Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Saved changes not reflected when you open it again

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1: Saved changes not reflected when you open it again
11/17/08 12:18 AM
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There's a bug I encountered in the LAMS v2 editor. Here's the scenario:
1) You try to edit an existing sequence via LAMS Monitor. You do the update and save the changes.

2) You try to create a new activity, through Moodle. You pick that same sequence which you edited. When you open it via LAMS monitor, the changes you applied are not reflected.

Any ideas on this?



Posted by Arnel Estanislao

2: Re: Saved changes not reflected when you open it again
In response to 1 11/17/08 12:04 PM
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Hi Arnel,

This is actually one of those "this is a feature, not a bug" type of issues.

As you might remember LAMS has two stages, an authoring stage (when you design your sequences in LAMS author) and runtime of execution/enactment stage, where using the sequence you designed in Author you create a running copy of it to run it with a course.

The sequence you are actually modifying is the *running* design copy but not the original sequence you designed in Author.

The idea behind this is that if you needed to adjust a running copy you can use the Live Edit feature to modify just the running design but not the original as you might be adjusting it for temporary reasons or because the group you are running it with requires more or less activities/content.

Nevertheless though, in the My Grops folder, you will see that there's a Running Designs folder. In it, you wil find the actual copy you did modified in Monitor.

You could create new lessons using those running sequences as well. And even open them in Author, do some more changes and save it with a different name if you prefer.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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