Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: LAMS integration in dokeos

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1: LAMS integration in dokeos
10/22/08 02:11 PM
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Hello all,

In the Arteveldehogeschool in Belgium/Europe we are currently using the lams-sakai integration module. But due to some performance issues with our sakai-server we are thinking of an integration of lams (2.1.1.) in our other lms dokeos (php based lms,
Are there any technical documents besides the information on to help us startup this development?

many thanks


Posted by Daniel Du Seuil

2: Re: LAMS integration in dokeos
In response to 1 10/22/08 02:34 PM
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Hi Daniel,

Great to hear that you want to integrate LAMS in Dokeos!

I think most of the stuff you need for the integration is documented in the wiki page you mention.

We can help you out with anything you need for this, so if you have specific questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Also, is Dokeos written in PHP? There is already PHP code we've written for the Moodle integration that perhaps it can be reused.

I'm not familiar with Dokeos architecture, but usually for LAMS integrations, we create an 'new tool' in the LMS (Moodle, Sakai, .LRN, Blackboard, etc) and then use the logic within this tool to act as a bridge with LAMS.

Does Dokeos have a modular architecture for tools? If so, then you have half the stuff you need to do a LAMS Integration.

Please let us know if you have any questions or we can be of any assistance.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

3: Re: LAMS integration in dokeos
In response to 1 05/17/09 02:43 PM
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Hi Daniel,

Do you know what the current status is about integration plans Dokeos/Lams?

Many thanks,

Posted by Stephaan Van Helleputte

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