Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Some possible bugs in LAMS 2.4

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1: Some possible bugs in LAMS 2.4
04/30/12 03:15 AM
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We have been doing some testing of LAMS 2.4 on our LAMS 2.4 server. We have noticed some problems.

Bugs for LAMS 2.4 (comments from Christos Savva)

1. If the Instant messaging window is closed and I scroll to the end of the page it stays static and causes the sidebar on the left to go up. Also when I click it to close the whole page goes down but NOT the chat window.

2. The video recorder keeps loading, nothing happens. Error Message: Connection to the media server could not be established.

3. Smiley faces from LAMS 2.35 sequences do not appear in LAMS 2.4. The following urls do not work in the new version:

4. When I try to upload an image the upload popup becomes white and cannot be closed (see attached file)

5. There is a problem in the Voting tool. When I make one choice and add a comment and then I try to change my vote I cannot. I uncheck my first choice but then I can’t choose anything and I get the following error message. I need to refresh the page for the voting to work. (see attached file)

6. The audio player does not work in LAMS 2.4 when I import sequences from LAMS 2.35. When I insert the audio with the new editor it works.


Posted by Chris Alexander

2: Re: Some possible bugs in LAMS 2.4
In response to 1 05/01/12 04:34 PM
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Hi Chris,

> 1. If the Instant messaging window is closed and I scroll to the end of the page it stays static...

Would you please post a screenshot of this problem so I can confirm what you mean?

>2. The video recorder keeps loading, nothing happens. Error Message: Connection to the media server could not be established.

That might be an issue with Red5, I'll check the server shortly and get back to you.

>3. Smiley faces from LAMS 2.35 sequences do not appear in LAMS 2.4. The following urls do not work in the new version...

Ah! Bloody smilies! :-)

I think I have adjust these for your server now, so you should be able to see them now.

This is an issue due to the upgrade from the previous HTML editor we were using in LAMS 2.3.x. The new editor (CKEditor) is a complete rewrite and its directory structure has changed and therefore the links to images are also modified.

However, I'll include these in the upgrader so this previous smilies are not lost.

>4. When I try to upload an image the upload popup becomes white and cannot be closed (see attached file)

I don't seem to have that problem even when I use your server, have a look:

Perhaps you can clear your browser cache and try again?

>6. The audio player does not work in LAMS 2.4 when I import sequences from LAMS 2.35. When I insert the audio with the new editor it works.

Hmm... I think this might be a similar issue than the HTML editor. Would you be able to send me over email a sequence I can use for testing?



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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