Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: LAMS stuck loading at 61% or loading black page

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1: LAMS stuck loading at 61% or loading black page
By: Amy H
07/20/11 04:32 PM
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We are using LAMS 2.3.5 integrated with Moodle 2 and are having an issue where the LAMS loading screen either stops at 61% or on reopening, the LAMS Authoring page is loading black.

We had an issue previously where LAMS was displaying a black page and thanks to Ernies help we fixed this by using the Flash settings and dumping the cache. However now when we do that, it causes the LAMS loading page to get stuck at 61%; and then on reopening, it causes the black page to display.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted by Amy H

2: Re: LAMS stuck loading at 61% or loading black page
In response to 1 07/20/11 06:21 PM
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Hi Amy,

Has this started happening out of the blue or ?

Additionally, have you try to load authoring from another computer? Is it getting stuck at the same %?



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

4: Re: Re: LAMS stuck loading at 61% or loading black page
By: Amy H
In response to 2 07/20/11 07:08 PM
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Hi Ernie,

It started after we upgraded to the new versions of Moodle and LAMS and was getting stuck at the same % on multiple computers.
However annoyingly after posting and as we have been continuing to move over our customisations etc from our previous version of LAMS, it seems that for the first time since upgrading it is appearing correctly.

Hopefully it stays this way and will post again if it returns to its previous problematic state.

Thanks for your quick reply and help.

Posted by Amy H

5: Re: Re: Re: LAMS stuck loading at 61% or loading black page
In response to 4 07/20/11 10:15 PM
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That's just too weird! :-)

I was looking at the call that author makes while it reaches the 61% and it's the language file (where it loads all the labels in a particular language). So I was thinking that this might have been the cause.

At any rate. PLease let us know if this shows up again and we can give you some tests to confirm if there's an issue.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

3: Re: LAMS stuck loading at 61% or loading black page
In response to 1 07/20/11 06:42 PM
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Amy, one thing I've just occurred to me: what's the language that this moodle2 user has set in Moodle?

Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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