Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Standard Requirements for Web Hosting

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1: Standard Requirements for Web Hosting
05/14/13 04:37 AM
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If I was to have a LAMS server set up at a hosting company what sort of bandwidth/monthly data rate etc would I be looking for.

Possible scenario is 25 small remote sites with max 1000 concurrent users.


Posted by Nathan Kaa

2: Re: Standard Requirements for Web Hosting
In response to 1 05/14/13 04:58 AM
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Hi Nathan,

It will really depend on the content your teachers use.

If it's mainly heavy videos or lots of multimedia, you would probably require more.

We host quite a few instances of thousands of users and in these cases we don't go over the 10GB a month on data transfers. Again, these teachers don't store their multimedia/videos in LAMS, but rather use Vimeo or YouTube.

I hope this helps,


Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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