Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Creating groups based on LDAP attribute

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1: Creating groups based on LDAP attribute
07/17/13 05:42 AM
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Currently, LAMS users can login through LDAP, but they are not assigned to a specific group.
I want to implement the following operation: when a user logs in, the specific user's group (based on an LDAP attribute) should be created and the user is assigned to the group (if the group already exists, the user is just assigned to its' group).
Is this possible;

Nikos Ploskas

Posted by Nikos Ploskas

2: Re: Creating groups based on LDAP attribute
In response to 1 07/19/13 08:24 AM
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Hi Nikos,

Sorry for the late reply.

It's been a long time since I haven't done this, but you can do this. Please look at the instructions in here:



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

3: Re: Re: Creating groups based on LDAP attribute
In response to 2 07/22/13 11:16 AM
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Hi Ernie,

I looked the instructions: "The value of the LDAPOrgAttr attribute is used to find a LAMS group to add the user to - the LAMS group itself must already exist."

If the LAMS group does not exist, can I do something?

Thanks again for your time,

Posted by Nikos Ploskas

4: Re: Re: Re: Creating groups based on LDAP attribute
In response to 3 07/28/13 03:30 PM
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Hi Nikos,

I believe you need to create these in advance though.

You could get a list of your course from your LDAP server and then create them in LAMS using the spreadsheet upload.

That way you can create them all at once.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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