebook [Private area to record student ideas]
Asks student to record their final thoughts about the topic. This is to help students synthesise their ideas on the topic based on their own answers and those of other students.

Author view:

Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.3.1.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 4.0 stars (4). Based on 1 reviews.
Number of downloads: 48 times
Number of previews: 30 times
Authored By:   James Dalziel
Date: 28 December 2009 11:20 PM
User Comments on Open Questions Template sequence

    4 Question Variation

    Based on feedback from an audience member during a presentation of this template at the CODE Symposium in Japan on the 18th of February, 2010, a variation of this template is available where the final notebook is instead a Q&A, so that students are able to share their reflections with each other, rather than just keep them private. This variation is available at

    My thanks to the audience member for this great suggestion!

    James Dalziel on February 18, 2010 12:27 AM (view details)