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1: Integrate LAMS2 to Moodle using LTI instead
By: d d
04/24/13 02:43 AM
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Hi Tech Team,

is there a way to integrate a LAMS 2.4 server to a Moodle 2.x server through LTI and not via downloading and installing a Moodle Plugin?

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Thanks so much for your help!


Posted by d d

2: Re: Integrate LAMS2 to Moodle using LTI instead
In response to 1 04/24/13 05:59 AM
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Yo Dizzy Dizay,

LAMS has an IMS Basic LTI consumer implementation.... which means that you "consume" LTI resources into LAMS.

However, this is not a service implementation, which would allow you to import LAMS lessons into other Basic LTI consumers apps.

Nevertheless though, IMS Basic LTI is -well, rather basic and doesn't quite accommodate for some of the more complex contract and APIs that LAMS requires (see LAMS 2 Architecture).

IMS Basic LTI is better suited to control access to content rather than full fletched apps. But hopefully IMS LTI (the full implementation) will provide something a bit richer to migrate this LAMS-Moodle plugin into it.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

3: Re: Re: Integrate LAMS2 to Moodle using LTI instead
By: d d
In response to 2 04/25/13 12:11 AM
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Thanks Ernie for the insight.

- By any chance, anyone in the community has attempted to build a IMS LTI (full implementation)Publisher for LAMS?

- Is it theoretically technically feasible for a developer to explore to develop such a IMS LTI (full implementation) based on current LAMS2 Core Architecture to let various LMS connect via LTI instead of building dedicated plugins/building blocks to achieve the same level of integration as in the plugin?

Reason I asked is that there's concern and issues installing via Plugin and LTI seems to be a "safer" way.

Posted by d d

4: Re: Re: Re: Integrate LAMS2 to Moodle using LTI instead
In response to 3 04/25/13 08:50 AM
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Hi Dizzyx Dizayx,

Well, it might be "safer" but it will also be a lot more dumber ;-)

For instance by doing it via Basic LTI you get:

* Single-sign-on
* Loosely roles mappings

But you won't get:

* Gradebook integration
* LAMS lessons to be single Moodle activities within the
* Authoring/Monitoring access
* Progress tracking
* Conditioning release
* and more

And this is because Basic LTI is cool for content like artifacts, but not so much for activity based stuff.

LTI is good for content syndicates/publishers that need to grant access to their content (as service).

Therefore trying to integrate ti via LTI would give you a lot less.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

5: Re: Re: Re: Re: Integrate LAMS2 to Moodle using LTI instead
By: d d
In response to 4 04/25/13 09:05 AM
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Hello Ernie,

thanks again! :) Today I found time and I install a LAMS v2.4 and a vanilla Moodle Core v2.4 and agreed that the plugin way via the /mod is the way to go especially in this part you'd mentioned:

* LAMS lessons to be single Moodle activities within the
* Authoring/Monitoring access
* Progress tracking
* Conditioning release
* and more

The question regarding LTI arise because the SaaS Moodle I working with need 3rd-party plugins to be Code Reviewed at a Cost.

I'd asked abt this LTI because I saw Smart Sparrow allows integration to Moodle via LTI but its just LTI SSO for access and not as robust as LAMS2 plugin which goes into adding as an Activity.

Are there any interest before for LAMS to send plugins for Code Reviewed to SaaS vendor? I am just looking for
solutions and shortcuts as the plugin method is a no-no currently without the code review cost.

After today, have to forgo the idea of LTI as that doesn't meet the requirement to track LAMS lesson completion and grade in Moodle Activity.

Thanks so much and I learn a lot about the LAMS architecture and plugin capability through you. :)

Posted by d d

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